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  1. T

    Endler observation

    i have a group of endlers and i've not seen any aggression, i do have a female that is the greediest fish that i've ever seen.
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    Got A New Fahaka Puffer! ;)

    nice puffer, i would love a fahaka more than any other fish but i don't have a tank or the space for a large tank.
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    Cherry Shrimp Tank...

    I've got about 20 cherry shrimp in with a male betta and he doesn't bother them at all.
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    Deworming Dps

    i've got a couple of dwarf puffers that i de-wormed with "kursi wormer plus" that was about 2 weeks ago but one of them is still skinny and doesn't eat a lot so maybe i need to do it again, i've now got some red cherry shrimp in the tank anyone know if it's safe to use the wormer with the shrimp :)
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    Heater On The Slant?

    as oldman said the only reason mine is at an angle on my main tank is that i can still do a large water change without the heater becoming exposed as i've forgot to turn it off on a couple of times, the heater in my juwel tank stands upright and there no problem with that :)
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    My 60L (Pics)

    the problems with plec's is unless you are fairly sure that you will be getting a large tank you could have a problem finding him a new home, i know of a couple of fish shops that won't take them in as they allready have a few tanks with large plecs in that people don't want.
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    Water Conditioner?

    i'm switching to prime as well much better value than aqua safe :good:
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    Aqua One Aquience 1800R

    i'm on my third aqua one tank now and i think they are great value and quality ,i've got the 1050 filter running on my 180litre tank and works well and is very quite, i like the style of them as well :good:
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    Guppy Has Given Birth To 141 Fry

    amazing how did you manage to count them all :hyper:
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    Cherry Shrimp£202

    arrived this morning safely, thanks mark :)
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    Cherry Shrimp£202

    arrived this morning safely, thanks mark :)
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    Where've They Gone?

    as above they will probably hide for a few days but they are much more confident if you keep a group of them.
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    Cherry Shrimp£202

    i'm also interested if you have some, would need them this week if poss :)
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    20 Cherry Shrimp Cheap - With At Least 1 Pregnant Female

    i'll take 20 if you still have any left :)
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    yes it's covered by there contents insurance "Water escaping from any fixed water or heating installation, domestic appliance, water bed or fish tank" taken from the nationwide document.
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    i'm a bit worried as my 55gallon tank is upstairs so if it were to crack it would do a lot of damage, me insurance company (nationwide) cover for breakages of fish tanks as standard, i'm sure they would probably try and get out of it though if it happened.
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    Is There A Cheaper Way Than Getting A Structural Engineer Out?

    yep the hot tub is full just about all the time it's only empty for about 2 months of the year, it's about 8foot square so there is a lot of water in there.
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    Is There A Cheaper Way Than Getting A Structural Engineer Out?

    any good joiner could reinforce the joists from underneath, my sister has a large hot tub which is outside on decking that is on stilts, i'm not sure how much water is in there but it's a lot more than a large fish tank and it's been fine, i wouldn't worry to much anyway if it's on the ground floor.
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    Best Food For Endlers

    thanks, i'll try some spirulina flake and see if they like that :)
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    Best Food For Endlers

    i've got a group of endlers and have been feeding them aquarian flakes but they will only est the dar coloured flake and spit out the light coloured ones, just wondering if there is anything else i could use.
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    My Tanks...some Of Them Be Round!

    cool puffer and your 64 litre tank is looking amazing, what lights have you got in there and how long are you leaving them on, i've got a 64 litre juwel tank but it's only got a 15watt so not that much light, doesn't matter how much arrange my tank it always looks rubbish. just been to my LFS...
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    Filter For Dwarf Puffer Tank

    i'll run both filter together then, i'm just about ready all i need now is a few more plants and the puffers of course hopefully the shop will be getting some on friday, he's says that they come from tanzania i thought that they came from india ? he said he's sold them for years and they only...
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    Filter For Dwarf Puffer Tank

    ok thanks jennybugs, i did a bit of research and a lot of people do indeed recomend the Eheim Aquaball filters so i bought this one. now whats the best way to swap over the filters, put the media from my...
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    Filter For Dwarf Puffer Tank

    thanks i'll take a look at them :)
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    Filter For Dwarf Puffer Tank

    i didn't really want to keep 2 filters in there as it's only a 65 litre tank and the juwel one takes up a load to space as it is.
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    Filter For Dwarf Puffer Tank

    i've got a juwel rekord 64litre tank that is going to have 4 dwarf puffers in it soon, it's got the standard juwel filter which is rated at 280ltrs and hour so i'm going to get something a bit better. a few of the puffer sites i've looked at seem to rate hob filters but i can't seem to find any...
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    Dwarf Puffer Tank Filter

    i've got a juwel record 64litre tank thats going to be home to 4 dwarf puffers soon and i don't think the standard internal filter will be up to the job, ive seen the "aquaclear 50 power filter" recomended on few site but can't seem to find one in the uk, i like the sound of a hob filter as it...
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    Dwarf Puffer Question

    thanks, i've changed my mind about keeping the bn in there i don't think i want to risk it i think i'll just rehome him instead, i hope these dwarf puffers are worth it, i'm having to get rid of all of my fish to get them, but everytime i'm in my lfs i'm always drawn to the tank with the dwarf...
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    Dwarf Puffer Question

    i think i will give it a go i really don't want to get rid of the bn unless i have to.
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    Dwarf Puffer Question

    i'm planning on taking all of my current fish back to my lfs and keep dwarf puffers instead, my tank is a 65ltr and was planning on keeping 4 in there, the only fish out of my current stock that i would be sad to see go would be my bristlenose so i was wondering if it would be possible to leave...
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    Rena A Decent Brand? Y/n

    i think they are great filters a friend of mine runs a xp4 and i've had a xp3 in the past with no problems, they are almost silent as well :good:
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    Replacing A Juwel Rekord 60 T8 With A T5

    i was going to order a t6 tube from aqua essentials for my record 60 tank but i wasn't sure it would fit, i did email them to ask but i didn't get a reply. did you get a brushing kit as well i think you need one as it's a slimmer tube.
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    Crazed Betta

    he's been in there a week now but only started to freak out tonight, yes it was a accident i didn't mean to feed him that many, don't know what you mean about the stats it's easy to keep the ammonia and nitrites down there is only one fish in there with plenty plants and regular water changes.
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    Crazed Betta

    i had to move my betta out of my community tank as one of the other fish shredded his fins, i bought him a new tank a 28litre the tank is not cycled but i do regular water changes and the stats are fine ammonia 0, nitrites 0, nitrates 0 i gave him to many blood worms tonight and like the greedy...
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    So, First Things First...!

    ive got exactlt the same filter and air pump as "livebearer_master" it works very well and is very quiet :good:
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    Community Fish

    what about a few endlers i've got some in with my betta
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    Filter For Betta Tank

    i thought air pumps were only for adding air so is this what i need: with one of these...
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    Filter For Betta Tank

    i've had to removed my male betta from my comunity take as one of the other fishes has shredded his fins, he was completly fine in there for about 2 months. i felt bad about it so i went out today and bough him a aquastart 320 28 litre tank which he willl have all to himself, the problem is the...
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    Apartment Tank!

    it depends on how many joists the load is spread over no one is going to be able to tell you for definate you would need a proper survey to be sure, however i had a similar problem trying to find out if my 220litre tank would be ok upstairs on a wooden floor and it's been fine, mine is a deep...
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    Floating Food For Abf

    never thought of cultivating flies i'll have a look into it, thx.