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  1. C

    Mixing Lambchop Rasboras With Harliquin Rasboras

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    My Planted Tank Journal

    getting there now, and a few little additions, jake
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    Making A Tropical Reef?

    yeah my only concern is that i have soft water, also i would have to bin all the ei/co2 stuff, im looking at the forums, but just need advice. jake
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    Making A Tropical Reef?

    hey guy's as much as i love the planted look, my real facination is marine, i dont have the skill, time or money to go for a marine setup. i wondering if anybody has/or tried to mimic marine, now i know you cannot get the corals and such, but you can get ocean rock. fish can be colourful...
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    My Planted Tank Journal

    oh yeah i forgot to say i dont dry dose, i use liquid. any who's heres the new pic thus far. im going to fill out the bottom left, redo and add my ricca agan, then maybe as dave suggest, im sure i had that before and didn't far too well. jake
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    My Planted Tank Journal

    yup, im on pressurised co2, through nutrafin diffuser, i dose 30ml of kno3 as per the mix 10-20ml khp04 as per mix 15ml traces, i altenate like the guide says then do about a 25-40% water change. did some rearanging tonight, pic in the morning, looks a little bare at...
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    My Planted Tank Journal

    as i had to take alot out im thinking of changing stuff slightly, to this: leaving the centre free for the fish. the swords????? on the right have really grown, how do i trim them?? also i would like to add maybe a feature flowering plant or a redish plant any ideas??? jake
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    My Planted Tank Journal

    got back from a two week hol, my sis has been looking after the dosing and what not, came back too a jungle. poor little fish. my gorami has developed a little bit of fin rot, and i can only see one of the loaches but i had been pruning and what not, tbh i could do with some slower growers in...
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    Python No Spill

    i just use a long bit of hose pipe, one end in the tank, one out the back door, give it a quick suck to start the syphon, costs about a fiver. then i use bucket's to fill back up, as i dont like adding dechlorinator to the tank. jake
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    Ei Gone Drastically Wrong

    cheers guy's the tank is only a month old, so i will wait a little and then i will add some slower growers. i want nice plants, lol jake
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    Ei Gone Drastically Wrong

    ae= im flattered that you would say enter it, thank you very much just made my day lol jake
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    Will Different Tetras Shoal Together?

    don't know about all tetra's but my neons and cardianls all shoal and play together, jake
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    Ei Gone Drastically Wrong

    my lighting is 140 wtt, about 2.9 wpg so quite high, with a mix of plant bulbs and daylight and marine white tubes heres the link to my journel jake
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    Ei Gone Drastically Wrong

    maybe its a few more weeks then lol. i figured it out now, the 1/2tsp is dry dosing the stuff so 30ml of the mixed solution must be equvilant to 1/2 dry in concerntration jake
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    Ei Gone Drastically Wrong

    hey guys, i got to thinking today as i was dosing the tank, my 50 gal planted. co2 is 30ppm this is what i do 30ml solution or 1/2 tsp KNO3 3x a week 15ml solution or 1/8 tsp KH2PO4 3x a week 15ml or 1/8 tsp traces 3x a week as my p04 is always around 5ppm. i dose with a syring, my...
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    What Gouramis For A 55gal Planted?

    i have an orange platty and a gourami, they stick together like glue, quite cute really ha ha they are there own little gang.
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    My Planted Tank Journal

    or electric sheers lol
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    Pearling Plants.

    a couple from last night jake
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    My Planted Tank Journal

    here are some more pics, the good thing about ei dosing is when you get it right the tank looks amazing, last night the tank was litterally full of bubbles and the other thing is that plants grow like wild fire, i've never seen anything like it these pics were taken on the friday 6th and...
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    Very Low Ph

    is your co2 up to 30ppm yet or over? if over it mya drop the ph by 0.1-0.2 my ph is always around 6.4 and the fish and plants are fine. infact they grow like mad. have you tested the kh? as you can use chucks calculator to decide you parts per million of co2 if you dont have a test kit for...
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    My Planted Tank Journal

    yeah, plants are doing really good, i had to throw a few out when i moved them out. they grow so quick when you ei dose lol im glad the bloom has gone, dont know what started it or what made it go away lol jake
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    My Planted Tank Journal

    here are the updated pics, tank is now taking a shape i like jake
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    New To Planted

