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  3. Ameris

    I'm Embarrassed and Frustrated With my Shrimp Tank

    I’m pretty new to keeping shrimp seriously but I do wish you luck!! It’s always distressing to see populations shrinking.
  4. Ameris

    Picked up this beautiful 5 gallon today!

    So thrilled about it. It was only $30 for the tank, filter, plants, filter media, light, shrimp, and food. It’s already been cycled, the seller was just moving and needed to get rid of it. Turns out there’s also a bunch of tiny snails in there, not sure what kind yet though! Right now it’s my...
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  8. Ameris

    Rainbow film on the top of the water + I think I’m having nitrite issues?

    Awww wait those are kinda cute! I’ll have to reconsider my stance… Thank you for those calculations! I’ll definitely be working on that.
  9. Ameris

    Bioload Question

    Big yikes, that’s good to know. I’ll wait on the guppies until I can move the betta to his own tank. I do love to daydream, though. What are your favorite kinds of guppies?
  10. Ameris

    Bioload Question

    Good update! I’m sending some of the fish over to live with a friend, so it’ll be just the betta and the corydoras after Tuesday. I’ll probably look at getting pencilfish or guppies, not sure yet though and I’d love some advice/ideas. As soon as my next paycheck comes in I also plan to get a 5...
  11. Ameris

    Rainbow film on the top of the water + I think I’m having nitrite issues?

    They are super weird looking! And they get so big too, tricks a lot of first time fish keepers
  12. Ameris

    Rainbow film on the top of the water + I think I’m having nitrite issues?

    Will do! May I ask why you’re a pleco hater? Cause honestly me too
  13. Ameris

    Rainbow film on the top of the water + I think I’m having nitrite issues?

    I thought I had cycled it before but it looks like I was wrong… I’ll be keeping a close eye on the water. In the first set of tests I did the light was shining on the tubes, I had my girlfriend hold it and I held the tubes and the camera. Thank you for the help! I worry about my fish a lot.
  14. Ameris

    Rainbow film on the top of the water + I think I’m having nitrite issues?

    Awesome, I’ll keep that in mind. Here are the readings I just took.pH^^nitrites ^^ 😬aaaand ammonia ^^
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  18. Ameris

    Rainbow film on the top of the water + I think I’m having nitrite issues?

    I do have fish in the tank, a betta, three harlequin rasboras, the three corydoras. (I’m aware the stocking isn’t great and it’s a problem I’m working on). Temp is 76 degrees Fahrenheit, pH is 5.8. The tank is a 15 gallon. I’ll be doing water tests again today and I’ll bring an update then!
  19. Ameris

    Rainbow film on the top of the water + I think I’m having nitrite issues?

    I feel like I’ve been posting a lot… let’s hope it isn’t too much. I noticed a colorful film on the top of the water today. I read that there are a bunch of things that could cause it so I figured I’d ask someone more knowledgeable here! I moved the filter output so it makes the water move...
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  23. Ameris

    Feeding alternatives to bloodworms?

    I had read that they can cause reactions but I must’ve developed the allergy recently cause a few years ago it didn’t affect me. I’ll definitely check out that fly shop, I’m sure he’d love that! I think brine shrimp might also work for the other fish in my tank.
  24. Ameris

    Feeding alternatives to bloodworms?

    My betta loves eating bloodworms but I’m horribly allergic and I just can’t do it anymore. What are some equally good foods to feed him?
  25. Ameris

    Bioload Question

    Ohhhhh I get that. Alright, will do! I am considering buying a 25 gallon longer tank as I’ve always wanted kuhli loaches. Thanks! I’ll probably stick with what I have already then.
  26. Ameris

    Bioload Question

    I can get measurements once I get home from school.
  27. Ameris

    Bioload Question

    Okay, so in summary my list of things to do is: - Increase school/shoal sizes - Attach ferns to rocks/wood - Figure out stocking problems/ideas The last one is the hardest considering I have such a list of requirements. The fish can’t be too small or too aggressive, can’t be a risk to the...
  28. Ameris

    Bioload Question

    I’m thinking it did and got scavenged (admittedly really cleanly scavenged.) I rescaped yesterday after searching to find a body and found absolutely no sign of one. :’)
  29. Ameris

    Bioload Question

    I’ll measure it once I get home. It is mostly vertical, which obviously causes problems with stocking. There aren’t really any fish that swim vertically, so I’ve been trying to only stock it with fish that are okay with a smaller tank, but I’m young and it’s definitely a learning experience!
  30. Ameris

    Bioload Question

    Ooohhh thanks for the ideas!! How would you attach the ferns? Should I attach the other ones too? It’s el niño ferns in the background, and everything else is java or windelov. Funny enough, I was looking at getting some pencilfish but I wasn’t sure how they’d get along with the others.
  31. Ameris

    Bioload Question

    I’m planning to go get three to five more harlequins this week, and probably two more corys. I was thinking maybe cherries? I’ve only ever had ghost shrimp in the past (as they were labeled at the store, not sure if they have another name), so I would have to do more research.
  32. Ameris

    Bioload Question

    Fed the fish this morning and headed to school, when I got back 8 hours later I realized one of my four harlequin rasboras was gone. I introduced a new betta to the aquarium yesterday, and I suspect he was the culprit, but outside of the missing fish he hasn’t shown any signs of aggression and...
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  37. Ameris

    Bioload Question

    I have this 15 gallon vertical tank, fully planted with three kinds of fern and some pothos at the top. It’s cycled and everything and the water readings are coming out fine. In it are four harlequin rasboras, three corydoras, and a betta. (I’m not having any issues with his aggression he...
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  40. Ameris

    Recent Photos I Took

    Currently looking for names for the betta if anyone has ideas!