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  1. Z

    Sand In The Mouth

    One of the great things about cichlids is that they are constantly changing their own environment. If your cichlids are moving sand/substrate it is because they are creating a nest/territory for themselves. It is usually the precursor to the fish breeding. Some male cichlids do it to entice...
  2. Z

    Cichlid Behavior

    Some fish will also use fine sand to 'clean' their gills and remove parasites by ingesting sand and blowing it out through their gill plates but the sand needs to be perticularly fine or the fish pretty large.
  3. Z

    Help, Sick Cichlid! :(

    The symptoms you described sounded like bloat and can arise out of a number of factors, fundamentally they combine to block the fish's digestive tract, the fish becomes bloated with air, the scales protrude and the fish floats about until it dies. Bloat can be caused by the fish eating protien...
  4. Z

    Help, Sick Cichlid! :(

    Have you checked for Nitrates and nitrites as well. Are other fish showing signs of the same symptoms. What do you feed your fish. Does the fish appear bloated or swollen in comparison to normal, looking at the fish from above do the scales appear to stick out. What is the fish's fecal matter...
  5. Z

    Why All The Digging? Photo Included.

    The digging in my experience is usually a preface to breeding and depending on your stocking levels, increased agression. Nice looking tank by the way.
  6. Z

    Help Id A Fish!

    That's a pretty feisty fish you have there. It doesn't grow as large as some of its cousins but if it begins to mate it gets very territorial (even for a cichlid). I'd avoid co-specifics in the same tank if I was you. Beautiful fish though.
  7. Z

    New To The Uk But Not To Fish Keeping

    Thanks very much for the prompt reply, I'll let you know how I get on. Thanks again.
  8. Z

    New To The Uk But Not To Fish Keeping

    Hi, I've just moved to London from Dublin. Unfortunately the 240L tank full of Calvus which had taken me 4 years to get to full maturity didn't make the move as I had to sell them off before I left. 9 months later I'm settled in London and I'm looking for reccomendations for a good lfs...