New fish


Apr 15, 2004
Reaction score
Essex, Kirby
well here's my lovely new additions-

2 Blue rams are back home (took them back to work to be treated)
1 ruby shark
1 spotted doradae
1 L174 Jaguar hemiancistrus
1 L71 starry night ancistrus which i bought fully grown!!

first the spotted doradae- when i caught it and was holding it, it wraped it's tail tight round my finger.......and it bloody hurt!!

sorry about the bad pics i was just doing some quick snapping, i'll get some with my tripod another day!!


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and the L174, he's a tiny lil feller...but expensive!! it would of cost about £40.


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Was gonna wait see if there were anymore pics...but i cant lol..lovely fish! :D wish i could find some like that in my area!! :flex:
lol, thats all for now, will get some in tank ones another day.

thanks, i had to order in the 2 plecs for my self.
I'm not to sure on my fav yet!!, I think the L174 might be creeping ahead, although the L71 is a beast of a fish. It's my biggest one at the moment.

would you say my rams are male and female? I'm pretty sure they are but just checking!!
Thank you, I got my pleco fix!

That L71 is a beauty!

That L174 is totally cool!

Never seen either of those species, thank you for the opportunity and for sharing those pics! :kewlpics: :wub: :nod:

I am even more jealous now! :whistle:
paul_v_biker said:
would you say my rams are male and female? I'm pretty sure they are but just checking!!
Looks like they might be. It looks like the belly of one is kinda pink, but can't really tell that good. Got another photo of them??
here we go and some better pics including the ruby shark this time round.

still can't get the clown loach, there quite shy and nippy at the moment.


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