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  1. kelly528

    New To All This And Is Stressing Please Help

    The orange is probably brown algae. Look up some pictures of it. Am I right?
  2. kelly528

    Dead Minnow!

    You can still answer these: Tank size: tank temp: Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): Chemical Additives or Media in your tank: Tank inhabitants: Recent additions to your tank (living or decoration): Exposure to chemicals: Digital...
  3. kelly528

    Howcome There Is Duckweed In My Tank?

    I like it. Plus, the other plants in the substrate are probably root feeders (unless they're java fern or anubias) so since they are feeding off the mulm in the substrate you shouldn't have any problems with nutrient competition.
  4. kelly528

    Anyone Try Cycling A Fish Bowl?

    I cycled mine. It's the same as cycling a fish tank. The only thing is that in a tank that small, cycling will have VERY little impact on how frequently you have to change the water. In a bowl, the surface area is smaller, as is the footprint (gallon for gallon compared to the standard rectangle...
  5. kelly528

    Sick Betta

    I don't know UK medications but unless it specifically lists columnaris I would switch meds. Antibiotics are very different from, say, antiparasitic meds or antifungals.
  6. kelly528

    Questions About Keeping Discus

    Ha ha probably a teeny bit... I'm assuming he doesn't guarantee his discus. But then again when you know enough to run a fish store I'm sure most freshwater fish seem pretty easy.
  7. kelly528

    Partial Water Changes. Waste Of Time?

    With a heavily planted tank and very, very low stocking, sure. But I'll leave that to the experts!
  8. kelly528

    Sick Betta

    Columnaris. Treat for columnaris first, if it's possible. What medication did you give him? If it says it treats 'body fungus' (another name for columnaris) you should be fine. Sorry if I was unclear!
  9. kelly528

    Endlers And Apisto

    Keep us posted!
  10. kelly528

    Question Abou Water Changes And Stress On Fish

    Haha no worries... you were worried for my 4 tanks for a sec, I bet!
  11. kelly528

    Persistent Whitespot

    Well there you go--- shows what I know about British fish meds!
  12. kelly528

    From The Livebearers

    I have pygmy cories with my endlers... miniature cories for miniature guppies lol. They get alond pretty well. They're the same size too. Since neither of the species eat fry I am going to try and induce breeding once they have settled in.
  13. kelly528

    Little White Spots

    Yupp those are zebra snail eggs... they look like little white sesame seeds, right? I'm afraid I don't know how to get rid of them. You'll have to ask someone else.
  14. kelly528

    Sick Betta

    Even if you can put him in a container that can float on the surface (ie tupperware) that would probably help until you can get a heater. It sounds like columnaris... I just diagnosed a case of it in one of my fish actually. Basically what it boils down to is that there are 2 diseases which...
  15. kelly528

    Endlers And Apisto

    I am not a cichlid person, but I can tell you that endlers will make and expensive snack. They are not too fast. If my betta can catch them I would assume that your apisto fill find them just delightful :S
  16. kelly528

    Question Abou Water Changes And Stress On Fish

    Sorry, I meant that if something is drastically wrong with your tank water, change it. Not that ammonia spikes and the above-mentioned water chemistry swings coincide. Hence the 'etc'. Good job on the thread though, I checked it out before and it was really informative :)
  17. kelly528

    Questions About Keeping Discus

    I think it depends on the water hardness in your area?
  18. kelly528

    Little White Spots

    Do you have nerite snails? They sound like nerite eggs.
  19. kelly528

    Sick Betta

    Is he separated from the rams? When did he get the cut on his back? When did he get the cut on his fin? What color is the fluff? You will need to QT him. Anything, even tupperware will do as long as it has clean water and a heater. This will prevent his cut from getting infected and his fin...
  20. kelly528

    Persistent Whitespot

    Is your tank warm enough for the species you are keeping in there? Cold water increases vulnerability to ich.
  21. kelly528

    Merky Water

    In pulling up the undergravel filter you definitely disturbed some major sh*t. Literally. Give it a few days and all the fish waste and debris should settle down into the substrate again.
  22. kelly528

    Sick Betta

    From now on fill this sticky out before you post here. Tank size: pH: ammonia: nitrite: nitrate: kH: gH: tank temp: Fish Symptoms (include full description including lesion, color, location, fish behavior): Volume and Frequency of water changes: Chemical Additives or Media in your tank...
  23. kelly528

    Just Got Back From My Lfs

    Their primary diet is crustaceans. Their teeth grow forever so unless they crunch hard shells to wear them down their teeth will grow so long that they won't be able to close their mouths, causing them to starve. Before you buy the puffs I suggest you get a colony of snails going (not sure what...
  24. kelly528

    Howcome There Is Duckweed In My Tank?

