Search results

  1. FisheyAsh

    New Betta Tanks

    no mine are different mine have a clear lid im sad i dont have any bettas at the moment so im setting up some tanks for when i find one i miss having my betta they just have so much personality they so cute :rolleyes:
  2. FisheyAsh

    New Betta Tanks

    i went and got a container 4.5gallons approx today because i thought that it was such a good idea
  3. FisheyAsh

    3 New Gals!

    i love the pink one!!!!!!!!! :drool: :drool: :drool:
  4. FisheyAsh

    Pictures Of Zorro

    i love his colouring :good: :good: :good:
  5. FisheyAsh

    Best About Fry

    my swordtails are 3 days old and they are so tiny and cute
  6. FisheyAsh


    it sounds like you have a male and female fighter together and they have spawned? am i right????
  7. FisheyAsh

    I Got Him!

    omg who wouldnt want babies!!!!!!!
  8. FisheyAsh

    Best About Fry

    what do you think id the best thing about having fry??? i love their tiny little eyes :fish: :fish: :fish:
  9. FisheyAsh

    Swordtail Breeding

    and get 2 or 3 females for each male
  10. FisheyAsh

    Bitten by the betta bug

    i think everyone stares a little bit i start staring in pet shops at bettas you wont believe some of the weird looks i get :drool: :drool: :drool:
  11. FisheyAsh

    Most Popular Common Livebearer Need More Votes!

    i like guppies but don't have any as i keep siamese fighters i also keep swordtails and platys i like swordtails and i dotn know what people find so great platys mine are boring all they do is swim backwards and forwards at the front of the tank looking for food!!!!!
  12. FisheyAsh

    Getting A New Veiltail!

    is there going to be pics lol????????
  13. FisheyAsh

    Swordtail! Advice Please

    i just got a very pregnant female green sword today.have you got babies yet???
  14. FisheyAsh

    No Bubble Nests

    i live in new zealand the different tail types availiable here are pretty limited and the people that do breed the fancier tail type tend to live in the norht island and dont ship to the south island where i live. i had a bit of bad luck luck with my females i just bought 3 the first 1 died the...
  15. FisheyAsh


    what would you think of breeding him to this female, vannila she is brand new i just bought her yesterday i will try get a better photo of her shes a little shy still
  16. vanilla__Small_.jpg


  17. FisheyAsh

    No Bubble Nests

    my male betta, tarzeik is in a 5g tank he has never blown a bubble nest before and im wanting to breed from him is the fact the hes never blown a nest before going to be a problem??? or might he blow a nest when i introduce a female???
  18. FisheyAsh

    My First 2 Betta's

    pictures are getting better you could try putting a plainbackground behind the tank it could help even if its like a piece of paper
  19. FisheyAsh


    this is my male VT called tarzeik. just wanting to know what colour would he be called???
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  21. FisheyAsh

    Male And Females Together

    i kept 2 sister females and a male in the same tank for years they were all fine and never bothered each other but im not going to try it again
  22. FisheyAsh

    My First 2 Betta's

    dont worry abot the photos everynoe starts off bad lol :good:
  23. FisheyAsh

    Importing More Beauties...

    they are amazing :drool: :drool: :drool: i think that the first male and the first female are the best.
  24. FisheyAsh

    I Need Cheering Up Big Time

    if you do sell your bettas you could try find homes near yours so you can still visit them without havid to look after them!!!
  25. FisheyAsh

    Why Are My Sororities So Full Of Algae?

    i had a bad algae in one of my tanks and i went to my lps and got some chalk blocks they work wonders and i havent had any algae so far.
  26. FisheyAsh

    Bad Bad Me?

    i would certainly buy a purple with orange polka dotted VT!!!!!
  27. FisheyAsh

    Sexing Tetras

    i was wanting to know what sex my black phantom tetras are
  28. FisheyAsh

    Sexing Tetras

    just wanting to know if there is an easy way to sex tetras???
  29. FisheyAsh

    New Kind Of Swordtail?

    i haven't heard of them but would love to see pictures
  30. FisheyAsh

    Buakaw My Betta

    he has lovely colouring
  31. FisheyAsh

    Killing Snails With Heat?

    i had one lovely snail to each of my tanks and i had a platy or two in each tank. i wanted to keep my snails but the platies ate them -_-
  32. FisheyAsh

    All Female Fry

    i found a baby platy in one of my tanks and i was only able to sex it at 3 months old
  33. FisheyAsh

    Importing In New Zealand

    hi i am looking for someone in new zealand that has an importing license to import fish
  34. FisheyAsh

    My New Sd Betta (no Name Yet)

    i think that if you look some one has posted names for bettas have a look ther there is alot of names :good: :good: :good:
  35. FisheyAsh

    Names For Bettas

    my ABC's of girls i will finish the rest later girls name meaning Aalase Kind Abalyn Beautiful Joy Acelin Noble Achen Twin Addo...
  36. FisheyAsh

    Names For Bettas

    i like the name ZIGGLES for a betta that just cant keep still
  37. FisheyAsh

    Converting To A Guppy Tank

    the fighter recently died of old age ans i really like male guppies so i would like to have some
  38. FisheyAsh

    Converting To A Guppy Tank

    i have kept both males and females in this tank but had to take out the males because i put a siamese fighter in it how many guppies can i put in it with this combination of fish???
  39. FisheyAsh

    Converting To A Guppy Tank

    i am wanting to convert my approx 22 gallon tank to a guppy tank. it currently is set up as a community tank and i am wanting to keep some of my current fish. i would like to keep -my 2 blue rams -my 2 baby bristlenose plecs -8 neon tetras -3 black phantom tetras i would like to have all male...
  40. FisheyAsh

    No Interest

    none of the females have become pregnant or i would have put them into my fry tank. my water conditions are good and stable. and i am certain of the sexes of the fish i took a fish back because it turned out to be a male when i wanted a female