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  1. T

    Green Severums

    I have 4 Severums 2 have paired off and have spawned for the 1st time but the male has 3 tiny little white marks on 1 of his fins. How can I treat him with out killing the fry? it look like it might be fin rot theres not enough to be white spot. although it might be where they were getting...
  2. T

    pictures of a smaller place

    This my second try took this with my Nokia 6600 and bluetoothed it over. I can put this on this page but not in a thread that I have started WHY? please help.
  3. Image_106_.jpg


  4. T

    Gulping for air!

    I do have plant in the tank and I have just put in a Hagen 301 power head to help with the flow. The many water changes and the other bits that I have done have definately helped they are not gulping air any more. I will keep doing 10% water changes every other day for a while longer, and I test...
  5. T

    Adding gravel

    Thanks Candy. I went to put some new plant in and found that I didn't have enough to bury the roots! So I think another 25kg is in order.
  6. T

    Adding gravel

    If I wanted to add more gravel to my tank would I have to just wash it or do you have to boil it to get rid of any nasty-ness?
  7. T

    Gulping for air!

    The temp 26.5 79.5 in old money ammonia at the moment is 0.25 Nitrite0.1mg I don't know what the PH is I don't have a test kit for it. I think I have what is known as a tired- tank syndrome. I am doing daily water changes and have added a lot more plant to the tank
  8. T

    Gulping for air!

    I recently added 4 new green severums to my 5ft x 2ft 18" tank and within minutes they were all at the top gulping madly for air I have done a 30% water change and cleaned the gravel which desperately needed doing and they are still doing it! any help would be great. I only have 8 fish 3...