Crayfish after Shrimp

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Fish Fanatic
May 15, 2003
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Here is Cerulean Blue, my blue crayfish.The LFS tagged him with the fancy name of "Electric Blue Lobster" :S He's on the prowl for the last ghost shrimp left out of 40 I added about 6 weeks ago. (I've never had a ghost shrimp show up in one of my photos before :D )


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i nomintae this for fish of the month even tho its not a fish its a very nice blue cray mine is hibernating atm i hope.
Thank you! I just love him :wub: As for diet, he eats whatever he wants :lol: j/k... He eats ghost shrimp, frozen brine shrimp,frozen blood worms, sinking shrimp pellets, zucchini squash,raw chicken and he will eat flakes, if he thinks the catfish is gonna eat them all :lol: He has grown a good 2 inches & molted twice since March. The only thing that annoys me about him is he messes with ALL my live plants :grr: , he is the tanks "self appointed gardener" :S He does not eat them, just uproots them :crazy: . He was $20.00. The regular brown/reddish crayfish are only $1.78...But he was just to cool to pass up.
:huh: AGREED! :D

what a totally cool crayfish, i would Like to have one myself, some ghost shrimp would be pretty cool too :)


His home is a 45 Gallon & his tank mates are 2 Silver Dollars, 5 Giant Danios & 1 Pictus Catfish. The danios were only for the cycling, just havent been able to bring myself to trade them in :-( I truely can't decide what to trade them for anyway :S often does your blue crayfish molt? I have had min for about two months and he molted about a week after i got him.

Mine is more blue and not a cool shade like yours. Does yours come out during the day? mine just goes in his burrow under my driftwood.
What a great looking crayfish! I wish I could have one too! Don't think it would stand a chance against my cichlids though. Have you thought about maybe using a different colour of gravel instead of blue? Just a suggestion LC, I think maybe the blue is taking away from his beautiful colour. Maybe a light natural coloured gravel?
Mogo, Honestly... when setting up this tank , "natural environment" was the farthest thing from my "new to fish keeping mind" :S Now that I'm older & much more the wiser, indeed.... a gravel change is definately on the agenda. Probably in the next few weeks. :) EDIT: Missed your post Steve-O, but he has molted 4 times in the last year, twice since March. Yes he comes out during the day,everyday he goes "fishing" at about 3 pm. He "hunts" my fish( all way to big for him to catch) by hanging upside down on a plant or rock, trying to be sly :shifty: , like he's not really :fun:'s veryyyyy funny, we have spent many a moment watching him "fish." He has hung up-side down on fake coral & even the airline tubing, like Tarzan.When he climbs the huge rock we say..he's saying "I'm King of the world!!!." Even tho he mucks up all my live plants...........I love him dearly :wub:

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