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  1. G

    Co2 System

    Anyone tell me which is the best regulator make for a co2 system? I like some combo's I've seen but dunno which brand is the best! I heard buying the parts seperate can work out cheaper than buying a fully automated system straight off
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    Bosemani Lack Coloration

    my LFS gave me two males so if they have little fights it brings out their colour. I didn't know he done it till he told me today 8)
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    New Filter

    i put the airpumps back in over night! i'll see how they do in the morning :good:
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    New Filter

    I got a new filter today, the eheim classic 2215 for my 55 gallon tank. It's been running for a couple of hours and I have noticed some of my mollys at the top of the aquarium gasping for air. The gourami's also seem to be taking more air at the top than usual. I am using co2 so I dont want...
  5. G


    lovely tank mate :good: can i ask what co2 system you're using? which ferts do you use? how often for a water change? I see the diffuser so it got me wondering! One last thing is what is that branch tree thing you have? it looks brilliant! good job!
  6. G

    Betta basics and care

    I put me Betta in a 25 gallon tank. There he shares the tank with two nano's, one german blue ram and a bolivian ram. They all get on really well with each other. The Betta swims from one end to the other and loves it. He likes watching the side of the tank when I'm watching tv. He always has...
  7. G

    Then And Now (up Dated Pics)

    wow that looks fantastic! How much time has passed between the first photo and the now photo? Also, what substrate do you use? Are you using Co2 or carbon? Have you used any other ferts other than the tmg? What is the carpet on the bottom cause that is what i am trying to get! :good: :good:
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    Evolution Of Our 55 Gallon Tank

    In the long run I would like to have a proper automated c02 system, a tank that is fully planted (like a jungle) a better cave for the clown loaches instead of that fake ugly one, and stronger lights instead of the 2.3 wpg we are running. And of course the 90 gallon tank my brother is holding...
  9. G


    my black molly had the shimmies too. I was told that there was nothing I could do for her since I have clown loaches in my tank and cant add marine salt to make the water brackish. :( I raised the water temp to 82 and added aquarium salt. The next day she was eating again and it's been a week...
  10. G

    Evolution Of Our 55 Gallon Tank

    So a few months ago I inherited a tank... A few weeks later we began to strip the tank And this is where we are now with some work to go! Hopefully some of the plants will start to grow since we have added new lights and co2. Advice and comments on improvements more than welcome!!!
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    Bosemani Rainbow

    Does anybody know the difference between a male and female? I looked online but couldn't find it :-(
  12. G

    Sick Gourami

    nutrafin algae flakes, algae wafer, shrimp pellets, frozen brine shrimp . flakes one time of the day, and the meats at later time! I just purchased some flake food with 7 types of veg in it which contains peas! maybe the diet i was feeding them before was a bit crap?
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    Sick Gourami

    he seems better now which is strange, would the bacteria infection still remain in his system or can they fight it without meds? thanks for the reply also!
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    Sick Gourami

    He's eating off the gravel now and playing with the mollies. I turned the tank up to 84 yesterday and added more aqaurium salt. seems to have kicked him into life somehow
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    Sick Gourami

    I read your post and the only live food I have is brine shrimp and he ate some! he never touched any before. So i think that's a good sign He doesn't looked bloated at all. His fins are all ok by the looks of things. He comes up for air every 10-20 minutes, but he's been doing that since we got...
  16. G

    Sick Gourami

    Hello all :good: I got a golden gourami who's been poorly for about 7 days. He used to swim everywhere round the tank but then started to stop. He's not even bothered to touch any food for about 4-5 days now. His poo is very very very long stringy and white. 55 gallon amonia 0 nitrite 0...
  17. G

    Quick Question

    I just got a hospital tank and it's 25 gallons. It came with 20 watt bulb. I just wondered if 0.8 WPG is good enough to grow any plants. If so which plant is worth getting for that low light? Cheers :good:
  18. G

    Which Is Best In The Long Run Plastic Or Real Plants?

