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  1. G

    Connecting Two Tanks

    Thats what i 1st thought, but with careful stocking i think you could get fish constantly moving from tank to tank. The only drawback i could see is if one tank gets contaminated with something all the fish get ill and if the water level drops below the tubing your floor will get soaked and...
  2. G

    Connecting Two Tanks

    The water level in both tanks will be exactly the same so height would be important :shout:
  3. G

    Connecting Two Tanks

    Very interesting :) By the look of it, by far the best option would be to use a external filter taking water from one tank, returning to the other rather than just a pump.
  4. G

    Guppy Gang?

    Could the fish be overfed? I know myself with kids, the fish always look hungry and kids cant resist :look: Are you changing the filter sponges for new ones every two months, this would explain a ammonia surge? at most you should just rinse the worst off of them in tank water and put then...
  5. G

    Cooling A Tank Down?

    how big is the fan? this used to keep my tank cool in the middle of summer without opening the hood
  6. G

    Cooling A Tank Down?

    I have seen people using open ended airlines before, they said it worked well. eg. no airstone :lol:
  7. G

    Help Emergency - Guppy Is Giving Birth

    Same as Meggie :) said, I kept 40 fry in traps then noticed more babies swimming around twice the size, so I put all the fry in the tank and there are plenty left now.
  8. G

    Fish Of The Month Winner For July 2011......

    Congrats stunning fish :good:
  9. G

    Sucessfully Moved My Tank

    is that a RIO300? I moved mine 15ft across my front room when it was full. Not advisable at all and it got a bit scary getting from the carpet to the wooden flooring :crazy:
  10. G

    Moving House & Tank - Would Like Your Help

    Thats odd, i clicked view new content and this topic was listed. :blink: Sorry for the bump
  11. G

    Moving House & Tank - Would Like Your Help

    I wouldn't move the tank twice it would make a lot more work for yourself. Get some food safe containers with lids that fit inside the tank, fill them with tank water, drain your tank and transfer the fish, stick the containers in the tank so any spilt water doesn't really matter. Transport...
  12. G

    Planting Advice

    Thanks i will order some of that later on. I also got 10 rummy nose tetra while shopping :nod:
  13. G

    Planting Advice

    I have got 3 large bits of wood from the garden center and a few plants. The wood is soaking at the moment and doesn't seem to be discolouring the water, so they will probably go in the tank this evening. I'm not sure what the plants are, they were the only ones that looked like they weren't...
  14. G

    Planting Advice

    I have 36w 1200mm juwel daylite tubes. Sorry minnnt i misread what you posted there, so its ok to find some nice branches in the woods, i presume making sure there not rotting and soak them for a long time and clean all debris from them?
  15. G

    Planting Advice

    Im not off to the woods to find some random wood to stick in my tank :fun: I will check out the fish/pet/garden stores and see what i can find, hopefully i will find something that looks good but living on a little island i probably wont.
  16. G

    Planting Advice

    Thanks for the info. I just ordered 50x Java Fern, and some Java Moss from ebay to start. I will be trying to get some nice wood locally for the tank tomorrow, if i cant find anything its back to ebay :rolleyes:
  17. G

    Planting Advice

    Thanks, I have 2 juwel daylite tubes but i can change these for any other k tubes from the wholesalers if needed. So I could keep some plants without a co2 kit? I would prefer that, I would hate for the PH to crash one day :lol: Could i add some of the plants you suggested there and would...
  18. G

    Red Belly Piranha

    I wouldn't feed them any animals (although its fun) your water quality would very quickly deteriorate and you would have dead fish.
  19. G

    Shall I Euthanize My Fish?

    you left it a bit late to do anything apart from what you suggested. but it in a little bag get a rolling pin and bam :blush:
  20. G

    Planting Advice

    I have a RIO400 fully cycled, its got about 2" of silica sand in it for planting. I have never had any luck with plants, what would you advise for the co2 setup and plant feed, and even the full stock of plants. There isnt a great deal of plants available where i live so most stuff will be...
  21. G


    I just got back into fish keeping and found this forum I had 6 tanks for about 5 years including a 500l tropical marine reef tank but i had to sell all of them, now 5 years later i just got a RIO 300 & RIO 400 :fun:
  22. G

    How To Convince My Other Half?

    I had a 1000l tank once, for water changes i had a T-piece on the sump inlet with a tap and hose that went outside through the wall to a drain. It made water changes easy :lol:
  23. G

    Hagen Fluval U4 Filter?

    I brought a Fluval U4 from ebay. Its mainly for a backup filter if ever needed, but i think its to big for the amount of media it holds, the very old models seemed to hold far more media. But for £31 delivered its a bargain :shout:
  24. G

    1000 Us Gal Project

    Very impressive tank :) I looked at this thread just after filling up my new 400l tank, looking at your pics made my tank look tiny :fun:
  25. G

    My Fishroom

    It does look very unorganised and cluttered and in need of re-planning, having the tanks scattered all over the place takes away the beauty of looking at the fish. I would make a big rack of tanks floor to ceiling, similar to a shop display then it would look stunning :)