    You probably got a leaf or two hitchhiking on an aquatic plant. They don't call it an invasive species for nothing :crazy:
  25. kelly528

    Just Got Back From My Lfs

    Good luck and don't forget the snails! :good:
  26. kelly528

    What's The Deal?

    Bettas are slow fish and their flowing fins make them an irresistible quarry for many fish. You might want to consider setting him up in a studio apartment (3-5g) before his fins get eaten off.
  27. kelly528

    Question Abou Water Changes And Stress On Fish

    While swings in water parameters may induce breeding in some species, it doesn't mean that they are always a 'good thing'. But if the ammonia is spiking, pH is wonky, etc they are definitely safer than leaving the water alone! Do what it takes to alleviate the ammonia buildup (ie 50%), then stay...
  28. kelly528

    Questions About Keeping Discus

    Honestly, I don't know much about discus, but I do know that they require a LOT of homework before buying... you need impeccable water quality, and at a minumum of $50 per fish x at least 5 discus, mistakes are pretty costly. They are almost a seperate world from fresh and salt, once you get...
  29. kelly528

    Just Got Back From My Lfs

    Very few puffers can be mated successfully, from what I know. Most are wild-caught. You will probably need to start a new setup if you go for them because a) Not only are they territorial, their teeth are SHARP! Don't be fooled by appearances; they will shred fish twice their size. b) They need...
  30. kelly528

    Pygmy Cory Has Columnaris

    The entire growth is gone, thanks to the Maracyn/Maracyn 2 combo. Nothing left to dobut finish off the antibiotics :) Thanks guys!
  31. kelly528

    Pygmy Cory Has Columnaris

    Ok thanks--- I will clean the main tank religiously for a few days and get the sponge filter running in my 2.5g. Thanks!
  32. kelly528

    Pygmy Cory Has Columnaris

    Yupp exactly like a little Cotton Swab covering his fin. At first I thought it was fungus but after some reading I determined that I should treat for Columnaris first, seeing as it is the more common diagnosis and more deadly. I'm going to QT him for treatment, unless you think the isolation...
  33. kelly528

    Pygmy Cory Has Columnaris

    Nope at work. From my research I have figured that it is safest to assume it is columnaris. I will have to treat with Maracyn 1 & 2 (Do you do this at the same time?) Also, not sure what I should do (if anything) to prevent it from spreading to other fish... I have fry, plants and snails in the...
  34. kelly528

    Goldfish E-petition

    Pfft they're too lazy to push a new law through parliament for some silly little goldfish.
  35. kelly528

    Pygmy Cory Has Columnaris

    I noticed one of my pygmy cories swimming around with this white poof covering one fin. He is acting normally but it is huge... can anyone tell me what this is and should I quarantine him or will isolation stress him out more. Can I use aquarium salt?
  36. kelly528

    What Would You Say?

    They keep scads of them like that in Canada too. I understand that it is one of the few economical solutions for temporarily housing fish that are unsuitable to be housed together, but I positively HATE how they sell teeny cups and betta condos to people :crazy:
  37. kelly528

    Bogwood And Plant Growing

    Not all species of plants will grow on bogwood. Java fern and anubias species can be tied onto the wood with fishing line or thread until they root to the wood. Moss can be secured to wood or rocks using a hairnet .
  38. kelly528

    Why Do People Use Cat Litter?

    People use it for their catfish. Lol jk I understand it is the same thing as laterite. You don't need it if you have a substrate with a hich CEC like eco or flourite but elsewise it is always nice to throw a layer of it down to help things along.
  39. kelly528

    Loach Questions

    Well, some (eg clowns) need to be the same species, while some loaches (Like my Batik) will fight members of their own species. What I can tell you is that they will most likely butt heads with anything else, loach or no, that comes into their territory. Yupp mixing them would be a feat.
  40. kelly528

    Center Piece

    Nope :D I have a male in my 20g with zebras, ottos, well you can read my sig. Nice fish. Barring that you could go for a pair of dwarf cichlids (Like Kribs or Apistos) but I'd check with an expert first to make sure they won't butt heads with the cories. I think angels is asking for trouble. It...