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  1. R

    My New Sterbai Corys

    I'm trying to convince my husband at the moment so I can change the gravel to river rock..I'll get thru to him some day... :grr:
  2. R

    What type of Cory?

    Can anyone tell the sex of these corys? I've attached a pic of 3 of them underside below...
  3. R

    My New Sterbai Corys

    Just got them today for $4.99 each.
  4. R

    What type of Cory?

    I think is corydoras sterbai...
  5. R

    What type of Cory?

    Here's Sterbai, Corydoras haraldschultzi & mine that order.
  6. R

    What type of Cory?

    Sterbai or Corydoras haraldschultzi? Which is closer? :dunno:
  7. R

    What type of Cory?

    What species of corys are they...they're really me determine their species.
  8. R

    What does your Betta Shrine look like?

    Some of them...
  9. R

    Cory Pictures

  10. R

    Corys out playing

    There are 6 other corys in the tank and I'm sure there are males amongst them. I did a hefty water change last friday hoping for some action ( and also to help take out some of the medication that was in the tank).
  11. R

    Whats In Your Aquaclear?

    I think its really good comparing to the other filters I've had in the past...IMO
  12. R

    Whats In Your Aquaclear?

    TO those who use Aquaclear HOB Power Filters...the unit comes with a Filter Sponge, A Carbon Pack and a Biomax Pack. I've noticed a lot of people on this forum uses different materials in their filters. What do you use as filter media? :unsure:
  13. R

    Bacterial Infection?

    Unfortunately I cannot get Furanol here in the sounds like a great product.
  14. R

    Corys out playing

    SHe?? howcome I dont have any babies?? Wish I could get some.
  15. R

    Cory Pictures

    I've had Bronze, Albinos, peppered, Schwartz, Surinamensis, Bandits, Juhlis etc and my fav is always albinos. They're so much more active than the others. Always on the go. Surely makes the tank alive with their white bodies whizzing by... :wub:
  16. R

    Corys out playing

    Here's a full shot of him..excuse the water stains on the glass...
  17. R

    Corys out playing

    He's one of the first corys I ever got...I've had him for about 9 months..he's real big.
  18. R

    Corys out playing

    I love them so much, just thought I'd share the pics...
  19. R

    Bacterial Infection?

    He died during a water change..I guess it was too much for him. :byebye:
  20. R

    Cory Pictures

    Here are a few pics of my guys out playing...bronze, albinos & peppered. :wub:
  21. R

    Bacterial Infection?

    I also think it might be best to isolate the corys because right now I'm treating the mollies in the main tank with fungas clear and I only started the 2nd treatment yesterday. I only have a 1g tank to treat in...I dont have a hospital.
  22. R

    Bacterial Infection?

    I was told that antibiotics had an effect on bacteria and established systems...which antibiotic is best?
  23. R

    Bacterial Infection?

    I'm thinking about treating with an antibiotic after receiving some advice...should I isolate the corys and treat them or should I treat the entire tank? If I treat only the corys..I'll treat them all because I've been having cory trouble lately...
  24. R

    Bacterial Infection?

    Ammonia 0, Nitrites 0, Nitrates 30. the other inhabitants are mostly guppies, a few mollies, platys & swords, also a few other corys. I really cant see any of the livebearers picking at them. :/
  25. R

    the worst news ever

    That is a horrible thing to wake up have my sympathy. RIP Chief.
  26. R

    Bacterial Infection?

    I've been noticing some wierd behavior from my Schwartz cory recently and upon taking a closer look I think he may have a bacterial infection around his barbel/ mouth area. Firstly I thought it maybe because I have gravel but he's been in the tank for about 2 weeks and this only now happens, all...
  27. R

    Large Vase

    Paid $6.99...its a real simple setup thats seems comfy for the betta. A few black stones, a plant and a vase.
  28. R

    Large Vase

    Thanks, I got him from a lfs in New Hyde Park, Long Island, NY. He has the best and longest fins of all my crowntails! Thats why I decided to put him in the larger vase instead of the 1g tank he was in. I think he can spread his fins out better in the vase.
  29. R

    Large Vase

    I dont know anything about plants but it was labelled amazon I guess thats what it is! :nod:
  30. R

    Large Vase

    Quotes: "Just make sure to cover it with something so he doesn't jump out. " "Definately make some sort of lid for sure!" I took a cd spindle (that 50 pack blanks cds come in) and cut of most of the pole that the cds fit into, so there's about a half inch hole leading to the top for air. I...
  31. R

    Large Vase

    This is what I did to it...I put a short plant in the bottom (since it was the smaller section) and left enough swimming room at the top. It holds about a 1.25 gallon. The little guy loves it, especially swimming through the leaves of the plant on the bottom. See pic below... Edit: It only...
  32. R


    I say Chief...he looks like the headdress a chief from a tribe would usually wear... similar to the one in the pic below....
  33. Chief_David_Indian_1908.jpg


  34. R

    Large Vase

    Normally I dont like the idea of using vases with bettas but I have a little problem where Rusty's glass bowl cracked and I was thinking of putting him in this since I cant go buy another bowl right now. I am wondering how much water it holds, it looks really big. It has to be more than a...
  35. R

    Cory Pictures

    I can see why...he's cute! :wub:
  36. R

    Oh guess what!!! The Saga continues

    Two of my crowntails are in a divided 2.5 gallon tank. I had a problem twice where one of them jumped the divider into the other side and they started to flare and circle each other. They didnt start fighting on either occasion. I netted one as fast as I could so no damage was done. Anyways, I...
  37. R

    Some new pics of my 180ltr tank

    Its Gorgeous! :wub:
  38. R

    Trouble with Corys

    I turned down my heater. The tank water feels cool to the touch but the thermometer says around 80.
  39. R

    Cory Pictures

    What species of corys do you guys have in your tanks and how many of each? If you have pictures, post them. Please include the tank size! I'm falling in love more and more with these little guys even though I am having a really hard time with them at the moment.