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  1. S


    Thank you very much for your kind comments! Thank you very very much for this! I knew that the substrate was wrong, but the shop did not have any of the lime(?) sand left so it has been ordered for me and I should get it for Thursday. I have also ordered a bigger piece of wood so that he can...
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    Thought I should share pic's of my new pet Boris! :hey: He joined my family/zoo yesterday and he is a 1-year-old Bearded Dragon. There is still some growing in him, should reach upto 24 inches long. At the moment he is about 16/18 inches. Never had a reptile before, so this is a...
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    My New Pleco

    A real stunner!! beautiful colours The big lfs here have some massive plec's as well. The biggest one was a common measuring about 40-45 cm long and 10+cm wide - absolute stunner!!
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    A Few Pics Of My Tank

    Nice! I love the bog wood, very nice!
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    Plecs Out Of Water.

    The ones I had back home always done this, hoping to catch some food. I used to have some albino water frogs, and I fed them frozen mosquito larva (??? I think ???) and my plc's would come to the surface and 'head-butt' the frogs so that they could get the food instead. My big blue eyed boy...
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    Is Your Fish A Supermodel?

    Here are my neons ... my Common Plec baby.... and my male guppy... (bit of flash showing on his tail...)
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    Starlight Bristlenose Success

    Awwwwww! Congratulations :fish: I need to go and buy the lottery and then some scratch cards to I can get more tanks.... only just managed to convince my man to allow me to set up my big tank...LOL :hooray:
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    Cool Tank Ornaments

    I have an old 'classic' ornament in my tank - a Skull! Here is a close up of the skull itself. It's made out of resin/plastic (??) and weighs hardly anything!
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    My Introduction

    Hi Danny and welcome!! :D
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    Starlight Bristlenose Success

    They are wee stunners! Well done and I hope 'Daddy' has had a meal by now.. :) I so so so want more tanks so I can have loads and loads and then some more plec's! :wub:
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    Common Or Sailfin ?

    Thanks for your help! :)
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    If You Live In The Uk

    Monifieth, Scotland - East Coast of Scotland! Would be interested in more fish if anyone near by has something to move on.
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    Common Or Sailfin ?

    Here are some more pic's in the hope that my baby :wub: can be identified.... :) Thanks!
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    Welcome To Me!

    Hiya !! :D I done pretty much the opposite, I left Sweden and ended up living in Scotland! (must say that I miss the snow you get in 'Norden'!) :hi:
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    Common Or Sailfin ?

    It's just the colouring that confuses me.... just does not look common to me...???:S Will have to sit on "plec - watch" tonight and see if I can get a better pic of the wee baby with his fin up to make the identification easier. The other thing I was thinking of is that where I bought him...
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    Hiya From Scotland

    Thank you all ... and Yes it's true - I'm blonde and blue eyed, shame that I am ugly tho..ha ha ha That is a stunning plec!! :drool: Can't wait to get my bigger tank up and running so I can get some zebra's... would love to be able to breed them as they are so rare up here. Tend to just get...
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    Common Or Sailfin ?

    Thought I would ask the specialists for your opinion.... Unfortunately this is the best pic I can get of him/her at the moment.. Used to have a stunning male blue eyed plec :drool: back home in Sweden (back in 1995), and also a common plec. The baby I have now is definately not a blue eyed...
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    Photo Request

    Newbie, but trying! :D Here is my tank in the living room ( L80cm x H41cm x W30cm) No idea how many litres/gallons that is...? At the moment, not many fish.... 3 guppy's, 5 neon tetra's, 1 Calico Oranda (my first wee man, homeless so ended up in here and thriving!) and last but not least...
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    Hiya From Scotland

    Just a wee Hi from me! I'm a swedish burd living in Scotland since 1997. :* Glad I found this site as I am totally addicted to my plec's! :wub: Will get a pic of my baby plec once I get the picture loaded onto my PC... not sure if he is a common plec or a 'high fin' plec... not sure of the...