Search results

  1. guppybreeder1

    White fungus on guppy

    Very common infection for guppies to get tbh, best thing I’ve found to get rid is a chloramine T dip in a bucket for about 20 minutes with an air stone in there
  2. guppybreeder1

    Which Is The Best Cory?

    Panda cory is my favourite! :good:
  3. guppybreeder1

    Pregnant Red Tail Tetra

    any help would be appreciated
  4. guppybreeder1

    Pregnant Red Tail Tetra

    one of my tetras is fatter than the others and im woundering wether i should put in a pregnancy tank to lay eggs or leave them till they hatch? i dont know what to do?
  5. guppybreeder1

    Identify My Fish

    any pics :big_boss:
  6. guppybreeder1

    Moss Balls

    thinkin of gettin some :alien: :dunno:
  7. guppybreeder1

    Fish Of The Month - February 2011

    :clap: :kewlpics: so many good ones dont know which one 2 pick! DISCUS, GOLDFISH OR METRIACLIMA ESTHERAE :dunno:
  8. guppybreeder1

    My Dragon/ Violet Gobies

  9. guppybreeder1

    My Two New Girls!

    :kewlpics: platys r :cool: :fish:
  10. guppybreeder1


    no heater but i have give him frozen food
  11. guppybreeder1


    my fantail goldfish is swimming on his side at the top of the tank and is unable to swim down. dont know if its the swim bladder what should i do?
  12. guppybreeder1

    Cory Or Loachs

    cory, just steal it :good:
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  14. guppybreeder1

    Platy, Male Or Female?

  15. guppybreeder1

    Video Shoaling Clowns

    cool clowns, how many have you got? :lol:
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  17. guppybreeder1


    hi :hi: to the forum silver dollars are cool. :band:
  18. guppybreeder1

    Platy, Male Or Female?

    :fun: i got three mickey mouse platys yesterday and one has a gravid spot but the male fin underneath? :crazy: any one know why?
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  20. guppybreeder1

    Pets At Home

    half of the tanks carnt sell any because they need treatment at my pets at home. did get a goldfish from there 7 years ago thought and thats still alive. :good:
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  22. guppybreeder1

    Tank Cleaning Gone Very Wrong! (Fresh Water)

    i just take out 1/3 of the water out with the gravel pump, and clean the filter :good:
  23. guppybreeder1


    :band: :hi: :band:
  24. guppybreeder1


    :pepsi: :pepsi: :kana: :D :ninja: :alien: :beer: :fish: :band: :drink: :hi: welcome to the forum
  25. guppybreeder1

    Outside Guppy Pond......had My Camera With Me.

    :pepsi: :hyper: cool!
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  27. guppybreeder1

    Sharks With Mollys And Guppy Fry?

    if not eaten probably harrased... alot! :crazy:
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  29. guppybreeder1


    thanks :good:
  30. guppybreeder1


    yep :good: i got some today but im not sure if it ok? prophase kelp slices, which has salt on it :huh:
  31. guppybreeder1


    im looking for seaweed sheets for my malawi's does anyone know where i can get them? like these: :good:
  32. guppybreeder1

    Hiding Fish

  33. guppybreeder1

    Panda Corys

    anyone know where to get some panda corys near liverpool
  34. guppybreeder1

    waiting for more malawi's! :)

    waiting for more malawi's! :)
  35. guppybreeder1

    Clown Fish And Guppies

    i know it is social and you need more than 1 :good:
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  37. guppybreeder1

    What Are The Chances Of A Fish Jumping Out Of Tank...

    pure legend! the fish must be glad! :hyper:
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  39. guppybreeder1

    Clown Fish And Guppies

    guppy's feed on the top but will eat food it find anywhere, where as a loache is a bottom feeder