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George Farmer

ad aqua
Jul 6, 2003
Reaction score
Stamford, Lincs, UK
Beleive it or not this photo was taken just after pruning. Most plants are just over 3 weeks old. For those that aren't aware this layout is new after a complete stripdown and substrate change.

I can strongly recommend Hygrophila difformis to anyone wishing to fill space quickly (assuming one has enough light etc.)

Unfortunately it requires too much time and effort to maintain this type of layout for long - but it looks nice in the meantime don't you agree?

I intend on switching from the fast growers to more demanding slower plants eventually, I'm currently seeking inspiration for a long-term layout.


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Thanks. They are Cardinal tetras - 28. I also have a pair of Gold Rams (see my signature), 2 Siamese Algae Eaters, 5 Otos and approx. 10 Amano shrimp.
It looks absolutely stunning ! Wish I had a tank like that :thumbs:
amazing Gf!
never cease to amaze me with your tanks :thumbs:

looking very green gf225. great clarity and really nice colour. looks like the algae's gone for good. i take it the riccia and lilly got the chop then?
fantastic as alwasy gf255

how about a thread with each incarnation of your tank, i would to see tehm next to each other as theyare all so inspiring
Thanks everyone.

Jimbooo - It is very green isn't it? I used to be a big fan of using lots of reds and different textures in a planted tank, you've only got to see some of my previous layouts to know that. Recently though I've become more interested in using only greens for planting, keeping to a few textures and using the fish to provide the other colours and points of interest. I think this look is more in keeping with the Nature style of aquascaping (by Nature I mean Amano's principles). My use of black background and substrate I think supports this. My basic intention is to provide beauty through simplicity. This is in stark contrast to my previous Dutch style layouts where, although very "pretty" in terms of colours, shapes and textures, they lacked the natural look that I personally favour. I liken it to sitting by a stream surrounded by nature's peace or walking through the Chelsea Flower Show. The latter is full of conventional beauty but lacks the serenity of the former. At the end of the day it's down to personal taste eh?

The Riccia went when I planted all that hairgrass and I binned the Lily as it stopped growing and I fancied having no red.

I like your sig BTW, I feel honoured that I may have played part in your obvious success. (It's "knew" not "new" too. See me after class. :rofl: )

OTP - Nice idea mate. I'm thinking of having a gallery with each major layout
and some of my favourite close-ups. Watch this space.
How about more java fern bunches? You understand the "golden section" right? You could use another piece of wood placed vertically behind the difformis with a bunch of java fern on top so that the bunch will be on the high right focal point located above the dividing line between the current java fern and right side hygro.

Hmm . . . that's make 2 java bunches . . . would you rather have 3? Third could go in front of the difformis bottom right corner behind the wood's edge. Also I think some anubias nana would look nice in area shadowed by the current java ferns and the left side difformis.

Edit: I think that would be really good because I feel like the left side difformis needs something to hid it's "root line" where the stems go into the substrate.
ha ha, sory never could spel!!!

i actually like the new layout, and totally agree. the cardinals stand out a lot better and plants look stunning. reds are a pain in the behind anyway in my opinion, they never look quite right in my tanks holey leaves and algae etc...
The java fern bunch does divide the tank into two approx. equal sides. I agree with what tear-scar says but rather than adding another bunch, perhaps moving it slightly to the left and forward a little bit (with the anubias and displaced difformis in the empty space) would eliminate symmetry. But symmetry isn't bad. The way it's set up now gives it depth, like a highway that leads off into the distance. Asymmetry is just a style element after all.

Personally, I like red plants and lots of color (if you've seen my tank you would know). To each their own though. Again it's the beauty/serenity deal and the cardinals and rams (nice combo) add enough color on their own.

It's difficult to write about your tanks, gf225. Even though I've been studying planted aquaria for about 8 months, still the only thing I can think to write is "wow that's a cool tank". :D

Are you thinking of going back to Dutch or continuing with the nature style?
Nospherith said:
Are you thinking of going back to Dutch or continuing with the nature style?
Thanks for the input mate. To answer your question - I have no idea! I may just let this layout evolve slowly into whatever.

Just ordered some Potassium phosphate to help with my green spot algae (very minor signs on Sag leaves at the moment so hopefully this will "nip it in the bud"). My PO4 tests at <0.25 ppm, my target dosing will be 1 ppm. I cannot recommend Tom Barr's EI method enough to those with the relevant set-ups (mod-high light, CO2, nutrients, plant bio-mass etc).

I take yours and Tear-scar's comments on board, thanks.

Here's a recent pic.


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