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  1. S

    Mandarin fish!

    Thanks man. So i should really give it a bigger tank huh? are you sure it wont be alright in my tank? my mate has a 20gal with a mandarin fish, he had him for 7 months now and hes fine, hes only got 9 kg of LR with no sump. Either way, you know more, i will get him a bigger tank, he might have...
  2. S

    Mandarin fish!

    i got alot of algea on the sides of my tank, I got 8kg of LR in my tank, dont have a sump. I also got these little white things that dart across my tank, they are tiny, i got a heap of them, but there isnt as much now that i got a clown fish, for some reason.
  3. S

    Very large bichir

    how big is that tank!?!?!?
  4. S

    Mandarin fish!

    it was a suprise, i had no idea. My bro is getting a 6ft tank next week, it will go in there. Hes awsome! what do i feed him?
  5. S

    Mandarin fish!

    I just got a mandarin fish from my bro!!! he just got back from his holiday. He went snorkling and catch this awsome fish for me. He got 2, but 1 was infected so he let it go. Hes settling in well! for a wild fish he is very tame. Do i need to do anything special with him? how big do they get?
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    Guys did you not read what i wrote? You dont need to convice me, i need to get rid of it, i just dont know how. He already a pain!
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    I guess i just want to find that one site that says its okay. Basicly cos i cant take it back. What should i do with it? they wont let me take it back. I dont get it but my clown fish and the damsel never leave each others side. They are both very small. Thanks for your advice man! I just dont...
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    Heres abit of a different one,
  9. S

    anenome here you go. It isnt the only site that says it.
  10. S

    My not so new fish

    I would love to see pics of your tank and your other creatures inside! if possible :)
  11. S

    Rogues Gallery

    Here is me at my gf's year 12 ball! it was an awsome night.
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    every site i have looked on says their max is 3 inches in an aquarium.
  13. S


    its 15 gal. grrr that sucks! i took my Other damsel back to get this one and they said it would grow past 1-2inches. They will not let me take it back.
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    well my friend bought it for me as a pressie, i didnt even know. Should i take it out??? Water conditions are better than ever atm. Well even if i do take it out, how long would it of takn b4 things were growing off it?
  15. S


    how long will it take for a limestone rock to get live stuff on it? its fairly big. I was hoping if i put it in there live things will grow on it. Does it take a long time?
  16. S


    Well will my Clownfish go in anything another than anenomes? I got some coral, will it go in that? does it have to have an anenome?
  17. S


    Are there any anenome that is "nano" safe? I just red up on Domino damsel's and they live in them, and i also have a clown fish. It would be cool seeing them both in there. Are there any types i can get that dont need strong lights? My mate kept them for a year or 2 and said he didnt have...
  18. S

    Help don't know whats happened!

    do they add to the bio waste? Do shrimp add to bio waste?
  19. S

    Clown fish.

    I think i have an ocellaris clown its like this but more black and smaller, he is TINY!
  20. S

    Clown fish.

    Okay thanks again! Luckily i asked, i was gonna get another type. I will keep you updated to tell you if he has found my coral.
  21. S

    Clown fish.

    Thanks man. I am hoping to get another clown this week sometime. Does it matter if they are different types? P.S. My other coral is an "alagent" if they how it is spelt...
  22. S

    Help don't know whats happened!

    I counted all mine yesterday, i have 13!! do i need to get rid of them? all of which are growing very fast! What do i do? are they bad?
  23. S

    Clown fish.

    I got a little clown today that my beautiful gf suprised me with!!! (shes so awsome) I have a Torch Coral, will my clown go in that?? he just keeps swimming up and down and across the class. Will he find this coral?
  24. S

    white stuff...

    Good way to put it. Well fingers crossed I guess. Thanks for all your help! my rock isnt rotting anymore.
  25. S

    white stuff...

    I really am confused about this. You guys said everthing in my tank will die... My damsel is doing great, eating fine, so are my crabs. My ammonia is dropping abit, and so it my nitrate. My nitrate is at 20ppm now. Ammonia is still quite high. its all going good in my eyes, but i guess we will...
  26. S

    white stuff...

    I thought nano tanks were beginer tanks? Where can i take them that is safe? I am adding more of the pet shops water to mine. With high ammonia, why isnt my damsel dead? my crabs are fine and eating, and my new live rock is doing good. How long does this stage for for?
  27. S

    white stuff...

    recyling? what will happen?
  28. S

    white stuff...

    well the the dieing rock is spreading as fast now that i have added the new live rock. I guess we just have to wait and see. well i just checked my water parimeters, and it is BAD! Ammonia - 10ppm Nitrie - 5ppm Nitrate - 40ppm What in the world happend??? I checked 2 nights ago and all these...
  29. S

    white stuff...

    i wish i red that before i purchased more live rock!!!!!!!! what can i do??? is there anything?
  30. S

    white stuff...

    both wrong, i picked it off and it seems my LR is rotting! it smelt ready bad! i went to the lfs and they said it is a stage it goes through? is this true? I bought 4 more kg's of live rock tonight, i also added another filter. all is going good, my brittlestar has grown alot! he's a good...
  31. S

    white stuff...

    I resently set up a little 15gal nano tank. All is going awsome! my corals are growing already, and my fish is brighter than ever. However, on the end of my live rock there is this white stuff that is starting to spread over the rock. Its like an underwater spider web, cept this is really...
  32. S

    15Gal Nano reef

    i dont think you red it right. I bought a kg of live rock, and i added into the water, and to my suprise there was a starfish. I had no idea it would be on it.... I know it is a brittlestar now anyways.
  33. S

    Protein skimmer.

    How often will i have to clean the protein skimmer??? its got some foam in it.
  34. S

    15Gal Nano reef

    hey guys! thanks for your help. My mate bought a damsel just to see if it would live, it went through a ruf stage but now is doing great and has really nice colours! My crab is alive also. I put a nice new shell in and he jumped into it straight away! it was awsome to watch. I have quite a big...
  35. S

    15Gal Nano reef

    A couple of hours ago i set up a little saltwater tank. I have 1kg of live rock, and 2 corals (of which i got for free) The corals arnt out yet, i dont even know what they are. I will get pics. I also have a cleaner crab that i got from a mate. How long till i can put fish in? what temp do i...