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  1. M

    New Tropical Tank - Fish In

    no he said nitrIte was 0 and nitrAte was 5 so it's all fine :D i would do very small changes of about 10% until ammonia drops to 0 for about a week straight and then drop to 20% change every 2 weeks :) once you get to ammonia and nitrite both at 0 you can start adding some more fish but only...
  2. M


    i was the same as above and thought it was a case of adding water and the fish! added all my fish within a week and massivly overstocked my first tank! had a few die but not loads which was lucky! i just left it to run for a few weeks like this doing about 90% water changes with no water...
  3. M

    Spare Tank I Might Put Into Use...

    ok so after i upgraded my 40 liter to a 110 liter i now have my old tank spare complete with filter (once the new tank is finished jump starting with it) light and heater... im wondering whether to put it into use or whether to sell it. A friend said he'd but it for £20 complete but if i can...
  4. M

    New Larger Tank - Planning Fish

    what are puffers like to keep?
  5. M

    Bloodworm Got Stuck In Danio's Gill!
  6. M

    New Larger Tank - Planning Fish

    thanks for the advice, ive red up and asked alot about my shark and most people seem to shink that if it was going to be aggressive then it would have shown signs of it already but its as peaceful as the tetras to be honest! maybe the chinese algae eater will need to go as well but i think i'll...
  7. M

    New Larger Tank - Planning Fish

    i just upgraded my aquarium to what i now have worked out to be 110 liters not 140 like i first thought! anyway currently i have the following after bad advice from pet shops when i wasnt hugely interested in the hobby but now ive got really into it! 3 rosy barbs (think that is their name) 2...
  8. M

    Elephant Nose Fish Questions

    ok i'll check those fish out, so my tank deffinatly isnt big enough for a fully grown elephant nose then and he will need a bigger tank eventually, if i got a fairly young one then how many years (or months :S) do you think it would take to out grow my tank? i have no idea on the growth speed of...
  9. M

    Elephant Nose Fish Questions

    Thanks for the reply, I havnt heard about it being importan their the only bottom dweller so thanks! Is my tank of a sufficant size do you think if I got rid of the plec and CAE do you think? I would add some tiger barbs maybe then the ENF after about 6 weeks? Shame they won't mix with corys...
  10. M

    Elephant Nose Fish Questions

    Hi everyone im quite new to this forum so hope im posting in the correct place! Ive just been to buy myself a new tank and have transferred all of my stock over, at the moment i have mollys, a plec (likely to be going soon), CAE, red finned black shark and several tetra's my new tank i think i...
  11. M

    Elephant Nose Fish Questions

    Hi everyone im quite new to this forum so hope im posting in the correct place! Ive just been to buy myself a new tank and have transferred all of my stock over, at the moment i have mollys, a plec (likely to be going soon), CAE, red finned black shark and several tetra's my new tank i think i...
  12. M

    Hi Everyone!

    thanks wills youve been really helpful, yeah i only started taking such an interest myself when i got my own tank, i joined but it doesnt seem as friendly as here in my opinion but im only a newby on that as well. Well yeah if you get a job in malton youll need to pop in...
  13. M

    Hi Everyone!

    i work at the steam and moorland garden center in Pickering and i'm in charge of all the fish and stuff, its a job i like doing but to be honest we shouldn't sell tropical fish as we dont have anyone that knows enough about them to justify it. I do all the ordering for them now and feeding of...
  14. M

    Hi Everyone!

    my CAE has been fine, he was my first fish in my smaller tank a good 2 years back so ive kind of got attatched to it even though it is very shy, he used to be quite protective over his little cave that he used to hide in but since i have the bigger tank now i dont have any ornaments as ive got...
  15. M

    Hi Everyone!

    hi everyone, im mike from the scarborough/york area in the UK (not sure if this is mainly a UK or US site or whatever lol) i have a 140 liter tank currently with the following fish: 1 platy (lost the other unfortunatly) 2 silver mollys 1 common plec 1 chinese algae eater 1 red fin shark (quite...