Fish Connoisseur
Common names: Schomburgk's leaf fish, false leaf fish
Scientific name: Polycentrus schomburgki
Origin: South America, Venezuela, Trinidad
Family: Nandidae
Max size: 10cm/4 inches
Care: Ph- 6.3-7.2. Temperature should be around 78 degrees Fahrenheit, basically the same for most tropical fish. Due to their small size two can be kept in a ten gallon aquarium. The tank should be well planted, with several cave for hiding as well. They are a brown spotted color, which does change from lighter to darker frequently. Any fish that can fit into their large mouths is food. I would only keep them with fish as big, or larger than they are. These fish only move when they have to, and shouldn't be kept with aggressive fish like cichlids as they are an easy target.
Feeding: Will only accept live food, period. They will eat earthworms, ghost shrimp, brineshrimp, guppies, and other live foods.
Breeding: Very difficult. Ph should be around 6.0-7.0, temperature in the mid 80's. They will spawn in a cave, and lay eggs on plans with large leaves. The male will tank over care and the female should be removed. They lay several hundred eggs, which hatch in 3 or four days. To prevent cannibalism, fry should be separated by size (to prevent cannibalism) and will eat Baby brineshrimp and nauplii.
Sexing: Hard to distinguish
A great fish, with the only downside being that they will not accept prepared foods. Be aware that this fish has a HUGE mouth for it's deceivingly small size. They are not very active, hence the name leaf fish.
Scientific name: Polycentrus schomburgki
Origin: South America, Venezuela, Trinidad
Family: Nandidae
Max size: 10cm/4 inches
Care: Ph- 6.3-7.2. Temperature should be around 78 degrees Fahrenheit, basically the same for most tropical fish. Due to their small size two can be kept in a ten gallon aquarium. The tank should be well planted, with several cave for hiding as well. They are a brown spotted color, which does change from lighter to darker frequently. Any fish that can fit into their large mouths is food. I would only keep them with fish as big, or larger than they are. These fish only move when they have to, and shouldn't be kept with aggressive fish like cichlids as they are an easy target.
Feeding: Will only accept live food, period. They will eat earthworms, ghost shrimp, brineshrimp, guppies, and other live foods.
Breeding: Very difficult. Ph should be around 6.0-7.0, temperature in the mid 80's. They will spawn in a cave, and lay eggs on plans with large leaves. The male will tank over care and the female should be removed. They lay several hundred eggs, which hatch in 3 or four days. To prevent cannibalism, fry should be separated by size (to prevent cannibalism) and will eat Baby brineshrimp and nauplii.
Sexing: Hard to distinguish
A great fish, with the only downside being that they will not accept prepared foods. Be aware that this fish has a HUGE mouth for it's deceivingly small size. They are not very active, hence the name leaf fish.