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  1. sunpirate2u


    wow, :lol: but i got it in the LFS and it was under water before i bought it. what should i do with it?
  2. sunpirate2u


    I have a ten gallon with java moss and monda grass. It's stocked with two female guppies and one female betta. The problem is, my tank has been a little hot lately ~ 78-79 F. I cant leave the light on long because the heat will go up (BTW i have no heater). I think that my mondo grass is...
  3. sunpirate2u

    Female Bettas!

    I agree, there has been no conflict between the guppies and FM betta.
  4. sunpirate2u

    Female Bettas!

    thanks guys it's been a great help
  5. sunpirate2u

    Female Bettas!

    Thanks! Ok, I have a 3 gallon tank open, I could put the guppies in there.
  6. sunpirate2u

    Female Bettas!

    Hi, during the time with the forum shut down, I got this stunning female. She is SD with a cream body and deep red fins and a small red patch on her head :drool: (named her Patches). I just had to get her :drool: . I took her home and put her in my 10 gallon with my two pregnant guppies...
  7. sunpirate2u

    When To Put In The Trap?

    As some of u may know, I have a heavily pregnant guppy and she just became squared around 5:00 p.m. mountain time and im not sure when to put her in the breeding trap. Should I put her in tonight or tomorrow morning :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: :unsure: ? She's been acting...
  8. sunpirate2u

    Rescued Betta

    I went to petco the other day and I saw a tiny tank with a betta burried :crazy: under the gravel, poor thing. I quickly dug him out when no one was looking :rolleyes: . He was all beat up and looked so mistreated :sad: :angry: I never buy fish at petco anymore. They always give me ick and...
  9. sunpirate2u

    Newbie On Goldfish

    that viedo was just plain worng. i don't want that to happen -_- ....ill stick with tropical fish :good: :nod:
  10. sunpirate2u

    Newbie On Goldfish

  11. sunpirate2u

    Newbie On Goldfish

    I’m new to goldfish (since i was like 3, i kept them as just my first pet them i got rid of them) so many years later I got into tropical fish. Now i have gotten attached to goldfish. So, right now i have a 10 gallon up and running, and it's completely cycled and I want to try goldfish. I read...
  12. sunpirate2u

    Banded Leporinus

    Thats ok :blink: . There's lots of fish out there that can go in a ten gallon. :good:
  13. sunpirate2u

    Banded Leporinus

    my tank is small so i should just keep one banded leporinus. it's a ten gallon.... :blush: :unsure:
  14. sunpirate2u

    Banded Leporinus

    would they be good with clown loaches or any catfish?
  15. sunpirate2u

    Banded Leporinus

    I have seen my once in a tank a banded leporinus, and I feel in love with them :wub: . I have fond that they r really good jumpers, aggressive, get to be 12 inches long, they live in fast current rocky areas, they r sometimes aggressive to their own kind, and that they eat live plants. I would...
  16. sunpirate2u

    Gravid Spot Changed Color?

    it became dark again. Thanks guys.
  17. sunpirate2u

    Is My Platy Pregnant? And Other Questions...

    ur platy is a deffo female and she is pregnant. she looks really close to giving birth. ur right. u don't have time to cycle a fry tank. if u get a breeders net they will live in there for ~a couple weeks. an under gravel filter will suck up the little fry. Fry will eat powdered fish flakes...
  18. sunpirate2u

    Avoiding And Treating New Tank Syndrome

    i agree! It should be pinned and should be an A5 sheet given out to new fish owners. I agree with "Cycling my tankis so boring, can't i put the fish in now?". My friend saw that i loved fish and he wanted to try it. I told him to cycle the tank and he didn't listen to me. All of his fish died...
  19. sunpirate2u

    Pregnat Mickey Mouse Platy!

    try posting this in the Livebearer section. u'll get better help there.
  20. sunpirate2u

    Crazy Female Guppy

    my female guppy did that to me in my last water change! LOL
  21. sunpirate2u

    Gravid Spot Changed Color?

    I just came home from shopping then I want to look at my tank, that I recently cleaned. I noticed that one of my female's gravid spot had changed colors form dark brown to pink. What happened? Did she aboard the fry? :-( What does this mean? I thought she might of had her fry, but i looked all...
  22. sunpirate2u

    Best Way To Clean The Tank

    I need to clean my 10 gallon guppy tank today. The only problem is that the females r preggie. how can I do this? would it be ok to put them is a plastic cup and cover it? help fast!
  23. sunpirate2u


  24. sunpirate2u

    Swaping Fish In Their Tanks

    Ok so about 2-3 weeks ago I got 5 guppies so I could breed them. I also set up a 3 gallon fry tank (now cycled completely :good: ) with 3 zebra danios. Two weeks ago I started noticing that my guppies began to get ick :sick: so I added some ick treatment (made by Jungle, just in case u wanted...
  25. sunpirate2u

    Squared Females

    Update: Now the "rainbow girl" is looking more prego. It's been about 3 days, sence the last post of this topic, and now im wondering when she'll give birth.
  26. sunpirate2u

    How Many Fish Are Kept By The Tff Collectively?

    5 guppies 4 bettas 3 zebra danios 10201 :fish:
  27. sunpirate2u

    Friends Betta

    GOOD NEWS!!! The poor guy's fins r growing back! :hyper: :yahoo: :yahoo: :yahoo:
  28. sunpirate2u

    Guppy Food

    I feed tetramin every day then freeze dried blood worms once a week. :good:
  29. sunpirate2u

    Guppies And Platties Or Swords!?

    Guppies come in so many beautiful colors and tail types. Sword males do get agressive fight with other males. If u want babbies fast get guppies. If u want alot a babbies get platys and swords. The thing is though platys and swords can interbreed.
  30. sunpirate2u

    Squared Females

    thanks Wayne. After a bit of reading I realized that the cobra was pretty far off. I thought the rainbow female was close, is she not?
  31. sunpirate2u

    Be4 And After

    Well, I thought the natural gravel would really bring out the guppies color :drool:
  32. sunpirate2u

    Squared Females

    hey quick question, they're getting ick. Would it be bad for the babies because they're on the way? Would the treatment be safe?
  33. sunpirate2u

    Be4 And After

    Old Tank: New Setup: Fish 5 guppies (2 male and 3 females) Also two live plants Comments welcome
  34. sunpirate2u

    Squared Females

    pics update above
  35. sunpirate2u

    Ick Is Coming Back

    If you haven't yet, I highly suggest you read through this page: It is bar none, the best collection of ich information on the web today. It explains why you have to continue to treat long after all visible symptoms or gone -- or ich has a...
  36. sunpirate2u

    Friends Betta

    UPDTAE: The poor guy :shout: : My friend really neglected him :grr: . He's looking a little better now :nod: . The pics make him look red, he's not. :good: New Dude: Seaweed :wub: From a different friend (NOTE: All the decor is now replaced due to the calcium :good: )
  37. sunpirate2u


    I was told to move this to the livebearer forum:
  38. sunpirate2u

    Expert Fish Keepers....

    i've been known to have probs with ick..... :blush: I don't do quarantine because mom & dad r getting sick with the fish thing lol :blink: .
  39. sunpirate2u

    Ick Is Coming Back

    Do u think my tank already has ick or did they give it to me? Ok ill try some ick treatment. The thing is I have some baby guppies on the way :shout: , and now im not sure if it's safe to treat it be4 they're born. Fry r really sensitive.