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  1. D

    what kind of fish

    What kind of catfish is this? Someone gave me 2 and don't know what they are.
  2. catfish.jpg


  3. D

    Fake Coral Safe?

    I bought a fake coral used and brought it home. Not thinking, I boiled it to make it safe for my freshwater tank. When I took it out, it smelled like a chemical. It is dry now and no longer has a smell. How do I know or how can I make sure it is safe for my tank?
  4. D

    Guppy Bullying

    And do what with them? Don't they need to be in groups over 6?
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    Guppy Bullying

    It hasn't been going on a month. I have had them a month.
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    Guppy Bullying

    I have 12 fancy male guppies in a tank alone other than bottom feeders. Had them for over a month. They are constantly chasing and nipping 2 yellow males. I have lots of plants. How can I stop this. I feel sorry for those 2. Never get any peace.
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    How to tell who is killing my guppies

    I can also pull him out of the tank for a week or two and reestablish him if that would help. Just a thought.
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    How to tell who is killing my guppies

    I can do that but since I am learning, what will that do?
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    How to tell who is killing my guppies

    From all research I did said they can live in a community tank with certain fish. It said just watch for aggression but haven't seen any. Probably gonna move the betta though. Just don't get it. He isn't anywhere near the others most of the time.
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    How to tell who is killing my guppies

    Yea I have a heater, 75 degrees
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    How to tell who is killing my guppies

    No he is at the top now, guess I should have said he hangs on the right side. I have a 30 gallon tank
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    How to tell who is killing my guppies

    The betta hangs out at the bottom of the tank and the guppies stay at the top. I watch them a lot and have never seen him be aggressive so I just don't get why he is only being aggressive when I am not here. He hangs on the right side and the guppies hang on the left so their territories...
  13. D

    How to tell who is killing my guppies

    I had 6 fancy guppies and 1 male betta. I was told they could be kept together but watch out for aggression. I have a 30 gallon tank and tons of live plants. One by one my guppies tales were being nipped and one died every day. I am down to 2. I have read that guppies can do that to each other...