Hi all, I am relatively new to aquariums. I have a 21g tank that has: lots of real plants (still lots of space to swim), drift wood, filtration for a max of 50g, water is "perfect" : ammonia nitrate and nitrite at zero, pH is 7.7, general hardness is about 140, carbonate harness at 80. Fishne sailfin molly, two albino cories, one small white moutain minow, one red eye tetra, two rasboras(store creatively called them purple mountain trout), one indian flasher barb. The barb is the one with fast breating and in the tank almost vertical. He eats fine and seems healthy in all ways. Perhaps I am to heavily planted? After the lights went out the issue SEEMED to happen, perhaps the plants are releasing too much carbon dioxide?? temperature is 25.3 C. any ideas?
UPDATE: The flasher barb is still listless, swims areound a little bit and does so upright and looks good but, when he rests and he rests allot, he is a bit off balance and breaths rapidly. I have even seen him upside-down once. I now see very small white patche underneath his dorsal fin. It looks like fuzzy white stuff and is very small. All other fish are fine. I will attach a picture. I do now about the bacterial and fungal causes of this type of disease...I just dont have exper in how to diagnose in general. I have a medication called kanaplex(kanamycin based), whould this be recommeded?
UPDATE: The flasher barb is still listless, swims areound a little bit and does so upright and looks good but, when he rests and he rests allot, he is a bit off balance and breaths rapidly. I have even seen him upside-down once. I now see very small white patche underneath his dorsal fin. It looks like fuzzy white stuff and is very small. All other fish are fine. I will attach a picture. I do now about the bacterial and fungal causes of this type of disease...I just dont have exper in how to diagnose in general. I have a medication called kanaplex(kanamycin based), whould this be recommeded?