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    Algae E Tennelus Tools And Ottos

    They may seem like they're not eating much algae, but in several weeks you'll notice the difference they've made on the algae. My ottos won't eat hikari wafers, but will eat brown algae and courgette, like my rubbernose. If their bellies are round and seem full then they're probably finding food...
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    Vallis Dies When Seachem Flourish Added?

    Soon after I started adding Co2 (hagen/nutrafin yeast bottle) and using seachem flourish the vallis began turning brown and deteriorating starting at the tips of the leaves. Now there is only a vallis stump and some roots left. Which factored into the deterioration, the co2 or the flourish? The...
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    Water Hardness

    How large is this tank? Curious b/c if it's a 40 liter tank I wouldn't bother with RO. I keep cardinals in 8 Ph water that is just as hard and they have been fine for about 2 years. Only one initial death and another because it was a cripple.
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    Amazon Biotope Aquarium

    Some corys that would work well with high temperatures are Sterbai's.
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    Bolivian Rams

    What's your stocking Lurks? I've been toying with the idea of pencilfish and rams.
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    Bolivian Rams

    You shouldn't put two bristlenose in a tank that size. And practically you wouldn't need two for algae. Try putting in some tetras (cardinals maybe?) with those rams as they are more native and will make rams more comfortable than danios.Feed the Rams frozen/freeze-dried and see if you can get...
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    How To Use Peat Pellets In Eheim Class Or Rena Canisters

    k, thanks but 1 more question for u arauradiscus; I was planning on using a rena xp1, would it be too much for my 20g long?
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    How To Use Peat Pellets In Eheim Class Or Rena Canisters

    how can I use these peat pellets in either a rena or eheim classic canister filter? Do I just put it inbetween the other media or are there refillable media bags like those used in HOB's?
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    How To Direct Filter "exhaust"

    holy. thanks for the help. I guess I'll stick to a rena xp 1 or 2 or a eheim classic as they are rated for large tanks but don't filter too much water. - would people recommend canister or hob power filter though for a 20gallon tank?
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    How To Direct Filter "exhaust"

    That solves the spray bar problem, but would it be worth it to use a smallish canister filter on a tank this small? Has anyone ever used a canister on this size tank?
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    How To Direct Filter "exhaust"

    I'm looking to buy an eheim or rena xp filter for my 20 gallon tank and was wondering how to direct the waterflow. It will be a planted tank and I'm afraid the flow will blow the plants too much. Do most people use the spraybar? Does anyone have experience with using a canister filter on a...
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    Bristlenose Vs. Rubbernose

    I believe I heard from SmithRC that they really don't need wood. Maybe I read wrong, but ask him. Ottos are a great choice also, but you should have 1 for every 10 gallons (maybe 8g).
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    Bristlenose Vs. Rubbernose

    Your BN probably does more. My rubbernose is rarely out until it is pitch black, and even then he isn't too active on the glass. I've heard that BNs really don't need wood, but I know that Rubbernoses never rasp.
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    Bn Pleco And Cucumber Question

    I hear that they like broccoli stem a lot also. I just nuke things in a cup of water in the microwave - easier for me....
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    Which One Will Work For My Tanks?

    Well if you want a small pleco that is good about algae then get a rubbernose/lip pleco. 1) they don't grow as fast as BN's usually 2) they stay smaller, maximum 4 or 5 inches 3) their pretty good about algae just like BN's 4) Not sure about your ph, but they like water with higher ph than...
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    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Wouldn't be unhealthy for them to have eggs so often? I know there happy and all but isn't it like us making babies every couple of weeks, so wouldn't it be a drain on their systems?
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    If there's enough algae they'll probably ignore wafers. Once they get comfortable enough they won't stay on the glass the entire time. Mine seem to like investigating new "perches" in the tank so I put in a lid (of a glass bottle) and drop a wafer inside it. The ottos always investigate the lid...
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    Anyone With Trifasciatus Pencil Fish?

    I have three and they used to wiggle next to eachother for lack of a better word. I know its a form of competing for hierarchy, but now, after a few months one just chases the other two all over the tank. Is this because I don't have a large enough school of them? - odd part: I net the...
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    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Hey Neon, I can finally post again after i kept getting this message: Board Message Sorry, an error occurred. If you are unsure on how to use a feature, or don't know why you got this error message, try looking through the help files for more information. The error returned was: Sorry, you do...
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    Pleco For 76liter/19 Gallon Tank?

