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  1. F

    New Tank Plants and Algae

    I just thought I'd bump this since I didn't get any replies. Just to simplify, I have the tank set up and I have three plants in it. They all seem to be showing signs of growth, although some more than others. However, I'm getting concerned about the algae that's growing in the tank. There...
  2. F

    New Tank Plants and Algae

    I have my 30 gallon tank up and running now for a little over a week. I plan to have a fair amount of plants in it but I only have a few in it now. As such, I put a layer of Laterite at the bottom of the tank when I first set it up and I did put three plants in it - an anubius, an Amazon...
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    Newbie Tank

    The gravel is smooth so I'll still keep corys on my short list! B) All the money I found went to buying an aquarium, except for a little grocery money. Sorry, it's all gone! :fun: Merry Christmas to all, and to all, a good night!
  4. F

    Newbie Tank

    Just to give everyone an update, I went out shopping yesterday for a tank. Since this tank is something of a family present, my wife at least wanted to have it in the house for Christmas. This actually was easier said than done. I suppose I'm not the only one buying an aquarium for Christmas...
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    Newbie Tank

    It's not that I prefer one over the other. I just want to use what is best for my planned tank. I really have no preference.
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    Newbie Tank

    gwlee7: very good advice that doesn't only apply to fishkeeping. One of the great things about a site like this is that you can throw out ideas to help plan. Good point about substrate. I'm thinking a fairly small, dark, naturally colored gravel will be fine. What do you think? If the LFS...
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    Newbie Tank

    Thanks for all the information, both in this thread and in other threads on the forums. After doing some more research, I think I am going to have a tank that is centered around a pair of smaller New World cichlids. As such, I would like to keep all of the fish and plants native to South...
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    46 gallon new setup

    Someone else here told me that basically all cichlids, including Africans, will dig up plants, with the possible exception of the dwarf cichlids. I originally wanted to have Africans.
  9. F

    46 gallon new setup

    Thanks Vip. Actually, I'm looking for less aggressive fish. My post was in response to freddyk's response to me. I guess I should have quoted him. I would enjoy a tank with the fish you mentioned but I'm interested in trying to grow some plants so I think that would be a bit of a challenge.
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    46 gallon new setup

    It seems like everyone talks about cichlids in terms of pairs. I guess it's better to buy them in pairs. So a pair of Kribs and a pair of Rams would be good for a 40 gallon? What about Keyholes? I like that they're a bit larger in size. Would a pair of Kribs and a pair of Keyholes be too...
  11. F

    46 gallon new setup

    I'm in a similar situation. I'm going to be setting up a new tank, approximately 40 gallons (well, I don't know exactly because I haven't bought it yet, but too much bigger won't fit in the space I have), and I would like to have live plants and cichlids. So the ones you mentioned, Kribs...
  12. F

    Greetings Aquatic Ones

    Thank you all for the kind welcome. I look forward to wasting, er, um, I mean, spending many hours reading and contributing to these forums.
  13. F

    Newbie Tank

    Wow sylvia! :cool: Thanks for your detailed response, but of course with anything worthwhile, the more you learn the more questions you have. OK, so it seems like I'm good with a 40 gal. That's taken care of. I really am intrigued by aquatic plants and would prefer to have them in the tank...
  14. F

    Newbie Tank

    I'm looking to buy an aquarium setup for my family as a Christmas present. I have read many of the posts in the forum and have found some good information. I think there are a couple of good LFSs in my area and I will talk to the people there to try and get a feel for which are more...
  15. F

    Greetings Aquatic Ones

    Hello everybody. I just registered for the site after reading it for a couple of days. It seems like there is a lot of good information here and some very knowledgable people. I'm looking to set up a new tank so I'll be posting some questions in the appropriate forums. I consider myself a...