Bubble Gum Machine

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Fish Fanatic
May 15, 2003
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I made this "Betta home", for my best friends birthday present. She named her betta "Pretty Boy" :wub: (can't see him very well, but he's gorgeous)


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Its really cool dude - but it seems like a pretty sad place for a betta to live out its life, theres no plants or aeration in there, and not that much area for it to swim around -_- how does it stay warm?


I'm a "dudette" btw :p ......The sad place is a 1.5 gallon bowl (6 quarts of water), that is changed completely every other day, the water is "room temperature". He is thriving, his fins are completely healed ,without use of medication,from his poor conditions at time of purchase. He has a live plant & a small flower pot, that were removed for the photo , kinda took away from the gum ball machine effect :fun: . Anyway, Betta fish belong to a group known as labyrinth fishes, which means that they breathe atmospheric air.

This came about as an adaptation to living in organically polluted water. Because their natural habitat is oxygen-deficient, they evolved an accessory respiratory system, another breathing organ, known as the labyrinth. These fish can thrive in a fish bowl, because they don't have to take oxygen from the water, as long as they can get to the surface. Their gills are too poorly developed to provide them with enough oxygen from the water. Any betta living in more than a "dixie cup" of water is a happy lil fish, IMHO. :*
are those marbles in the bottom of the mashine looks very different. i know of allot of people who dont go in for this sort of thing i think its refreshing to see something different but i think it would look nicer with a strand of canadien pond weed inthere hehe B)
Novel Idea LCnVa, but I don't think its a good one. :no:
I underatand what your talking about with the way he breaths etc. But Surely he likes to swim about. There doesn't seem to be alot of space for that in a bubble gum machine.

I know that there kept in small containers in the lfs but this is because there only there for a short time. All fish need space to swim, in as natural environment that can be created, and I don't think a bubble gum machine is this.

This is no intended to offend you Im just giving my opinion.
Hey Jam,

What's with the Canadien pond weed? I think I've seen you mention it a couple times in the past couple of weeks. Are you particularily fond of the Canadien pond weed? If so, you could post a pic of it (never seen it in the LFS here) and I'll head over to the pond in the field beside my house and pick some fresh for you and send it over. ;)

Oh, by the way, Canadien is spelt Canadian, unless you're in Quebec and then it would be Canadien (masculine) or Canadienne (feminine). :p
Pls don't talk about masculine and feminime in french. I'm on summer break and try not to thi k about school and that reminded be of the confusing masculine and feminime rules of french!
Looks cool :)

So if you put in a coin and turn the knob, a fish comes out :lol: :lol:
It look really nice. you shoud see if you could custome fit a ugf to go in ther though so there would be some filtration and you would not need to change the water every other day.
Mogo said:
Hey Jam,

What's with the Canadien pond weed? I think I've seen you mention it a couple times in the past couple of weeks. Are you particularily fond of the Canadien pond weed? If so, you could post a pic of it (never seen it in the LFS here) and I'll head over to the pond in the field beside my house and pick some fresh for you and send it over. ;)

Oh, by the way, Canadien is spelt Canadian, unless you're in Quebec and then it would be Canadien (masculine) or Canadienne (feminine). :p
ok this is what some one called canadien pond weed a while back i just call it that out of habit now i dont do latin names but thats what it looks like to me its like when i see something that looks like parrots feather i call it parrots feather. they are all cold water pond plants common names. trop plants dont tend to have common names that i can remeber.


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