Dog Lovers


New Member
Feb 16, 2004
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Sulphur Springs, TX
Everyone has always been helpful to me with my fish on this forum, so I thought maybe I could get some opinions about my dog.

We have a Choc Lab mix that just got over getting poisoned. He was at the vet for a week and $500 later he was healthy and better. 2 weeks after he was back he managed to break his back leg. I think a car hit him. The break is up high, close to his hip. The vet told me that I had 3 options: 1) Pin the break, but there are alot of bone fragments and they couldn't say if it would ever be right and the price for that is close to $1000. 2)They could amputate. With a price tag of $400. 3)They could put him to sleep. Which really isn't an option for me.

I am a single working mother and the first option is just something that I can't do financially. I really don't want to amputate, he's about 9 months old, huge and he is such an active dog and there again, I don't really have the money to have that done. I could manage, but it would be a hardship.

I asked the vet yesterday if I could give him pain meds and keep him comfortable and just see if it heals up on it's own. He said that I could and that I would have to watch for infection. I brought him home last night and he is doing ok, but he doesn't like being in the house at all. He's been taking his meds and they seem to help him, but he doesn't get around good at all. The hurt leg is swollen and just "hangs" there.

I guess the advice I am looking for is whether I should go ahead and keep doing what I can to ease his pain until he gets through it or should I scrape the money together to have the amputation. My youngest daughter (11) doesn't want me to have it amputated, but I have had people tell me that they would.

What would you do? I have shed way too many tears over this whole thing and would just like some different ideas from other pet lovers.

Have a great day!!!
Oh dear ! So very sorry to hear about all his troubles ! :( and yours !
I'm a vet nurse so assisted in many legs being pinned and the vast majority heal with great success. Amputations are fairly rare (in comparison), but when they are necessary, it really is the best thing to do. It's truly astounding how quickly an animal adopts to 3 legs and bound around in really no time at all !

Having a leg pinned can be a very painful procedure for the animal (or I should say recovery) and is fairly slow. The animal will almost always have some form of stiffness though quite often none at all. The actual healing process is also very slow on a pinned leg as opposed to an amputated limb.
It's a really tough decision to make and I don't envy you. Your vet is the best person to advise you. If you can't afford the pin, and he says that amputating is a good option - then don't feel guilty at all !

I wish you both luck.

Ps: a little funny story.....
We once had a little dog that had to have it's one back leg amputated and the other leg was pinned. Well you never guess what this little chap did when he woke up and we took him out of the cage - he immediately started walking on his two front legs (like a circus dog!) It was the most amazing thing to see.
Since then I've witnessed a few similar situation actually. It just goes to show ! :D
i would say :thumbs: it would save the dog alot of pain and recovery time!they adapt very well to 3 legs and live happy long have to watch the leg as they gert older for arthritus and things but they do just fine!and it is cheaper that pinning,you cant just leave it though its not fair if its in pain :sly: good luck
As a single mother your families finances have to come first, But irregardless of price I say amputate, with lots of bone fragments you risk not healing right and then there are all those places for infection to start, no good at all.
Most areas now have agencies that can help with vet costs.
Here in PA. we have PETS...they do low cost spaying,shots ,etc...
Ask your vet if there are any agencies in your area to help low-income families with this.
Thank you everyone for your comments. He is doing much better now, he's moving around alot better. But I know he is still uncomfortable. I think I am going to go ahead with the amputation. I did check with our local HCAPL (animal protection league) they do shots and spaying, but they don't help with surgeries.

Here is a picture of him that my daughter took before he got hurt. :)


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