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    Some New Mates For My Female Betta

    Just got in from the Isle of Skye I'm not very big and I'm awfully shy The ladies shout as I go by Donald where's your troosers? Chorus: Let the winds blow high, Let the winds blow low, Down the street in my kilt I go And all the ladies say hello Donald where's your troosers? A lady...
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    Stocking Density In 29l (uk) Tank

    Any ideas anyone?
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    Stocking Density In 29l (uk) Tank

    Hi, I have a 29l (thats UK litres) tank which currently has 4 black neons, 6 neon tetras and 3 amano shrimp. All seem full of health. Can I safely add a few more or do you think Im getting near my limit? Reckon I have approx 15inches of fish.
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    Colombian Shrimp?

    what??? this one eats crap, not algae discs. Please learn to spell
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    Feeding Suggestions

    try potatoes
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    Colombian Shrimp?

    Hi, My local pet shop has just sold me a Colombian #### Eating Shrimp. Can anyone else give me some tips on keeping them?
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    Neons And Water Turbulence

    Hi, Just had a few Neons die and am treating for white spot. Have raised the temp and have increased turbulence with my filter to increase oxygen. My question is:- whilst I have made efforts to diffuse the water, the current does still seem a little strong for them. It is only a 29l tank. What...
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    Help! Neon Tetra Emergency

    thanks - will do.
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    Help! Neon Tetra Emergency

    what is the temp of your tank? Slowly raise the tank temp buy a few degrees this will help to kill off the white spot whilst your getting some chemicals from the lfs for it Daniel Hi - its 25. Shall I raise it to 26/27? Thanks
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    Help! Neon Tetra Emergency

    Hi, I have had one die and another is on its way out. To put it in context... I have a small 29l aquarium which I set up and had been cycling for 2 weeks before introducing 4 neons. All were fine after a week so I added 2 more neons, 4 black neons and an amano shrimp. 5 days later I...
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    Amano Shrimp

    Hi, My local pet store is stocking Amano Shrimp. I wanted to get a couple for interest value and also to help clean up debris. Do I need to cater for them any differently - i.e. do they need any kind of rock or cave coverage for hiding / sleeping? :wub:
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    Rocks In The Aquarium

    Hi, I have a new aquarium (29 UK litres) and have 4 neon tetras so far. I have a range of plants and want to add a rock or piece of wood for decoration and to provide some cover for the fish. Living near the sea, I have access to a range of interesting rocks and pieces of driftwood. What I...
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    White Spots On Neons

    Hi, I have recently introduced 4 neons into my 28GL tank. They now seem to have white spots on them (very small ones). Any idea what this is? Also, any idea what there (or tetras in generals) ideal temp is?
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    Plants - Help!

    Hi - new to this! Bought small tank (28L) and a couple plants that are in black cylindrical holders. Stupid question but do I take them straight out of the holders and plant them in the gravel? If so then I dont reckon it is deep enough. Thanks
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    Tetratec In400plus Filter - Any Good?

    Hi, Recently bought first tropical set up - small 28 L tank and bought a Tetratec IN400 plus internal power filter. It seems pretty good and has a number of settings for controlling water power flow. Considering the size of tank and the fact Im only looking at getting small fish (tetras...
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    Leaking Tank

    Hi - I have just been given a small 18 x 10 x 10 tank that has a small leak in one corner - the glass is chipped. It is a tiny leak - is it worth repairing with sealant or is this a bit hit and miss?
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    Advice For Beginner Please!

    Hi, Just acquired a small (18x10x10 inch) tank and need some advice on a good filter / heater or system for keeping low maintenance / risk fish! Also, some advice on what fish might be hardiest and also compatible for a beginner. Thanks