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    Plant Suggestions

    i have got a new tank and im going with a planted tank, i am after suggestions on which plants to use i am after some tall ones for along the back and some shorter ones for the middle. i have an aqua one 510 with 2 x 11 watt tropical compact fluros
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    Top Deweller

    electric blue, electric yellow, salusi, hongie, lombardi, humphead, zebra long pelvic sorry dont know proper names a surface deweller
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    Top Deweller

    i am after suggestions for a top dewelling fish for my chiclid tank.
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    I Have Neon Tetra Disease

    my tank is 120 litres ph 7 ammonia 0 nitrite 0 nitrate 0 the tank has been cycled and te fish in there for a month. my neons have neon tetra disease they have all the symptoms my question is what can i do to save my other fish i have 10 neons 6 glowlights 6 black phantom tetras 10 pristella...
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    Ideas On Stocking

    im thinking L 168 or maybe 2 longfin albino bristlenose otherwise could i go with some corys either Corydoras Julii corydoras oiapoquensis variante c corydoras adolfoi corydoras metae corydoras schwartzii corydoras aeneus neon red stripe i would prefer a plec but if they wont fit i will go...
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    Ideas On Stocking

    i have a 75 litre tank and thinking of using it for mainly tetras and a small plec im thinking one small plec 6 marble hatchet fish and some tetras in groups of 6 the tetras i like are blue emperor tetra - kerri fire tetra gold tetra black emporer tetra longfin serpae tetra splashing tetra...
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    Metriaclima Sp. Zebra Long Pelvic

    does anybody know
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    Metriaclima Sp. Zebra Long Pelvic

    i got 3 of these given to be by a mate METRIACLIMA SP. ZEBRA LONG PELVIC and wondering how you sex them. they are about 3" one is brighter than the other 2
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    What Glue Can I Use In A Tank

    thanks wasn't sure if they were ok to use
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    What Glue Can I Use In A Tank

    i am making a cover to go over my heater and filter intake pipe i have the glass siliconed up and woundering what glue i could use to glue a plastic background to it, i tried silicone but the edges lifted.
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    Would This Work As Hiding Spots

    thanks i was thinking of just pulling it out to clean it but have now decided not to use this but i do want to know if i can use pavers in there and stack them to make caves and hiding holes, or cobble stone pavers.
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    Would This Work As Hiding Spots

    i am setting up a new tank and for hiding spots i was thinking of using one of those 3d foam backgrounds and sticking some pvc pipe sections to the back of it and then cutting a hole into it from the front would this work.
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    Which Substate Is Best

    i am not sure on the substrate to use i am deciding between black gravel brown gravel coral sand i want to know which one is best and most natural i was talking to a mate and he said i could use coral sand and then watching a dvd on setting up tanks they prefered redish-brown gravel.
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    Can I Put These Together

    can i keep blue dolphins in with blockheads
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    Butterfly Clown Pleco

    i just want to know how big they grow to L168
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    im in australia
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    where do you buy the ammonia to add to the tank to start the cycle.
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    Need Help Deciding

    i have decided to go with a cichlid tank
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    Unusal Fish

    120 liters
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    Unusal Fish

    i have no fish in mind i am not trying to identify one, i want people to sugest some to me that i could have in the tank
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    Need Help Deciding

    i am in australia and work in a pet shop. i have over the last 10 years kept cichlids, tropical, marine and even just goldfish. i want to keep something that is unusal that people don't see every day, so im also not looking at the same fish at work and home. the tank is 120lt, the tap water ph...
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    Need Help Deciding

    sorry must of accidently pushed the button twice
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    Unusal Fish

    a cichlid im not sure what one im asking for ideas on what i can put in my new tank.
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    Need Help Deciding

    i have set up a new tank and i am having trouble deciding if i want to go with a cichlid tank or a brackish water tank. what would be the pros and cons of each.
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    Need Help Deciding

    i have set up a new tank and i am having trouble deciding if i want to go with a chiclid tank or a brackish water tank. what would be the pros and cons of each.
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    Unusal Fish

    i am after a smallish fish that is not a common fish that i can get in australia.
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    Can I Do This

    i currently have a marine tank im about to change to freshwater and was woundering if i can use the live rock in the freshwater tank.
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    What Is Brackish Water

    i have kept fish for 10 years and have had coldwater, tropical and marine and i just don't know what brackish water means, i know it has salt in it but how much and what other details are there to it.
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    Treating Black Ghost Knife

    my black ghost knife has white spot and i know you have to be careful with treating them with some medication as they have no scales. so what can i use to treat it?