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  1. rictheredneck

    N1z's Marine Journal

    thank you both for your imput, ski yeh that makes common sense about the zooxanthellae just a couple more q's, ive read that they prefer a diffused light erring on the t5 side and i only have a halide how detrimental would this be. the 2nd is flow, is 32 times turnover rate too much? it will be...
  2. rictheredneck

    Broken Part For Tunze Nanostream 6025

    super glue is da bomb
  3. rictheredneck

    Calcium Hydroxide/calcium Chloride

    ahhh right so gfo is what commercial phosphate remover are made from, is that it? so if i could get my hands on some of that all i would need to do is chuck it in a nylon bag? end of? nitrate, calc and alk test kits are here im not gonna tell you what my nitrate level is but i will let you know...
  4. rictheredneck

    Lighting Schedules ?

    id go dark
  5. rictheredneck

    Skimmer No Foam ?

    view my post then read the replys lol
  6. rictheredneck

    Skimmer No Foam ?

    my money is on that the filter isnt putting enough water into it...
  7. rictheredneck

    Skimmer No Foam ?

    what model is it?
  8. rictheredneck

    Water Test Kits

    hi kate welcome to the forum, i myself have just upgraded from tmc kits to salifert just ordered from the t'internet most people seem to rate them quite well. the skimmer how long has it been setup i have the v600 and it took about a month to dial in properly and now it works great...
  9. rictheredneck

    What Is This?

    you could try a tiny piece of fish or summat like that, krill etc and bright light im guessing that young anemones pretty much live off light up until they are big enough to catch their own food. im a novice though what do i know? if it doesnt take the food dont try again for a while its...
  10. rictheredneck

    What Is This?

    give it 6 months there isnt alot of things out there that grow super fast
  11. rictheredneck

    New Marine Setup

    i would say something like a 350 l to 400 l is what you should be looking at. seahorses kinda need a seperate tamk with nothing else in. any more questions fire em at us lol!
  12. rictheredneck

    N1z's Marine Journal

    thanx for the heads up!
  13. rictheredneck

    Calcium Hydroxide/calcium Chloride

    well im just gonna start stockin up on my corals list mostly lps and would like a few clams so i think its time to start lookin at my stats just ordered some salifert test kits for nitrate calc alk magnesium already got nitrate calc but im after decent results im not too sure the reliablity of...
  14. rictheredneck

    Calcium Hydroxide/calcium Chloride

    ahhh right so people who use kalkwasser dont use a diff suppliment for their alk? makes sense...
  15. rictheredneck

    N1z's Marine Journal

    i guess this question is aimed at you n1z but anybody else with an imput id like to hear it (i know you have one ski) how do you find your elegance? im startin to draw up a coral list (once i get the hang of my calc and alk) and it is at the top of my list. nearly everywhere i read they talk...
  16. rictheredneck

    Multicolored Starfish

    maybe a chocolate chip starfish?
  17. rictheredneck

    Ph Meter

    yeh thats what i was thinkin but nobody seems to like ph probes i dunno why...
  18. rictheredneck

    Ph Meter

    what are your guys take on this?
  19. rictheredneck

    Salt Water Aquariums

    meh im not so sure i get my ro water tested at the lfs if i could be bothred gettin one i would lol
  20. rictheredneck

    Calcium Hydroxide/calcium Chloride

    cheers ski! just another question aswell if thats the case why do people use kalkwasser rather than chloride?
  21. rictheredneck

    Calcium Hydroxide/calcium Chloride

    lol i just read that like an hour ago...
  22. rictheredneck

    Calcium Hydroxide/calcium Chloride

    does a calcium chloride solution have such a drastic effect on the ph the same as a calcium hydroxide solution does?
  23. rictheredneck

    What Is This?

    what sort of size is it im guessin about an inch? im still unsure about what type of anemone but id stick as close to your lights as you can. how long has your tank been setup? nice hitch hiker though good luck with it!
  24. rictheredneck

    Id My Starfish Plz

    if it came in on live rick id say its a lil bristle no a sand sifter...
  25. rictheredneck

    Tank Equipment - Lighting Help At The Moment!

    i wouldnt bother with a skimmer on a fowlr setup others would i wouldnt get an ugf either but i would get and external canister filter. fish only setups are real easy... just go slow and good luck
  26. rictheredneck

    My Fish

    how many litres is it then?
  27. rictheredneck

    Why Does Nobody Like External Filters?

    surely they will only produce nitrate if there is nitrite ? i presume they cant make loads of nitrate if they dont have amonia/nitrite... i am not saying that they they offer places with no oxygen or trying to say its better than live rock just why do they have a bad rep?
  28. rictheredneck

    What Is This?

    strong lighting and some meaty food like lancefish or krill placed on their tentacles 2-3 times a week
  29. rictheredneck


    hey all im looking at putting together a cuc just wanting to know what u guys reccomend !
  30. rictheredneck

    What Is This?

    maybe a pink tip condy but im just guessing, not that good at id's lol google is your friend
  31. rictheredneck

    What Is This?

    id say it was an anemone
  32. rictheredneck

    Worst Moments In Marine Keeping

    mines prolly the cracked tank. it cracked underneath the sand so i couldnt see it, lost about 10 gallons...
  33. rictheredneck

    Why Does Nobody Like External Filters?

    detrius and poop will colllect all round rockwoed in places its hard to get to.
  34. rictheredneck

    Why Does Nobody Like External Filters?

    i see what your saying - by the time water has reached the innermost part of the rock the oxygen is used up? are there any articles on this because i have never heared or seen anything about it. i agree with the deep sand bed is away of reducing nitrates but apart from getting a little...
  35. rictheredneck

    Why Does Nobody Like External Filters?

    how can live rock contain anoxic areas?
  36. rictheredneck

    Why Does Nobody Like External Filters?

    but so is a tank filled with lr then due to the water being oxgenated just like a normal non wet - dry filter. id say there arent many people on this forum that use a live rock setup with a plenum if any...
  37. rictheredneck

    Why Does Nobody Like External Filters?

    hmm im not sure i agree on that they trap gunk well obviously the mechanical part of the filtration does but the fluval 305 that my gf has and my eheim wet dry are only filled with ceramics for biological filtration but i cracked open mine the otherday for some media for a quarantine tank and it...
  38. rictheredneck

    Why Does Nobody Like External Filters?

    oasis, the abyiss in stockport and cascade which is my local get super discounts there and xmas pressies n stuff lol- im from whitefield. oasis is prolly my fave though super good selection. stride out abit as well go to maidenhead aquatics and popped into the reef ranch in leeds last month for...
  39. rictheredneck

    Why Does Nobody Like External Filters?

    so in lay mans terms your saying that they are too efficient? they convert too well thus producing lots of nitrate?please explain "but keeps in nitates" lol yeh i know my gfs fluval is like a hatchery but i didnt want to start saying that you get inverts with filters and confusing my post :lol: