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  1. M

    Resun Air Pump Too Noisy, I Need Silence

    there was a rubber foot missing snd air was leaking thru the hole, i sealed it off and i have suspended the pump using a rubber band and its turned out pretty quiet after all :good:
  2. M

    Recommend Me Some Food Please

    so how many fish should i cut back to 3 fish were lost in the transportation from previous keeper to here. also the frontosa is small, should i consider removing the bottom feeders to allow room for the fish ?
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    Trapped Air In Fluval External Filter Making A Noise

    i have switched it off its driving me totally nuts, it does have the self primer, is there a method to filling and installing this filter so its quiet ?
  4. M

    Trapped Air In Fluval External Filter Making A Noise

    i have a fluval 304 thats making a lot of noise and it sounds like the air trapped inside, i keep shaking it to try and remove the trapped air but its still rattling like mad, i would have though fluval would have sorted this problem by now as i used to have this issue with the older external...
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    Resun Air Pump Too Noisy, I Need Silence

    i just bought a full malaiw set up complete with fish, the air pump is a 'resun' double outlet thing, its so noisy, if i want something really quiet for my tank do i need to buy an expensive air pump or is there a way of making this thing quiet ie in some sort of enclosure, i have a cupboard...
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    Recommend Me Some Food Please

    cheers i just tried some peas, defrosted them in warm water but i have a load of skins lying at the bottom of the tank, any way to avoid the skins being left over ?
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    Recommend Me Some Food Please

    4ft Juwel vision 260 litre ok many thanks i need to research my different fish, im not sure which ones are which so i may post pictures and get the help of the forum so i can identify my fish better. do the fish eat the peas and lettuce and cucumber well, is frozen peas ok defrosted of course...
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    Recommend Me Some Food Please

    im looking for suggestions for the best foods to get, it has been many years since i last kept malawi's. so i just bought a full set up inc fish and wondering whats the best foods here is a list of the fish i have. 9 yellow labs 4 red zebras 2 golden head cichlids 4 auratus 3 peacocks 1 olive 2...
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    Recommend Me Testing Kits For Ph And Nitrates

    ok thanks people, i seen a 5 in 1 strip kit but i never bought it thankfully, ill buy kits with the liquid drops based kit.
  10. M

    Recommend Me Testing Kits For Ph And Nitrates

    i just bought a full tank set up complete with malawi fish, i have kept them before and as the water is soft where i live i used to keep checks on the ph and nitrates, so i want to buy a ph and nitrate test kit and was wondering if there is any particular kits are recommended and some maybe to...
  11. M

    Advice Needed, Going To Travel 170 Mile To Collect Fish And Tank Set U

    i thought it was always best to keep as much old water as possiblke so the water in not too much of a shock for the fish, im in scotland so water is softer here and when i kept malawis before i always had to add bicarb/soda with each water change. I will buy declorintor and add this to the tank...
  12. M

    Advice Needed, Going To Travel 170 Mile To Collect Fish And Tank Set U

    thanks for the replies, sorry for the delay in replying this is my night shift week and i have not had the chance to reply sooner. i read the replies and i have learned some things i never thought to consider such as keeping the gravel and filter in the tank water, also i thought the fish would...
  13. M

    Advice Needed, Going To Travel 170 Mile To Collect Fish And Tank Set U

    hi my first post here and im sure it wont be my last. i have just agreed to buy a jewel vision 260 (4ft) beech tank and cabinet, i am also getting about 40 malawi's plus lots of limestone, 2 external filter and basically the full set up as this chap is giving up fish keeping. im getting...