Search results

  1. Dazzlearoobob

    Gourami Changing

    Thanks a million. I'm not so worried now. Appreciate it. D Do you know how to tell the difference between a male and female gourami btw?
  2. Dazzlearoobob

    Lost Them All.

    Agree with the comment above. Google " retrievr deletedfiles"and I'm sure you'll come acroos some software to help. D
  3. Dazzlearoobob

    My First "proper" Tank

    Looks good. Well done. D
  4. Dazzlearoobob

    Gender Of Gourami

    Is there an easy way to tell the difference between the sexes of gourami? Darren
  5. Dazzlearoobob

    Gourami Compatibility With Other Species

    I have neon tetras and cory in with my gourami and they seem to get along fine. good luck with the fish shopping. D
  6. Dazzlearoobob

    Gourami Changing Colour

    I noticed yesterday evening when I returned home from work that my airstone had come disconnected. Not sure how long it had been like this but my 2 gourami have changed colour and I'm not sure if this is related. They are golden gourami and their appearance has darkened somewhat. Are these two...
  7. Dazzlearoobob

    What Is This?

    I don't really get that people become so annoyed when someone else leaves caps on for a reply. Who gives a S***? What's the big deal? They are not actually shouting at you...........Get a life.
  8. Dazzlearoobob

    Gourami Changing

    I noticed yesterday evening when I returned home from work that my airstone had come disconnected. Not sure how long it had been like this but my 2 gourami have changed colour and I'm not sure if this is related. They are golden gourami and their appearance has darkened somewhat. Are these two...
  9. Dazzlearoobob

    Tank Cleaning Tips

    Kinda want to get into the gravel and clean out all the s***, literally. It's a 64L tank with 2 gold gourami, 9 neon tetras and 3 cory. Thanks, D
  10. Dazzlearoobob

    Tank Cleaning Tips

    Can anyone give me tips on cleaning out my tank. I do not want to change more than 50% of the water but want to do a deep clean without disturbing the fish too much. Thanks in advance, Darren
  11. Dazzlearoobob

    How To Introduce New Wood Into The Tank

    Don't think this should alter the PH.Hope not cos we've just put some wood in our
  12. Dazzlearoobob

    Another - Yes Another New Tank! *edited New Pics*

    Looks real nice. I like.
  13. Dazzlearoobob

    Another New Tank

    I'm considering buying a new one too. Have a 64L and it's up to capacity. I'm new at this whole fish business so think I will go for a big one so I can put more into it.
  14. Dazzlearoobob

    Sources Of Ammonia

    Boots and Homebase
  15. Dazzlearoobob

    Shop Just Been Reported 2 The Sspca

    Well done. More of us should be doing this to ensure these beautiful creatures are not being neglected. Bravo, Darren
  16. Dazzlearoobob

    Snail Infestation In 10 Gallon Tank

    I too am having serious issues with snails in my tank and it seems to be getting worse. I was given a tip to put some lettuce in the tank and under feed for a while so am gonna do that. Apparently the snails will go for the lettuce and you'll have alot of them on it if you leave it overnight...
  17. Dazzlearoobob

    Ultimate Fish

    My favourite fish is the bubble-eye goldfish. I could watch these little guys for hours and just laugh at them. They look so funny. Like little nerds with big massive glasses on their eyes. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  18. Dazzlearoobob

    Help With Snails

    I seem to have a snail infestation in my tank. What is the best way to get rid of them? I know I can get some liquid which will knock them out but I don't want to have to go searching for them to remove them. I have a 64L tank which contains: 2 honey gourami, 10 neon tetras and 3 corys. Is there...
  19. Dazzlearoobob

    Our 125gal Tank

    Your tank looks absolutely amazing. I'm so jealous. Makes me wanna go out and buy a new one....................... :rolleyes:
  20. Dazzlearoobob


    At the moment I have a 64 litre tank and all I have in it is: 10 neon tetras 2 Golden Gourami 3 cory Any suggestions as to what else I should put in with them? I'd like to add some colour and movement to the tank but would also like hardy and resilient fish. Thanks guys, Darren rolleyes...
  21. Dazzlearoobob


    Heated by a 50 watt heater filtered by a bioflow 280 pump set They're golden gourami btw. Thanks for your reply. D Oh and tank has been running since January 2009. D
  22. Dazzlearoobob


    At the moment I have a 64 litre tank and all I have in it is: 10 neon tetras 2 Ghourami 3 cory Any suggestions as to what else I should put in with them? I'd like to add some colour and movement to the tank but would also like hardy and resilient fish. Thanks guys, Darren :rolleyes:
  23. Dazzlearoobob

    Help With Im Facility

    it just started working. thanks for the help though. D
  24. Dazzlearoobob

    Help With Im Facility

    I am getting the following error when I try to send a message to one of my friends on this site. Can anyone help? The error is "You are not allowed to use the messenger feature on this board" Thanks, Darren