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  1. P

    What Should I Get?

    Thank you OldMan47 if i can't get a bigger tank i will keep the snail and get one of those two fish after rehoming the tetra.
  2. P

    Rant About Fish Shop

    That sucks hopefully they either relize what they are doing or go out of business.
  3. P

    What Should I Get?

    ok and the pleco went to a chinese place that i went to and had a atleast 150 gallon tank with other plecos and the creek that i would put the snail in is very simaler to the river that i found it in, almost same depth almost same current almost same fish almost same amount of algae just about...
  4. P


    Thanks drobbyb
  5. P

    Major Tank Issue

    Well good luck redoing your tank, i am sorry this had to happen and i hope it dosen't again. Peanut0701
  6. P

    What Should I Get?

    I used to have a ten gallon with 2x Black skirts 2x Plecos 2x Dwarf frogs 5x Cardinal or neon tetra, but one of the plecos ate a frog, the cardinals/neons died of old age, i let the pleco that ate the frog go to a new home so it wouldn't eat other things, the other pleco got to big and we had...
  7. P

    What Should I Get?

    1 Black Skirt Tetra.
  8. P

    What Should I Get?

    ok i think i am getting a bigger tank
  9. P


    Ok sorry everyone but i am a begginer i used to have a 10 gallon with 2 black skirt tetras, 2 plecos, 5 cardinal tetras, 2 african dwarf frogs and yes i know the difference between them. Now i am getting back into the hobby.
  10. P

    My Stocking. Need Help

    I think that some african clawed or african dwarf frogs would be pretty cool in your tank. along with the tetras they always got along with my tetras. Peanut0701
  11. P

    Major Tank Issue

    Trust me you know alot more about fish than i do but i will try to help as much as i can i have had a 10 gallon very seccesful in the past and now i have a 1.77 gallon very successful but i am not an expert. If i were you i would get more air serculating for the fish maybe get a heater if needed...
  12. P

    Help. Got A Black Spider With Clear Legs In My Tank

    I think that you sould put an apple snail in your tank or a pleco just to keep the tank remotlely more clean, even though i doubt it is dirty and it is fun watching them eat.
  13. P

    What Should I Get?

    When my current fish in my 1.77 gallon tank i was wanting to get something to put in the tank but don't know what i want. I want to keep it to the same kind of fish and i am not to experienced so i want something easy but small enough to have 3 or 4 of. I currently have a pea sized snail that i...
  14. P

    Inherited The School Tank - Omg!

    Obvously clean the rocks up and get the algae cleaned off but leave some for the plecos to eat if you end up keeping them. Put a lamp or something by the tank or something i think that will take some stress away. maybe get some new decorations or rearange the stuff so the fish aren't in the same...
  15. P

    Dyed Fish Sales Not Being Outlawed In Uk

    I 100% agree i just don't know what an MP is or their email. I will send that letter if you could kindly tell me those things.
  16. P


    when the fish that i currently have die i want to breed fish that are easy to breed and will fit in a 1.77 gallon tank and something that a store wouldn't have much of i was thinking african clawed frogs would that be easy?