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    Hexagonal Tank Ideas

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    Hexagonal Tank Ideas

    Hi All, I have just been given a Fish r Fun Hexagonal Tank, 25l, 5.7gal. Seems like a waste to just put it in the garage. Just after some ideas as to what I could put in it. Thanks, Richard
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    Tetratec Ex1200

    Hi, I also have the 700 and have to agree with all the other users of the same size filter. I have had no problems with mine at all. I have had it running for just under a year now and apart from havin to expel any bubbles every time I clean it it runs up with no problems after every clean...
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    Dying Shrimp

    Hi, I have crushed up some flake and mixed with a little water to make a fine soup and injected near to where they hang out in the tank. There little fans went berzerk and they are always in front in the filter outlet. Should I carry on with the crushed food soup and see if that makes a...
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    Dying Shrimp

    Hi All, I purchased 4 Bamboo Shrimpo from my LFS roughly three weeks ago. I acclimatised them to the tank the same way that I would a fish. For a couple of days they all seemed fine. Then one of them I found laying dead at the bottom of the tank one morning. I did not worry too much and...
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    Hi, I dont know if this is relevant or not but I have got these bubbles in the past when I have done a water change and the water being replaced is at a much differerent temperature to the water already in the tank. Hope this helps. Richard
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    Fluval Vicenza Aquarium Setup - A Journal.

    Hi, Thats the same tank that I was looking at. Going to follow this thread with interest. Good Luck. Richard
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    Post Your Shrimp

    Hi, Here is one of my bamboo shrimp. I have three others in the tank somewhere. They must be O.K because I keep finding Skins everywhere. Richard
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    Glowlight Tetras

    Hi, My glowlights did the same thing for a few days, in fact I was on the verge of seperating them between two tanks, but then they seemed to settle down O.K and are fine now. Richard
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    Algae Shrimp

    Hi, I have 4 Bamboo, 4 Algae and 8 Cherry Shrimp in my 30 Gallon. They all get along really well and the Bamboo shrimp are just beginning to turn a slight shade of red, which I am told they do when they are happy with their environment. It also looks strange when they shed because because the...
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    Shrimp I.d Please.

    Brilliant thanks for that.
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    Dye Injected Albino Corys

    Hi All, I was in a LFS earlier today and in one of the tanks I spotted some Albino Corys. There were a few normal looking ones and then I noticed some with Pink and blue tails. The bands of colour were about 1/4" long from the ends of their tails. They looked liked they had either been...
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    Shrimp I.d Please.

    Hi All, Could anyone I.D this shrimp for me please. It is about 2" in length and I think it is a Bamboo Shrimp. Hopefully someone can give me a positive I.D. Thanks for the help, Richard
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    Co2 Pipe

    Hi All, Do you have to use special CO2 Tubing for use on a Hagen CO2 Diffuser or can you just use normal Airline? Richard
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    Finally Got Pics

    Thats a really nice busy and active tank. Just the way I like them. Well Done. I hope that did not sound patronising? :blush: Richard
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    Khuli Loach Emergency Story!

    Keep us updated and good luck, Hang on in there little fella. Rich
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    Nutrafin Hagen Aqua Plus

    Hi, I dont have an answer,sorry, but I have been using Aqua Plus for some time now and never had that problem. I have had slightly cloudy water after filter maintenance and a water change, but I put that down to not rinsing the new filter floss properly before putting it in. Unless of course...
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    Hi All, I have probaly a strange question. How quickly does the dechlorinator solution work? I have always used it when I carry out a water change, but only wondered how long it took to dechlorinate the water yesterday when I did the big maintenance. Rich
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    Fish Id Please Repost

    Hi Matt, No I saw the picture in the April issue of PFK and you are right they are lovely. I ahve never seen them in any LFS here. Looks Like I may have to look further a field to find some. Rich
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    Fish Id Please Repost

    Thanks all for the help I really appreciate it. Rich
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    Fish Id Please Repost

    Hi All, I have managed to scan the picture of a fish I would like identified please. I think it is a Tetra but I ahve no idea what it is called. Thanks in advance. Rich
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    Fish I.d Please

    Hi All, Could anyone please help with the identity of the fish, that is pictured in the April edition of PFK on Page 86,It is in an Article called 'CO2 - what they dont tell you', sorry I dont have the magazine with me or I would scan the image and post. There are two fish in the picture, I am...
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    What The Best Thing To Clean The Gravel

    Hi, A gravel cleaner is a great thing keeps the tank clean and healthy, along with the filter of course. There are all kinds of cleaners around, I use a Hagen battery powered cleaner, Lazy I know, but it works great. Richard
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    Where To Put Things In Tank?