    hi matey, my tank has been goin about 3 weeks now, and i was new to heavy planting too. first off if your starting fresh ie no tank to take media from a filter your going to have to cycle the tank. plenty of stuff on that. right from the start. substrate, i used tetraplant substrate, this is...
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    My Planted Tank Journal

    i use walker aquatics in bacup/rotenstall. its a very nice famliy run business, they also give good advice. in a little update, the bloom has now gone :- and i decided to rescape the jungle lol i removed some of the plants i didn't like mainly water sprite and added more of the ones i did...
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    My Planted Tank Journal

    thanks, it was beautiful till the bloom :( im keeping up the water changes and less feeding hope everything goes ok, i had an angel fish die last night/this morning, im not sure my water is hard enough its approx 2.8-3.0 would it be wise to up the kh with baking soda??? jake
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    Think I Got Myself An Alge Bloom

    just so you know, the filters i have are: penn-plax 1000- For Aquariums up to 100 Gallons-Pumps 265 gph and a fluval 2+ internal is this enough filtration, im thinking that i mite need to add more media for the bloom to attach to, is this correct jake
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    Think I Got Myself An Alge Bloom

    'they' are just the views of people on the board through topics i've read. my water is very soft its about 2.8dkh the trace is from aqua essentials, and the mixing is good to know as i only dose the kno3 and trace at the due to the high phosphate levels. time is the annoying thing, shall...
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    Think I Got Myself An Alge Bloom

    well i've been reading and getting some conflicting advice really. they say it can be because of high nitrate but your meant to does high for the ei-do i stop? then they say it could be food and to try not to feed for a few days to starve the bacteria but im only feeding a tiny ammount once a...
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    Think I Got Myself An Alge Bloom

    i just read that excess nutrients will benefit the bloom, i just did a small water change, would it be best to lay off the ei dosing for a small while till it clears. it seems that on friday when i od the kno3/trace i may of induced the bloom, now its getting rid of the bloody thing. like i...
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    Think I Got Myself An Alge Bloom

    not sure the co2 has been alot higher than that and had no effect, i just checked nitrates and there at 20ppm today and 5ppm phosphate. so not sure
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    Think I Got Myself An Alge Bloom

    hey guy's wondering if you can help, my tank is in iths 3rd week, it is a secondry tank setup from mature filters. its a 50gal, 199 litre planted tank. with co2 and ei dosing. stats are: ph-6.4 kh-50ppm ammonia-0 nitrite-0 nitrate-10ppm phosphate-5ppm(can't seem to get down regardless of the...
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    My Planted Tank Journal

    no it just came with the reagent bottle, but no real guides lol all that came with it was a chart of ph with different colours so i was in two minds to make up the 4dk solution like tom barr, then i know for deffo what is going on, but like i say my main concern is the cloudyness, would a uv...
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    My Planted Tank Journal

    well been having a good read and the cloudy ness can be from a few things really. 1, dosing traces and kno3 in the same day. 2, using to much dechlorinator when doing the water change. 3, bacterial bloom personally i think i may of added too much dechlorinator. i know its not od food as i feed...
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    My Planted Tank Journal

    thank you, i dont know wether to use the solution that came with it or make the 4dk one, my tank is only a low ph kh aswell mine hasn't risen over the 6.4ph. my main concern is the cloudyness- just hope it goes jake
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    My Planted Tank Journal

    just arrived now how do i use it lol
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    My Planted Tank Journal

    week three now week2 week1 on friday i tested my tank everything was fine bar the phosphate and the nitrate so i added more nitrate to get the correct ppm but being foolish i also added 10ml of trace, which i later found out makes the water cloudy. so i did an early 50% water change and...
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    Pearling Plants.

    when do your plants start to pearl as , of late mine aren't pearling as much which is wierd because when they were pearling like crazy the phosphate was about 20ppm lol now the phosphate is around 5ppm the pearling is alot less, im still dosing the kno3 only and im about 10ppm of nitrate-bloody...
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    Pearling Plants.

    some of mine, tank has been up 2weeks nearly, ei and co2 sorry, the pics are camera phone, really need a good camera. jake
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    My Planted Tank Journal

    all the fish have been together for around 6 months in there previous tank, and they seem ok, we did have tiger barbs but they were nippy so went back jake
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    My Planted Tank Journal

    finally, here are some more pics of the tank, loaches random siamese more random plec amano shrimp hunting for food and eating it jake