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    Going To Make A Switch To Live Plants.

    We have a bunch of fish. 6x angel fish (growing them out as they are purchased as dime size, waiting on a pair to form) 1x GBR 4x Molly (2 are fry) 6x cherry barbs 4x Cory cats 2x mystery snails(apple i think)
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    Going To Make A Switch To Live Plants.

    To be honest the way they were sold to me were mystery snails. Gold, blue. From Petsmart. I think they are apple snails. So I might have to rethink the snails that I add. I was thinking of upgrading the lights because I have read even 1wpg is not very much light at the bottom of such a deep tank...
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    Going To Make A Switch To Live Plants.

    First. I have a 37g tropical community tank. The substrate right now is about a 1"-1.5" of black beauty sand. I also am adding 1.6wpg lighting to the tank in the next little while to bump up what I have (standard hood that came with it). Im looking to switch my plants from fake to real. How...
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    My 37G Community Tank!

    So I finally got the larger tank. We bought a 75g tank/stand. Realized it was to big for us now for living space. Turned around and sold it for more then we bought it for. Then found a nice tank to purchase that was more mid size. Settled on the 37 gallon. 30"Lx12"Wx24"H Inhabitants 1x GBR 6x...
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    Stocking Question Again

    Hello Everyone Want to first thank everyone that has helped me sex my GBR and my other questions on this forum. As everyone has been very helpful and given great advice. Now for my new problem. Its great news but now I have much more to think about. I now have found a great deal that I am...
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    My Stocking. Need Help

    Not 100% sure what I want, and what I can get my hands on. I have a very nice selection from a LFS near me to go off. Im stuck between a shoal of Buenos Aires Tetra's, Emporer Tetra's, and Serpae Tetra's. One of those will probably be my choice. I like them all though.
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    My Stocking. Need Help

    Thanks guys for the reply's. Actually those tetras named are a couple that I was looking into. I dont have live plants in the aquarium yet. And thats good to know as I was planning on getting into the live plants at some point. My cherry barbs are pretty timid. But they dont really have anything...
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    My Stocking. Need Help

    So I finally now have my 30g 36"x12"x16". I am going to be moving my community tank into this tank. With a Marineland 250 Emperor Filter. I am looking to stock this tank: 6x Cory Cats 6X Cherry Barbs 2X German Blue Rams 2X Molly's Is there space for anything else in everyone opinion? I was...
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    has not set their status

    has not set their status
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    Hello Everyone

    Hello Everyone. intro: I just got into fish keeping. It was something to get my daughter for her 2nd birthday as she really enjoys fish. As lots of people find out, including myself. I started out totally wrong. At the moment, we have a 10g community tank setup. And its been up and running for...
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    Please Help Me Sex This German Blue Ram. Thanks!

    Thanks for all the reply's and input. After doing all the reading about the sexing of GBR's. I was leaning to a female myself. These reply's are just pushing me more that way. Also that is a great photo Jacko. Thanks for posting that.
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    Please Help Me Sex This German Blue Ram. Thanks!

    Here is another photo.
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    Please Help Me Sex This German Blue Ram. Thanks!

    Not sure on the age. But its about 1" to a 1.5" not counting the tail.
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    Please Help Me Sex This German Blue Ram. Thanks!

    This Ram came from my LFS. I was told it was a Male when I purchased him/her. We are looking to make a pair of these for the tank. I am having doubts as to what sex it is from my readings online. Below are a couple pics.
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    Why It Is All Worth It For Me.

    ' That is the exact reason I got into fish keeping last month. Is because of my 2 year old daughter loves fish. So we started up a little 10 gallon tank. Every night I come home and sit with her and watch the fish and snail that we have. Its great R&R