Need to rehome my dog...


Fish Addict
Apr 3, 2004
Reaction score
Toronto, Canada
Hi everyone,

I already posted in buy/sell but wanted to put it in here too so more people see this.

Due to recent changes in my circumstances I have to find a new home for my dog, Chelsea. :-( She's a 7 year old cockapoo (cocker spaniel/poodle cross). She's housebroken, spayed, up to date on all her shots, excellent with children, doesn't chew, is used to being home alone during the day and doesn't get into trouble when alone (so long as you don't leave the garbage out in the open :lol: ). She's never been in a crate and has always had free reign of the house.

Chelsea is a sweet, loving very affectionate dog. Her favourite thing is to sit on your lap and get belly rubs :wub: She's great in a car and will do anything with you.. so long as she gets to go along with you.

She needs to be gone by Saturday and I'm getting really desperate to find her a home. I'm really worried that I'll have to take her to a pound. I know she'd get adopted very quickly (just look at her picture!! :wub: ) but I think those few days in the kennel would really hurt her.

I'm from the Toronto area, however am near K-W at the moment. I will drive her to you within reason.

Please.... help me. If you or someone you know wants a sweet lovable dog, please pm me asap.

thanks for reading.

ps- she's 28 pounds (needs to lose a few :/ ) and doesn't shed at all


  • Chelsea.JPG
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aww i wish i could take her :(
She looks like an awesome dog, sorry you have to give her away :(

She's lovely, and i'm sure you will find her a great home.
val she is beautiful ,what a shame u have to give her away.
I would reccomend posting her on, as well as posting pictures with your contact information at stores like Petco/Petsmart/other large chains that do not sell dogs. If you plan on bringing her to a shelter by saturday should she not get adopted, you had better call in advance; most shelters do not just take walk-ins; if they don't have any room, you will be turned away. And, though many people say "I'm sure he/she will get adopted right away," please remember that thousands of people have said the same thing, yet there are still some 4-6 million pets being euthanized in America every year. I don't know how the situation is in Canada, but I'd look into a no-kill shelter if I were you; 5 days is not much time to find a home.
Could I ask why she needs to be given up, if it isn't too intrusive?
I just got a call from a friend of my aunt.. the family wants to come by to 'interview' Chelsea!! :) They sound absolutley perfect .... so fingers crossed!

RW- I'd actually prefer not to share my personal situation on such a public forum, but please know that I wouldn't be doing this unless absolutely necessary. Those who know me well, know that my dog is my life and it's killing me to lose her. Thanks for the head's up on the shelter. I'll call them today 'just in case'... but hopefully I won't need to use them. I'd rather sleep in my car then turn her in to a shelter.
Let us know how it goes... Sorry you have to give her away:( Hope she finds a family that will cherish her :)
Ok; np. ^^ I was only wondering because I know some sites with information on how to work through some situations, but I know that sometimes, nothing can be done :(

However, it sounds like you could have a home lined up, and that would be great! :thumbs: Good luck!

Boo you know i'd take her if i could, i know just how much you love her and i wish things could be different :-( but she's such a sweet dog i'm sure she'll find someone who will treasure her as much as you do.

ps. anyone know how much it would cost to ship a cockerpoo form canada to uk ;)
lady_tanksalot said:
ps. anyone know how much it would cost to ship a cockerpoo form canada to uk ;)

it is not the shipping Lady
it will be the 6 months in quarrentine that will eat up cash
approx £1500 per month.

Aww Boozy, I'm sure she'll go to a nice home! She's a gorgeous dog (and I don't usually like small dogs that much!) and it's a shame you're going to have to get rid of her... :sad:
Just to update.. yesterday 2 different people came to see her. I took her over to the one family's home last night to see how she got along with thier other dog. Yikes! I'm sure with time they'd get along but it was pretty nasty for 2 hours :S

This morning I'm taking her to visit the other family so she can meet the children. This is the home that sounds perfect. Twin 10 year olds, a 12 year old and 14 year old. big home, large yard. I feel good about this family so as long as the kids like her too I think they'll be the ones!

Thanks for all your comments. Yes, it's tough giving her up :-( but if she has a good home it will make it a bit easier.

wish her luck!

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