    Well, I guess I'll try some more ottos first and if they don't do to well I have a friend that will take them and I'll get a BN. The BN with fit in the tank right?
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    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    How fast have those first fry been growing? Think they might be ready for mid april?....hint....hint.... :shifty:
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    Pleco For 76liter/19 Gallon Tank?

    Well, it looks like both a BN and some otos would be good for my 19gallon/76 liter so I'll try and go with both. - First off do you guys think that the tank is large enough for a young BN if I get him at about 2-3"? Will he outgrow the tank? - second if i get both otos and a BN how many ottos...
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    Pleco For 76liter/19 Gallon Tank?

    i love watching my ottos, eventhough I only have 2 in my 10 gallon they're always together. They don't seem to make much of a dent in the algae , but maybe I need 4 or 5 of them? - I've been asking tons of people about ottos and I still get people saying that they like brown algae, not green...
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    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    Can't you dose pimafix to try and stop the fungus? or do you not need it because the fungussy eggs are unfertilized?
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    Pleco For 76liter/19 Gallon Tank?

    wow, dunno about clowns then b/c of all the poop that I'll see on the white sand. I like the look of the BN's though, especially the bushy-nose one, would they be too big for the 76 liter tank (I'm also paranoid about algae in a new tank also)? Do they need bogwood to rasp on? - ottos will eat...
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    Pleco For 76liter/19 Gallon Tank?

    I've been researching BN (ancistrus) and Clown plecos (peckoltia?) and was wondering which specific species would be good for green algae and maybe some brown? - Would a Bristlenose get to big and leave to much waste in the tank? - what specific clown plecs would be good for algae as I've read...
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    Has Anyone Ever Used This Ebay Plant Store

    what shipping did you use dave? how long did it actually take and how did they package?
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    Finally Sterbai Eggs

    whoaa!! :hyper: they finally decided to spawn. - do you think the peat bag helps a lot (in making them more comfortable)? How are you making your bags? - also how do you manage to get 6.8ph without co2 in our area?
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    5 Three Lined Pencilfish - Don't School

    Don't know how many of you have pencilfish. Don't seem very popular, but anyone with any input would be welcome.
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    5 Three Lined Pencilfish - Don't School

    My friend has 5 of these, 7 cardinal tetra, and 2 bolivian rams in his 20 long and they don't school at all. One of them has his own territory and the rest just stay in their own spots, they aren't even social like the cardinals. Whats the problem with his pencilfish? Thanks
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    Sterbai Corys

    Out west here in Seattle we can get some very nice young adult/ juveniles for about $8, but they're somewhat rare. - PC1963 : where do you mail order them from? or online order, etc.?
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    What Water Conditioner...

    where would you get sodium thiosulfate? Would it make sense to just use prime?
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    White Slime Blocking The Hole On My Co2 Ladder

    What is this stuff? Its like a whitish slime that just grows all over the bubble entry hole (bottom) of the nutrafin bubble ladder. It seems like there is a light layer of this stuff along the rungs of the ladder, but there is a big beard of it by the bubble entry hole which causes the bubbles...
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    What Water Conditioner...

    the site you linked to says that Seachem Prime, Tetra Aquasafe, and an API product all remvoe ammonia as well. Isn't that a bad thing for established tanks because that's what the good bacteria in your filter feed on?
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    Bolivian Ram Owners

    Uh oh.... My female is attacking my new male eventhough she is 2/3 his size and after putting him in a small see through container at the bottom of the tank for half a day. He doesn't even do anything to defend himself so I turned off the tank light early to let him settle down even more. Is...
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    Bolivian Ram Owners

    will do. thanks
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    Bolivian Ram Owners

    oh no I'm wondering if size will be a problem as one might bully the other/ not breed - more like behavior problems not sexing them. thanks
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    Bolivian Ram Owners

    Final ? - do you think size difference between M and F will matter much as my F will be about an inch smaller to 3 cm smaller. Many thanks to both of you. I am not going to go by yellow bellies, but these will be my definite sexing criteria: Ovipositor Tail filaments Bad Criteria...
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    Bolivian Ram Owners

    Thanks for your reply. What about identifying them? Do all your males have yellow bellies whereas the females don't? - what ovipositor difference do you see between your pair? - what I thought were females were "kissing" a lot and chasing also so am trying not to id by behavior.
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    Bolivian Ram Owners

    - I am having doubts about my sexing skills and was wondering what differences you noticed with your pair(s) of bolivian rams. I tried sexing by female=ovipositor male= no bump/ovipositor but even the ?females? with ovipositors were sparring. - also, would a 3 inch male get on with a 2 inch...