Fish Fanatic
I had an ichy day. First it started with every Betta jumping out of their holding cups while I was cleaning their larger enclosures (which is kind of funny now, cause I was chasing a bunch of flopping fish around my kitchen, but they are all okay from the dive. Then my mouse (Jack, the one in the fave) went crazy and killed his tank mate...I donno what happened, but I couldn't put any mouse with him after that. So I had to return him, because he was deoressed without a tank buddy, but tried to kill every mouse that got near him. Although, I got two new mice to replace phyco Jack and his dead comrad., and the good news is that they are getting along great. Then I looked at Neoptune today (my all white pearly male VT from Walmart) and he has a whole bunch of that fuzzy stuff all over him...and he is twitching, so I think he has a parasite to boot. I hope he makes it. I am medicating him. He hasn't been eating, but I got him to eat peas today...yeah! I tore apart my breeder tank today. I have decided to set up everything first, my grow tank, my bbsh, everything. I also feel guilty breeding any of them untill I get all of them in REALLY nice set ups. I think I am going to hunt around for a pair of CTs to breed...metalic green ones , there are too many VTs in the world with no homes!