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  1. M

    Feeding Frozen Bloodworm : How Much?

    My bloodworms come in like frozen cubes and there must be like 100's of them in a cube, how do you guys separate three from all the other ones and keep them all fresh?
  2. M

    Is This A Female Krib?

    I am having a real hard time here guys, im sorry, i just dont quite understand all the factors in sexing these fish, i am trying so hard but heres a picture of the two i picked up if one of these isnt female i dunno what im gonna do haha
  3. M

    Is This A Female Krib?

    its a locally owned place they are very friendly, there are a few shops here in town that do that sorta thing, i find that petland also will if you have them here is one of the latest trades lets see what you guys have to say about this one, i am also learning how to use my camera so please...
  4. M

    Is This A Female Krib?

    well i took it back because i thought it was male, now it turns out it coulda been female, i grabbed two more so now i have that one def male and two others and i will let it sit for a couple weeks and see how it goes, if they are all three male i will be sad and once again go back to the pet...
  5. M

    Is This A Female Krib?

    uhhhhhh, that sucks alot, ive taken these fish back tonnes its rediculous, it seems that the definate male is very colorful he shows himself to the other fish that isnt colorful at all its kind of funny, i guess i just gotta take ti back again, ill let it play out for a few days hiowever i have...
  6. M

    Is This A Female Krib?

    Well thankyou very much guys, its funnny because the male fish is the one with the red on the belly, the "female" doesnt have barely any color at all, do you think that these fish will still one day mate despite the size difference? I am glad that looks like a female I have been having some bad...
  7. M

    Is This A Female Krib?

    Hi guys, I origonally had two kribs, which were both male one was large and one was small, i discovered theyw ere both male so i took the smaller one back in hopes of getting a female and they gave me this: I figured it was a female at first and the sure male that i already had was 2.5 times...