
Fish Fanatic
Jun 1, 2005
Reaction score
Ilford, Essex (east london really!)
Couldn't be bothered to wait any longer to put pics of my tank on here, I was gonna wait untill my bogwood arrives to fill the big space in the middle but it taking ages... So anyway, what do ya think?


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Wow, look at all the plants! It's amazing! Hope mine looks 25% as well set up.
Thats Lovely,

Is that a Platinum Angel I see, If so More Pix
Nice tank!
I like the natrual "bottom of a lake" look.
Not sure if thats what your going for, but either way its looks great!
Yeah I was going for a natural look, when i first started it i wanted it to look like the amazon- but that went a bit out the window lol. It started out with really fine gravel that i had used in another tank, but I realised that with a massive pleco in their it would all get stired up, so there's another layer of larger bits of gravel on top of that, with loads of rounded flints i found in the garden scattered about to finish it off- it works as well; the pleco has destroyed anything so far really.
Does your rainbow shark chase everyone in your tank?
Mine used to harrass everything, but now he seems to only dislike a siamese flying fox I introduced to the system a week ago.
well if you mean my 3 red tailed black sharks then i've got to admit that they did seem a bit boistruos at first, but so did the 3 jewel cichlids as well(kept bullying the angels). But now the tanks been full for a couple of weeks it all seems to have settled down and established and now everythings getting on fine-thank god!
yeah but arent RTBS suppose to be kept singly as they are terrortorial? adn by the way your chiclids will out grwo the tank quite quicly
tnak looks great i too like the mix of stone sizes v natral and will look great with some bog wood in there

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