My new Tank will go here "I Hope"

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Feb 21, 2003
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Miserable Wells, Texas
When we bought our house 13 yrs ago, ther was 1 thing I HATED about it....this built-in shelf in the master bedroom.
It looked like it was put in the wrong direction, you could see it when you entered the room....but you couldn't see anything on the shelves when you were in the room...if that makes any sense.....and when you opened the bathroom door....the whole thing was hidden.

It was also very mysterious....there seemed to be space between the wall and the shelf...and and empty compartment at the top...but it was hard to tell....anyway

We finally decided to tear down all but the base, and build a shelf for a 54 Gal corner bow front aquarium....and then a shelf over that for the TV....facing out into the room..

I took a pic after we tore most of it never fails, we we start a simple project always turns into something enormous!!!

The goofballs that built the house added the shelf after they decided they would run the A/C pipes down the front of the wall and put a hole in the ceiling...well take alook!

:no: :no: :crazy: :grr:


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I could go for that....but I really like the hubby has to have his tv :rolleyes:

It is looking the first shelf done, except the molding....I got the wrong size, have to exchange it...should be done with it soon and will post an after pic.
Pufferpack said:
Aren't you concerned about the tank being so close to the bathroom door?
Do you mean being concerned that the door knob or door could hit it?

The tank will not fit right on the edge of the will sit about 4" away from the edge....the door will only hit the shelf.......nothing new for us, it has always done that!
Here is a pic of what we got done so far........if you can see from the mess of tools!
Bottom shelf is complete, except the fancy crown molding....started the TV shelf, we will finish that tomorrow, then we will build in a new base around the old one.
and then I will have to wait till our anniversary to get my tank..... :(
Oh well, is going to look awsome!!
What should I put in it?


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good luck apparently fish like loud music i think i read it on here but i dunno if they like watching tv. hope it all goes well for you
dolphin said:
Hi Mama

Is the shelf battened to the wall, or is all the weight taken be the unit underneath?

Dolphin :D
Yes, it is attatched to the wall.
The only reason we left the old base is because we wanted all the support we could get....and we are in a bit of a hurry....I will be putting my 29 gallon there(it is now on my kitchen counter) till I get the bow front.....

We will be adding a frame made out of 2x4's to make the new base which will add even more support. Eventually I will have 3 cabinet doors around the base, but for now, we will probably just cover up the base frame with paneling....
Like I said we are in a bit of a hurry :hyper: .....we have company coming 3 weeks in June...a different set of couples each week, strangers we have never met, and they will be staying in our master bedroom. And I want my house to be in perfect order....well that is impossible with 6 kids, but all the little projects we have started throughout the years, we are trying to finish!
So my honey is working hard on the "honey do" list.

Whenever I get the 29 gal moved, I can finish the tile work in my kitchen I started 2 years ago, and putting a finish on the new 2yr old new cabinets, and I can then finally add the hardware!!

Oh.. these people staying with us are part of a group called "Builders For Christ" our church is in the process of a building program...and have been for a couple years now......well, people all over the US are giving up a weeks worth of vacation time, and spending their own money for plane tickets to come help us finish our church. There will be around 80-90 people each week coming to assist.
They deserve the best treatment possible....our master bedroom is about all we can offer, but we want to try to make it as nice as we can for them. We will be bunking in with the kids :fun: :fun:

This weekend hubby is putting in a new potty, for the master bath and I am putting down new tile as well :D (we have only had the marble tile for about 5 years!!)

I signed us up for this without hubby knowing.......hummmm I wonder why!!! :shifty: :lol:

well after typing all that I think I need to get to work!!

here is a pic of the old church building through the new one ...


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Wow, Trish, you have a lot going on! That new shelf is going to look a heap better than the old arrangement, especially with an aquarium. I've seen those corner jobs -- very cool!

Jamnog, you heard that fish like loud music? I read just the opposite -- that the vibrations would stress them out! I've been bending over backwards for years to keep the husband from putting the speakers next to the fish tank stand. I wonder which it is??? It would sure make it easier to site these fish tanks if they could be closer to the tv or stereo! I think I read my bit on the beginner fish FAQ online. You think that you heard it here on the forum? Maybe someone will weigh in , then.

Good luck with all your projects, Trish. I'm actually looking into doing some sort of wall unit in our master bedroom that would incorporate a fish tank and (the husband's) TV, too. I'm anxious to see how yours turns out. My husband is a finish carpenter by trade, though, with a garage full of woodworking equipment, so I'm sure I will have to go buy something and make it work. :p

You know how it is: the mechanics cars don't run, the dentist's kids need their teeth fixed, and so on. :fun:
im shure i read a post i will do a search im not saying i know they like loud music and now you mention it they dont like people tapping on the glass for shure i will go on a search. jam radar on

ah ha i was right about something i knew it would happen once in my life so here are the links i can understand the doudbts as i had thaught this couldnt be true and i must have dreamed it for a short time myself
not catfish
and here is another one
this one is more scientific
im not entirly shure they are right and im not shure that i want to encourage people to play music at the fish they can hear the whole room perfectly well from in the tank so soft music is probably better for them.


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