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  1. S

    Member's Planted Tanks (Follow Directions To Submit A Tank)

    Tank Volume (US Gallons, Litres): 60 US gallons Dimensions (L x H x W - Inches, cm): 48"x17"x15" Filtration Type, media used: Eheim 2217 stock media Lighting Type: Tek 4x54w T5 HO 2x6500k, 2x10000k CO2: Inline DIY reactor, Bubble count matched to my Drop checker. Substrate: Soil Master...
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    Apistogramma Bittaeniata

    Ok i have done some more research since my last post. I sent dave a few emails with some questions and i also found my way over to apistogramma forums. They basically said what you did except that the two pairs should be fine for a while in my 29. I only currently have 1 tank sorry if my las...
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    New Dwarf Cichlid

    Check out they have a lot of apistogramma profiles and a lot of people in the forum you can link to that know a lot about apistos. Good luck. I just purchased two pairs of apitogramma bitaeniata myself online.
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    Apistogramma Bittaeniata

    I am getting two pairs of these apistos and wondered if anyone had any experience with these specifically. I ordered them from apistodave on aquabid he seemed to have a lot of good feedback so I thought i would take a risk, and buy some fish online. Currently i only have 1-29 gallon community...
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    Compatibility of Amano/japonica shrimp

    Well they arent a pair as far as i know i bought two of them when they where quite small and they have both grown quite a bit in these last few months if its a compatibility issue they seem to get along great they are the same type, i believe they are siblings since all the angelfish that where...
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    Compatibility of Amano/japonica shrimp

    I posted this in the beginner section and i didnt get any responses so i thought i would put this over here in the chit chat section i have a 29 gallon tank and my ph is about 8.1from tap and maybe a little lower around 8.0 in my tank. I currently have 2 rosy barbs 1 zebra danio 1 blue ram 2...
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    Compatibility of Amano/japonica shrimp

    Hi i have a 29 gallon tank and my ph is about 8.2 from tap and maybe a little lower around 8.0 in my tank. I currently have 2 rosy barbs 1 zebra danio 2 angelfish 2 small tetras 1 platy 2 frogs can i add these shrimp without significant fear of my barbs(i am guessing fully grown about 2...
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    Survey for Economics

    Wow i forgot fish when i was making this survey. Thats pretty stupid of me. THanks for taking my survey to all that have so far and any who take it soon.
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    Survey for Economics

    I have to set up a simple business plan for a small business project in my Economics class and i need to survey some would be coustomers thank you for your time. Copy this to your response and type the letters of your answer. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Will’s Pets and Pet Supplies...