    Hi, I had my fluval filter and Heater in the same position when I first set my tank up. I put the Thermometer sensor as far away as possible from the heater, That way you can see if the heater is doing a good enough job to warm the water enough. Also with the Heater in front of the filter...
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    New Gravel

    Hi All, Been a few weeks since I last posted. Since then I have acquired a new tank. I already have a Fluval Duo Deep 800 and now have another. I am alittle bit puzzled about some gravel I saw in a local LFS. The gravel in question is fine black glass. Has anyone used this before? I do...
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    Welcome to the forums. :hi:
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    Hi all, Have a look on Ebay for LUMA rocks. They are submersible resin rocks with LEDS built in. They are really good, my friend has a couple of sets in his tank and they make the tank look really good. He has the rainbow versions. Richard
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    Yet Another Lighting Question

    Hi, I have just got two Daylight plus tubes and the difference it made to the tank was unreal. I also put some reflectors in at the same time which is probably making a huge difference as well. Although the daylight plus tubes have built in reflectors, which I did not realise at the time...
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    Any One With Experience Of Kuhli Loach?

    Hi I have 5 in my tank, 3 black and 2 banded. They like to be kept in groups not on thier own. Mine are always chasing each other around the tank and where ever one goes the others will follow shortly afterwards. They are like a little family. I have a Hagen CO2 Ladder and you will often see...
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    Demasoni Picture

    That is one gorgeous fish, great photography too.
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    What's Your Favourite Fish?

    Hi, Mine has to be my Kuhli Loach. Both Black and banded have stuck together and go everywhere in the tank as a little convoy. Looks really cool watching them all in a line at the front of the tank. Rich
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    Freshwater Mussel

    Woh, thats pretty harsh. What if you only had one, how do you sex them? Richard
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    Freshwater Mussel

    Hi All, Just wondering if anyone has a Golden tropical Freshwater mussel in their tank. Saw them on Ebay, so thought I would ask. Rich
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    Yeast Mix

    Hi All, I bought some yeast today to try my own mix in a Hagen reactor. I bought some from Wilkinsons in town, however I did not notice at the time the ingredients, as follows: Bentonite, Dried Wine Yeast, Diammorium Phosphate, Trace Vitamins, Trace Minerals. The ingrients are in order as...
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    Yeast Is Yeast Or Is It?

    Hi All, This is probably going to be the dumbest question on the forum this weekend and I am sure it has been answered before, but here goes. Is the yeast that goes into CO2 Reactor systems, like the hagen one, a particular type. I can find bakers yeast, brewers yeast, Liquid yeast and so I...
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    Ok, Hagen Co2 Unit Ha Arrived, Need Some Questions Answered Please&#33

    Hi, If you dont mind me asking where did you get your diffuser from? Rich
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    Sorta Sad

    Hi, I have recently done the same with my tank and it took them all a couple of weeks to get used to the tank, before they were back to normal and swimming around like they used too, in fact I now see my Kuhli Loach more than ever before I wouldnt worry too much, just be patient. Rich
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    Co2 Generator Mix Up

    Hi All, I have been wondering now for a couple of months why my mix for my Hagen CO2 generator has not been lasting very long. After checking I had read the instructions properly and got the sugar level right and then pouring in the mix and finally adding the tepid water. Within an hour or so...
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    Question Changed: Why Buy A Cannister?

    Hi, Earlier in the thread I added about a Tetratec EX700 Canister filter, good value for money. I bought mine on Ebay for £60, inc del. I run it on a 30G Tank. Never had any problems with it. Rich
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    Regenerating Carbon Blocks For Co2 Generators

    Thanks for the replies. That kinda what we thought but it does not hurt to ask. :)