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  1. P

    my giant pen

    You havent see the size of my sword :oops::oops::oops:
  2. P

    Driftwood tank

    A bag of purigen in your filter will also help, but as @Colin_T has said bogwood can leach tannins for a looooong time
  3. P

    Fish dead after water change

    If you do do it will you get someone to video it......pretty please
  4. P

    Fish dead after water change

    I would love to be able to store 50 - 100 litres of water in some sort of bin or whatever BUT I live in a small(ish) house with not a lot of spare space inside to store water :). As for storing outside.....well it hit minus 5 last night so I am thinking that is a no no as well
  5. P

    favorite and least favorite things about fish keeping!

    Only back into the hobby a few weeks, well 8 Favorite thing - Both tanks have cycled Least favorite - No fish yet :(
  6. P


    I boiled my piece countless times over 2 weeks and then left it soaking in a big bucket for 3 weeks. Water was running clear, placed it in my 40l tank and hey presto it leaked tannins overnight. Woke to a light brown tank. It has been in the tank for a few weeks now and it isnt too...
  7. P

    Fish dead after water change

    I am going to be using a Python water changer soon. Both tanks have only just finished cycling, both have live plants so am going to do the big water change before adding fish (giving the live plants a treat with the high nitrates). Do I dose directly into the tank my the water outlet on the...
  8. P

    2 tank cycles complete :)

    That never crossed my mind BUT hey what a brilliant idea. Just hope no one wraps fishies up for me
  9. P

    55 gallon filter

    Haha just noticed that now......ooopsie :)
  10. P

    55 gallon filter

    I have a Fluval 306 running in a 200l tank. I do have a spray bar attached which is pointed at the surface and gives a fair bit of surface movement. You can adjust the flow rate as well using the handle which cuts off the water to the filter.
  11. P

    2 tank cycles complete :)

    Woohoo tested my 40l last night pH 7 ammonia 0 Nitrite 0 and Nitrate 80. Will test again tonight and fingers crossed will be the same. Fed with 2ppm ammonia as well And my 200l was the same apart from nitrates at 160ppm. Also fed with ammonia up to 2ppm My other half said it had been just...
  12. P

    What gender are my German blue rams?

    I love these rams but my LFS hardly ever get them in. I will be asking if he will keep me a pair after my tank has cycled
  13. P

    Strange tap water

    Give your local water company a call and explain to them and see what they say
  14. P

    Python water changer

    Only trouble is I now have to buy and fit a mixer tap into the kitchen. I am probably the worst DIYer on the planet :lol::lol:
  15. P

    Python water changer

    Well I picked up a bargain on eBay this week. 7.5m python with brass adapter and tank hook for £25. Was pick up only from just outside London, I live in South Wales BUT my son lives and works in London so I put a bid in and won. Very happy to say the least :)
  16. P

    Back to the hobby!

    Hmmm interesting. That would be painfully slow. Its bad enough now with heaters and all on :)
  17. P

    Back to the hobby!

    Is there such a thing??
  18. P

    pH drop after 2 days

    Thank you for all your replies, much appreciated. @essjay once the tank has cycled I will stop using it. When it has fish in I understand that the water changes will keep the pH to tap levels. Thank you for the advice @seangee thanks for the tip will try and hide a glass of tap water for 24...
  19. P

    pH drop after 2 days

    Went to my lfs. Today and told him the issue I having. He sold me this. I added to both tanks this after noon. Both tanks tested this evening. 40l pH 7.2 and KH 4 200l pH 7 and khh 4 Seems to be working so far. Will update tomorrow
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  21. P

    pH drop after 2 days

    Sorry.... Kh 2 gh 4 Both tanks have dropped. There is bogwood in the 40l tank. In the 200l there is live plants and rainbow slate
  22. P

    pH drop after 2 days

    Tested this evening and pH was 6.4. So another 25% water change and now back to 7.2. Tested kh and gh out of the tap. Kh was 2drops and kh was 4 drops. Don't quite understand what that means thou
  23. P

    pH drop after 2 days

    Added the ammonia last night upto 2ppm. My KH/GH test kit is coming today from Amazon. so will test the tap water as well Thank you for the quick reply and info
  24. P

    pH drop after 2 days

    A few weeks into my 40l fishless cycle. Parameters have been pretty good during he cycle. Tested the pH last night and has dropped from 7 (2 days ago) to 6. Triple checked the test, all the same. Tested the pH in my 200l (which is at the same stage on the cycle) and that was at 7. So done a...
  25. P

    Just getting back into fish keeping after 30 odd years away

    My daughter in law bought me a 40l tank for my birthday. I knew it wasnt going to be big enough for a community so I had a look on gumtree etc and bought myself a 200l :). After reading up on fishkeeping again I was surprised on how far it had come. Cycling!? Never cycled a tank...