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  1. J

    Confused About Article On Fishless Cycling!

    HEAVENS YES!!! I have one lowly Betta in a bowl and am scared to death I will do something wrong! I didn't know you had to cycle a tank and just set it up, brought him home and threw him in there. It's a wonder he survived....but he did get a nasty case of tail rot! I found out about cycling...
  2. J

    Confused About Article On Fishless Cycling!

    Well the article Written by Chris Cow first says add amonia, then 1/2 amt daily after that. Next article down says add once and not again! Which is the correct way? Thanks!
  3. J

    Starting All Over! A Few Questions, Please!

    Starting over! Just siphoned the last of the "toxic soup" and plan to add spring water. I live in the country and there is a natural spring near here with crystal clear water. It is the best water you ever tasted...very clean, no taste or smell. It is a lower ph than my tap water. Has anyone...
  4. J

    So Many Problems! Really Need Help!

    Well, here goes! Grab a comfy's gonna be a long ride! :-( I do have many questions but will do a short history of (hopefully) how I got to where I am. 1) Mom had a 5 gallon tank set-up and one big goldfish who evevtually died. She gave me her tank which I promptly put in the...
  5. J

    Introducing Myself & My Myriad Of Fishy Problems!

    Hello Everyone! I am Jan and I live in Portland, TN. We are a small rural town about 50 miles N. of Nashville. I have a 5 gallon tank set up and a 10 gallon I plan on setting up soon, well as soon as I get the 5 gal straight...which is obviously going to take awhile (sigh)..... I have one...