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  1. D

    A want a fighter but can I?

    you could get a few female bettas, that way they're have company. I don't think there are any fish the always get along with male bettas...correct me if i'm wrong though :P It really depends on the personality of the fish, my one betta got along great with my guppies but my other guy tried to...
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    What is this bump? - pics added

    Does anyone know what his bump is?
  3. D

    Is there anyway to induce pregnancy?

    Right now she's sitting on a heating pad, i dont actually have a heater, but it seems to doing an okay job. I have to keep turning off and on the bubbler, she sometimes gets caugh in the flow because her one pectoral fin doesn' t work. I tried to feed her some bloodworms but she hasnt looked...
  4. D

    What is this bump? - pics added

    He always looks like his head is tilted up. I used the red to help showing what i'm talkign about. BTW the heating pad is ancient so doesn't give that much heat off and i have a towel over it :)
  5. D

    What is this bump? - pics added

    I put him on a heat pad well not just him his tank too :P And added a pinch of salt and i put a bubblers in there too, and i've noticed that the shape in between their gills on their chin is kinda weird. It looks like he has goitre (which i don't think fish can get :blink: ) it's like a lump...
  6. D

    Betta pic

    i think he's just a blue veiltail :)
  7. D

    What is this bump? - pics added

    The food is that bio gold stuff and it floats for a good while, he's now swimming up to investigate but he still hasn't tried to eat anythign that floats. Is there a type of betta food that sinks maybe and he's used to being fed that? -_- he also seems to be breathing quite heavily, could...
  8. D

    Is there anyway to induce pregnancy?

    Well i took her out of the main tank yesterday before i went to bed because she was trying to bury herself in teh gravel and rocks. So i took her out in to a jar with a little air bubbler. She looks really sick but not acting sick, you know what i mean since she's been in the separate tank. I...
  9. D

    Is there anyway to induce pregnancy?

    Just curious if there is anyway to induce pregancy in guppies. My sick female looks like she's on her way out but she's hugely bloated with fry. If i can't save her i'd like to see if I can try to save the fry. I know they can do it with salmon, i was curious about tropical fish :P
  10. D

    Betta jump. But how high?

    The highest any of mine have jumped is 6 inches.
  11. D

    What is this bump? - pics added

    I had gravel on the bottom and he's still does the head stand. I'd think it was really cute if i wasn't worried about his health :P Do any type of bettas not actually eat at the surface of the water?
  12. D

    What is this bump? - pics added

    So my new metallic delta tail is giving me a hard time, maybe calling him Megatron was a bad idea :lol: Anyways, i've had him since monday and i haven't seen him eat anything, i've tried bloodworms and biogold pellets. He doesn't even swim to the surface to see what's going on. or even to...
  13. D


    Call the male Troy, that was the love interest of Marine on Stringray :lol:
  14. D

    Rescue Stories & Pics Wanted

    I have a betta rescue story, although he wasn't rescued from a pet store he was rescued from a first year student apartment (sometimes just as dangerous :lol: ) Anyway this girl bought a betta because all of her friend were doing it. She put him in a big 1 gallon bowl in the middle of her...
  15. D

    He's blind as a bat...

    So does that mean you'll be getting 2 more fish to go on your signature so it's a nice box again :rofl: :lol: :lol: :lol:
  16. D

    cheap cobra guppies

    hey that's my male! I didn;t know he was a snakeskin :P
  17. D


    i think it depends on the water parameters for guppies, my one friend say a bunch and they breed like wildfire and all survive. But where i live the water i guess isn't as nice? It has a lot of calcium in it. I think you go through a lot before you get ones that keep, and i've also found ones...
  18. D

    Very Sick Fancy-tail Guppy

    Thanks for all the help, does anyone know what guppy do just before birth? She's quite pregnant and seems more active, the white stuff hasn't cleared up on her head but her eyes look better. But she does this weird thing and hangs in the back of the tank with her tail really rigid and with a...
  19. D


    Oh my god i remember that show!!! I dressed up as Marina for halloween a loooong time ago!! My relative actually worked on the show and thunderbirds
  20. D

    LFS VS Pet Store?

    holy crow $35 for a deltatail :crazy: I got mine this week for $7 can :P
  21. D

    Why not name?

