Is it the same fish?! Photos!

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Addicted and in Therapy
Jul 13, 2003
Reaction score
Wichita, KS
Some of you may remember that about 2 weeks ago I brought home a marble delta tail male I had found at the store. I thought he was the cutest thing in the world, and just loved him. But now... he's the most GORGEOUS thing in the world. :blink: He has seriously bloomed into probably one of my most beautiful bettas - my mom says he is her new favorite. I can't believe the changes he has undergone - he's even got a bubble nest going. :wub: He is one of the most active guys I have, also, so excuse the pictures - it was difficult! :rolleyes:

Here he was when I brought him home (with flash - he's blue without):


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Omg seeing those pics so close together - I realize it even more now. He's a billion times brighter, darker, and more solid. :D :wub:

Here is his real color (without flash). I just LOVE it.


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One more of him, even though it's blurry I love this picture. :thumbs:


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Alright, here is the jealous neighbor who I also adore. :p He has the most personality ever - he is always swimming around like nuts and flaring at nothing, whenever he stops he is in full "position" like this. BUT he is also the most scared betta I have. If I move too quick around him he tries to jump out and ends up hiding behind his plant. :rolleyes: This is the guy I got at the show, from Jim Sonnier. :hyper:


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This is the first "What are YOU looking at"!!! shot I've got. He's trying to be tough. :flex:


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:eek: What's this?! Could it be...... a juvie falx??! :wub:


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And sorry for all the pics, let me add 2 more. :p I think the foerschi are about ready to go at it again, look at her trying to get to him!!! :whistle:


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And her handsome hunk of a boyfriend. :flex: This pic is neat I think, because you can see the color he really is - greenish blue. :wub:


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amazing fish :wub: I don't know where to start. First of all...awww look at my cute little falx :whistle: :lol: I want that one :hyper: That black plakat is just :drool: :wub: :hey: And the marble is just :hyper: :wub: But the foerschi are just absolutely amazing :wub: Just stunning.
lol...tell us how you really feel wuv..Those are some pretty fish. The marble will probably keep changing for awhile. I had a steel that was not supposed to have any marble, and suddenly he went through his cycle. He went white, then steel again, then was going white again when I got rid of him. I'm about this - close to getting a mouthbrooder.. Again..nice fish
Great pictures!! They're all gorgeous! I may need to get one of those marbles, I keep hearing you all talk about how they change and I've never had a fish do that, Lol. Darnit, I need to get rid of fish, not get more! hehe

Oh, Julie, just beautiful. :wub: :wub: What a transformation! What cuties!

When are you going to breed the beautiful black boy? :hey:
:wub: :*) Thanks you guys!! I love them all.

Kelly - That little falx certainly is a cutie, but to tell you the truth he has a dent behind his head. :lol: Don't know if you want less-than-perfect. :p

f250fisherman - Mouthbrooders rock. :nod: If you're interested in falx, I've got 20+ upcoming babies, and my foerschi have spawned 3 times. The male swallowed the eggs each time, but he's holding them longer every spawn. :rolleyes:

Linda - You know you've gotta have a marble. :shifty: They're pretty awesome.

cation - I'm gonna breed him as soon as I have a female to breed him to. :/ I want a copper gal, but the one I got in the mail still isn't up to par, in fact, now she's got fin rot. I'm almost convinced he sent me a sick fish... :grr: But that's another story.

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