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  1. M


    the shop i got mine form had them in both sections not sure if thts any help
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    Stocking Question

    community fish i think, i had guppies platties and soard tails in my old tank so not looking to have thoses and with angels i dont think guppies get on to well from what ive been told
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    Stocking Question

    ok ive always had small tanks, but when my grandad past bck in march he left me some money so i treated my self to a large tank 240L but ive no idea really what to put in it. My sig has the fish tht are in it at the moment, but im so scared id go over the top and over stock it, every tht is in...
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    Good Fake Plants

    anyone know of a good site to get fake plants on im looking to get some large ones to mix in with my real ones and i dont want them standing out to much thanks
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    Clean up crew have arrived, 2 apple snail and 4 shrimp, if all works well i will add more shrimp they are kinda cute lol, just hope my plants surive, if not might look for some nice fake ones if anyone know of any good sites to get them from let me know Tahnks all for your help
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    im thinking of getting some snails for my tank just wondered which ones where best, i would love them to eat alge but not my plants,i have a 240L tank so there plenty of space, never looked into snails b4 only had the ones tht can travel on the live plants
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    Tank Lights

    just wondering how long you have your tank lights on for, im having a slight algea problem my lights are on from 9.30 am - 8.30 im thinking tht might be too long. So was just wondering what everyone else did
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    Wanted - Shrimp

    hey all im looking for some shrimp to help with my aglae problem, dont really want to get them by post cause of the weather so if anyone is near stevenage tht would be great Thanks
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    Are My Kribs Breeding

    im really really excited just wonder if this is the start of my babies breeding, the are sticking together like glue, going in and out fo this flower pot and chasing every fish away. Ive got my fingers crossed its sucha small hole in the pot i cant see inside it so all i can do is wait and...
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    Need Fish Sexing

    Thanks for the help, I have managed to get a closer pic of 3 of them the fourth wont come out of the bush, What do u think my chance of her breeding with one of the 3 males thanks again
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    Need Fish Sexing

    hi all i ahve 4 kribs that i would like to breed, but i think i have all the same sex as to me they all look the same was wondering if any experts out there could sex them for me there in a 240 litre tank and they all have there own places in tht tank and there all getting on really well...
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    New Tank

    ive been away from fish keeping for a while but have come into some money so am going to start again, im getting a Fluval roma 200 which i want to plant up no doubt will put guppys plattys etc in it so i want to heavly plant it but would like some quick growing hardy so my question is what are...
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    Fish Id Needed

    ok a couple more picks just to comfirm this one is a rosy barb? with long fins and this one is arulius barb this pick it has a red tail clearly showing thanks everyone
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    Fish Id Needed

    the seam to be the same as these they are just getting reddish and yellowish colours in there tails
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    Fish Id Needed

    hi can someone tell me what type of barbs these are please thanks ive got 7 of the striped ones and 2 of the orange ones a friend of mine was going to flush them so i said id have them
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    My Rescused Angelfish

    i rescued some angel fish today from a mate of a mate, they all have fin damaged but look pretty healthy. Ive put them in with my 3 atum (i think thats what they are) they seam to be getting on fine. I know 1 of them is a koi but can anyone tell me what the others are and if possible what sex. I...
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    Can U Settle This Argument

    well my husband has resprayed my car for my birthday now he has said it has come out pink and i want it purple which i think it is, so i was just wondering what you thought. this is before he started during (to prove he did it) finished (just needs a bit of cleaning)
  18. M


    love to see some pics please
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    Any Pedigree Cat Or Dog Owners Out There?

    This is sam our English springer Spaniel. He will be 2 in june. As you can see he loves the camera and is just like another child.
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    A Very Rare Pic

    he doesn't have a name any ideas anyone?
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    A Very Rare Pic

    I thought i take a pic of my bristle nose plec without turning the light on either in the tank or my sitting room, so after falling over the dog and a few toys i managed to get a pic of my male which i never see and i cant believe how big he is, is thiss a normal size sorry for the bad pic...
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    Plec On Its Back

    hes move when i tap the glass and then once ive walked away he goes right back to doing it again, im wondering if it somthing hes doing to get the females attention, some girls like stupid males dont they lol
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    Plec On Its Back

    not sure if this an emergency or not my male plec ust to hang around on the back wall and didnt do much, but then over easter he went in to the butterfly cichlids cave where she lives and turfed her out he now lays on his back hangging out of the caves entrence, hes breathing normally and eating...
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    so it would be ok for my bristle nose
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    Bristle Nose

    do female bristlenose plecs get bristles? if not then i think ive solved my breeding prob! there possible both male
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    quick question how long do you have to soak bog wood for so it doesnt turn the water yellow/brown, ive been soaking it for about a week at the moment. Someone mentioned you can boil it ???
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    Calling Plec Experts

    hi im in herts but i dont have room, have you tried to see if maidenhead aquatics will take him the took some puffers from me and gave me store credit for them. They are very good. or you could try the one in henlow cant think of the name at the mo sorry. they take unwanted fish hi im in herts...
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    Calling Plec Experts

    hi im in herts but i dont have room, have you tried to see if maidenhead aquatics will take him the took some puffers from me and gave me store credit for them. They are very good. or you could try the one in henlow cant think of the name at the mo sorry. they take unwanted fish
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    Bristle Nose

    i really want to get my plecs to breed i have a male and a female in the same tank i have loads of hiding spaces is there anything more i can do the male spend most of his time on the back of the tank and the female sits in her cave.
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    Angel Fish

    ihad no intention of addin anything to the second one as im running 2 filters on that already
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    Angel Fish

    what would u suggest?
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    Angel Fish

    ok well i lost my shark last night so to cheer me up and because its mothers day 2moss my hubby wants to take me to get some new fish, i am also selling the rest of my guppies today so i will have none of thoses anymore, my question is how many angel fish and would they be ok with the rest of...
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    My Rainbow Shark Is Dying

    hi thanks for all you lovley comments but im afriad to say he passed away last night he is now in my mother in laws garden (cant go in mine as we have a springer and he dig him up in a day). i checked him over and i couldnt see any sign of illness just his time i think
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    My Rainbow Shark Is Dying

    thats what i though he was to start with but all of his fins are red
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    My Rainbow Shark Is Dying

    this is him in his better days alouth i must say he is on the move and swimming again
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    My Rainbow Shark Is Dying

    hes been in 3 different tanks with 3 different members of the family
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    My Rainbow Shark Is Dying

    no hes breathing normaly, but i dont think hes going to make the night as he is now at the top of the tank just floating
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    My Rainbow Shark Is Dying

    i think my rainbow shark is dying, he is about 10yrs + so i know hes old. He has no sign of any illness he is just looking very sorry for his self. His tail is hanging low. alough he is swimming fine. he eats if the food is droped in front of him. but he is either laying on the floor on his side...
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    Plec Pics

    i never really liked plec b4 but since i got my bristlenose i think they are so cute. i managed to get som pics of one of my young plec that i got when they were the size of a thumb nail. It get really big now and im sure its going to be a male. I also got a quick pic of my adult female. Can any...