    Sometimes they don't have names for a bit until a good name hits you, my two new guys are nameless right now just because no name has hit me :P BTW my boyfriend found out about them last night, after scolding me he said he wanted to steal my bornze guy lol :rofl:
  22. D

    Sick betta

    Awww :-( I always try not to pick bettas, they pick me :P My betta Shiney actually almost knocked the cup out of my hands when i picked him up. He was quite forceful about the taking me home thing :lol:
  23. D

    Addicted...with pictures

    The red guy is eating but the metallic is still being like a spoiled brat, i've tried to feed him several kinda of betta foods and blood worms, he just seems to be saying nope. :( i think i may go out and get a square container, they're in two round vases at the moment, which my previous...
  24. D

    Need advice TONIGHT.

    I've never had problems with cycling tanks for bettas, they be tough fish. I'd rinse the gravel in hot water to kill anything on it and put it into the tank with water. Add some dechlorinator to the water and if you have it cycle, it speeds up the cycling process, it's wonderful stuff because...
  25. D

    Addicted...with pictures

    Okay my piccy's i dont have names for them yet so suggestions would be nice :P he's so pretty and shiney :wub: He's uber friendly too and anything i put near his tank he has to go over and investigate. He's very anti-social and not happy about living in a round jar (he jumped clear...
  26. D

    Addicted...with pictures

    When i finish my cell bio final today i'll post them :P
  27. D

    Very Sick Fancy-tail Guppy

    My male is actually pretty good, since there are 2 younger and i guess "more challenging females" he usually chases them and not the older gals.
  28. D

    Addicted...with pictures

    I went to the pet store yesterday to get some meds for my guppies and they have all these new bettas in, VT, delta tails and double tails and most were metallic. So i walked away then missed my bus so i came back in and bought two. AHHH i'm so addicted to watching these little guys. I'll post...
  29. D

    fry coloration

    The colouration will appear also based on what temp water you have, i have a lower temp tank so my guppies grow slower and hence just started to finally show the yellow colour now that they are 4 months, the black started to show about a month after.
  30. D

    Very Sick Fancy-tail Guppy

    Just an update, i don't think it's columnaris, that picture doesn't look like what she has. I think it was a bacterial infection (gram negative) or the protozoan but i really don't know. I dont actually have any water stats, i don't have a kit nor the money to get it. :( The dude at the...
  31. D

    Color changes with aging?

    I've had some changing colour bettas, but not quite to the extent you've had :rolleyes: I had a little red guy develop purple rays in his tail. And my blue betta has gotten a lot darker then when i first had him.
  32. D

    M Betta got into another's "cell" overnight

    Size of the betta tank is really what they like. Some do prefer smaller tanks, i had my big blue in a 5 gallon by himself and all he ever did was hide behind the filter, not he's in a half gallon tank and he bubblenest and swims around all the time
  33. D

    Very Sick Fancy-tail Guppy

    My female guppy has this strange whitish covering all over her eyes. She's been really shy so i haven't been able to get a good look until now. It's like her eyes have crusted over and it's starting to go on her mouth and head. It kind of has a fluffy appearance, not solid like most pics i...
  34. D

    M Betta got into another's "cell" overnight

    Well i wouldn't expect an answer in a hour!! especially at this time. :crazy: I would just medicate the injured VT, the whole tank doesnt need it. You may also want to drop teh water level in your tank to prevent..escape artists from trying to escape :P
  35. D

    If anyone lives around Guelph, On

    Just letting anyone who lives around Guelph, Ontario that they have Double tails, delta tails, and metallic plakats at teh pet paradise. I really wanted grab one but the boyfriend stopped me :-(
  36. D

    Treating them like kings

    I both heard and experienced that a happy betta's will make a bubble nest...
  37. D


    He's looks very similiar to my Charlie :P
  38. D

    Betta with guppies?

    I've really had no problem when i kept my guppies and bettas together. I had to do partial tank switchero because my guppy male was being too agressive to the females. And the betta got along great with him, and the betta that went in the tank with the females was okay too.
  39. D

    pictures of livebearers

    Oops i'm a moron haha, i know that they are guppies, i just didn't know what colour variation they are i guess :P I'm hoping to borrow my friends digicam to take a better picture of Little Jay, he's soo pretty, that pic doesn't do him justice :P
  40. D

    Question about Shiney's colour.

    Are they always that metalic? He's really more of greeny/purple body with red fins :/