    I used to use fake plants and they were ok! Getting real plants can be expensive, but look beautiful in the long run. me and the misses didn't read up about plants before hand so it was a shock when we were doing it all wrong. WPG CO2 Fertilizer Pruning Phosphate/gh/kh checks I still don't...
  19. G


    I just had a weird question to ask. I hear some people use seachem flourish excel instead of proper co2. Do I still need to check co2 levels even if I'm only using excel?
  20. G


    Cheers Sam, I'm going down the LFS tomorrow so I'll keep my eyes open for the product! My girlfriend got told that having airstones takes out the co2. Is this true? Should I be aerating at all?
  21. G


    i'm just using some flourish excel. is that ok?
  22. G


    I heard people mention fertilizer should be used for plants. I've finally got new lights which do 2.3 WPG and using some carbon liquid stuff for co2! I have no clue on fertilizers. Is it all squirty stuff? any brand I should look for in paticular?
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    thanks torrean! I never thought of at that, i'll keept the water changes regular. I'm going to test my tap water Ph now too
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    Hello :good: My PH has dropped over the past 3 weeks from 7.8 to 6.6. I'm thinking maybe the plants had something to do it. Is there anyway I can higher it without chemicals? I want it about 7ish if I could
  25. G

    Lighting Question

    Thanks Zig :good: :good: If I turn two of the bulbs off I could get 130 watts which I think is 2.3 WPG I looked on the pin threads and see fertiliser mentioned but I can't find what or how to use it. Am I going blind?
  26. G

    Lighting Question

    I own a 55 gallon tank and currently have two 18" 15 Watt bulbs. I heard this wasn't enough so I did some looking around and these lights were recommended to me.;pcid2= & I wondered if the WPG...
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    High Ph Level

    my ph was high in the beginning too but since I have added live plants it has decreased. (from 8 to 7.4)
  28. G


    I still haven't got a co2 thing for my tank. The man about the LFS recommended Seachem Flourish Excel (Organic carbon for the planted aquarium) Is this alternative good enough? Thanks
  29. G


    Hello all, two weeks ago I bought some color intensifier lights, the lady at the LFS said this would help promote plant growth and bring out the colour of the fish (turns out she gave us wrong info) Our plants were looking a bit brown and dying. Anyway, we got some new bulbs yesterday...
  30. G

    Instant Cycle

    I'm getting a hosptial tank on Monday, and really want to move a fish who's being bullied. I've kept gravel in bin bags for about a 9 days - if I put it in the new tank will the good bacteria have gone? Also, if I use a filter (spounge) from my 55 gallon (established tank) Will any of them...
  31. G


    thanks neal! i'm hoping to get a 90 gallon tank by the end of the summer, so that'll hold them for a few more years. when they get massive god knows what i'll do , might have to give them to the zoo if they get too massive :unsure:
  32. G

    Tired Molly

    i added two females to mine to make it 3 female and one male! i already had one gold sailfin (male) and black sailfin female some reason the black female got aggressive and picked on the new female, and started to pick on her old male friend. He's laying at the bottom on his back now :angry...
  33. G


    my blacksailfin molly is now pecking at the side belly of the male sailfin (they've been friends for a few months) i think i have created a monster :huh:
  34. G


    Hello all, for the first time I've seen one of my fish get aggresive. I'm not sure if it's because I'm overstocked. I'm tempted to take my 2 new sailfin mollies back because it's turned a gold gourami and black sailfin molly evil! (they weren't previously) My black sailfin (female) now pecks...
  35. G


    Hello all :good: I got a 55 gallon tank which has 7 plants, 3 rocks, 1 cave and two lots of wood (not sure which) . I bought two female sailfin molies the other day because I only had one male and female sailfin. My old black female sailfin molly is chasing around the new white female...
  36. G

    Anyone Know What This Is?

    I have two of these, cool fish. I like their sudden speed bursts! I think frozen peas then take of the shell, and mush up the inside and feed it to them (someone may need to confirm for me) as it maybe bloat
  37. G

    Sailfin Molly

    Hello all! Yesterday I bought two fish which I thought were sailfin mollies. One definitely is (dalmation) and the other I'm not so sure Do they have such a thing as pearl sailfin mollies? It was amongst them and the same price. It's pretty small at the moment so I'm not sure :/
  38. G


    If a person takes out a fish to decapitate them, aren't they suffocating waiting for it to happen? Some local fish stores will cut the head off for you, I had it done here. I've heard of loads of methods decapitate flush down the bog throw them in boiling water throw them in freezing water...
  39. G

    Clown Loaches?

    For the first two weeks I didnt see my clownloaches at all. I wasnt even sure if they were alive! But now they are out and play all the time. If you can get some buddies for your clown I am sure you will see him more! Good luck :D
  40. G

    Where Do I Put The Filter?

    I got two filters and two heaters, on each side, right next to each other. Mines been ok, but not sure if people will tell you otherwise! My heater and thermometer never match up either. mines about 3 degrees out