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  1. D

    Can I Grow Live Plants Without Co2?

    thankyou for the advice peeps
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    Will My Plants Grow Without C02?

    thankyou ;)
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    Will My Plants Grow Without C02?

    ok will do any suggestions on what plants would be good for a tank with no c02?
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    Undergravel Filter Yes Or No?

    im lucky just bought this tank with everything included to set up its a fluval 240 i think cabinet and unopend conditioners,food and bacteria mint condition £130
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    Will My Plants Grow Without C02?

    will my plants grow if i use ferts and quality lighting co2 is just not within my budget
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    Undergravel Filter Yes Or No?

    will be using an external filter anyway so no advantages with undergravel i guess lol
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    thankyou to all the members who have givin me plenty of usefull advice so far im just setting up a new tank and will be posting plenty of questions as i want to get it right ive had a few tanks in the past but this is my biggest yet and i want to take my time and get it looking something like...
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    Can I Grow Live Plants Without Co2?

    will my plants grow if i use ferts and quality lighting co2 is just not within my budget
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    Undergravel Filter Yes Or No?

    thanks like i say ive never used them before but then again ive never set up for real plants but i bought this 4ft fluval today and want to make sure i get it right first time so im not mucking around in the water once the fish are in.
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    Undergravel Filter Yes Or No?

    sound thankyou :)
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    Undergravel Filter Yes Or No?

    just purchased a 4ft tank and ive never used an undergravel in any of my setups are there any advantages/dissadvantages??? tank will be set up with live plants.
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    3D Backgrounds

    thanks i will smudge :) did you manage to find an alternative?
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    3D Backgrounds

    im setting up a tank and would like to fit a 3D background but my local stores prices are pretty high. Can I make ky own or is there a good cheap supplier out there?
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    Starting Over

    everything looks clean allready it looks like i just bought it from the shopo but ill prob give it a rinse with a bit of vinegar anyway thanks for the tip ill post again asking how to start up i just want to get my decor sorted so im happy with it before i put any fish in this may take a few...
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    Starting Over

    I have just been deliverd a second hand fluval 4ft tank and cabinet in mint condition for just £120 it came with the fluval 305 external filter, fluval heater, lights, vacumn, bogwood,gravel, 2ft heli' wreck it even has unopend nutrafin food, bacteria start and water conitioner. I want to set it...
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    Fin Rot

    the myxazin is bacterial fin rot and bacteria it says "treats fin & body rot, ulcers,cloudy,pop eye & other bacterial infections" the finrot is comming on mainly the tail first then the top and bottom the worst affected were the male siamese fighter which was the first case then the last diamond...
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    Fin Rot

    thankyou for the help so far ill look into stocking and purchasing a test kit, any recommendations? any more help would be appreciated ill check back here tomorrow as its nearly 2am in the uk thanks people for your time and advice at this moment.
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    Fin Rot

    the tank has driftwood that emerges from the water which they climb and sit on they also sit on top of the internal filters the tank has condensation lids on to keep the crabs and any jumping fish in and moisture off the lights above and the tank whichis based inside a solid wood table with four...
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    Fin Rot

    i suppose but that was a while ago now and i had a month with no infections and everything was fine so i added the 5 chopper harlequins which all had finrot the next morning so i had took them out and now my female fighter has the start of what looks like infection could this be because i didnt...
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    Fin Rot

    after testing my waters at the store he said they were all how they should be and couldnt find anything wrong this is the thing that annoys me most about the fin rot as everything i read about the infection pretty much points to bad water quality but ive allways changed my water weekley been...
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    Fin Rot

    after testing my waters at the store he said they were all how they should be and couldnt find anything wrong this is the thing that annoys me most about the fin rot as everything i read about the infection pretty much points to bad water quality but ive allways changed my water weekley been...
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    Fin Rot

    im not sure no but i live just down the road from the store so id guess the same water as me and i use the same water coditioner as th store which is nutrafins aqua plus
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    Fin Rot

    i bought the fish which seemed in good health and i had reserved for 6 weeks in the shop before i broght him home but after a week the two small fins under his cheeks dissapeard then the rest of his fins rotted over a week or so before he died i assumed it was fin rot after comparing it to...
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    Fin Rot

    please can anyone help i have a 30 gallon live planted (no c02 sytem only plant ferts used at correct dosage)community tank housing 2 Marble Hatchetts 3 neon tetras 1 Diamond Tetra 1 Bristlenose catfish 1 Female fighter 1 albino red fin shark and two red crabs all these are mature fish/crabs. I...
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    New Tank Problems

    thanks for the help will try your advice. Thanks for the help and advice i will be off to the shops for a testing kit and try again.
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    New Tank Problems

    I have recently set up a new two foot tank with clean equipment. The tank was filled with walter filterd through a w/o system. This was left running for two weeks. Then i added some water from a trusted source to help with getting bacteria in the tank ready for stocking fish. After a further 10...