My Bunny.


Fish Herder
Jun 24, 2004
Reaction score
Ontario, Canada Name: Rich
I was checking up on him last night and i noticed he wasn't using his front-left leg so i looked closer at it and saw there was a bend in it so i told my mom and she made a vet appointment for today and the x-rays showed that both bones were broke, so i had 3 options, take him to a specialist, let it heal on its own or put him down so i chose option 3 just because i didnt want to look after a gimpy rabbit :look:

lol jk, i told the vet to try out a splint so $160 later and now i have a bunny with a pink leg (bandage is pink :rolleyes: ) and i have to take him in once a week so the vet can check him out
smithrc said:
one of our bunnys has broken a toe :(

hope yours is ok... :thumbs:
yeah he seems to be doing fine, i think he's gald he's back home :)

here's a couple pics..

this pic reminds me of them old farts on the farms with the straw hanging out of their mouth :lol:


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xXMrBonesXx said:
snowyangel said:
I'm sure he's screaming inside "Why did they have to choose flourescent pink!?!?"  :lol:
no no, that was me when i saw it :lol:, because its on there for at least 3 weeks if everything goes well
I hope he recovers. My kitty broke his leg once. It's was quite sad seeing him try to carry that heavy cast over the litter it's just funny :p
nice wabbit :D

We have teh 2 fawn dutch rabbits (see avatar) and lorna wants a 3rd... a cute little gray one like yours infact :)
Aww... we have a rabbit. She's a New Zealand White. She's very grumpy, but very cute. Now my mum wants (in her words) 'the icklest rabbit in the world'. LOL.
Ahhh poor bunnykins :(
Hope he gets better very soon ! :thumbs:
thats a hoot! what a cute bunny, I love the cast pic, lol.
so i chose option 3 just because i didnt want to look after a gimpy rabbit
I was absolutely shocked when I read that! You're so bad :p

He looks almost like my Raa of course he's cute :)

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