Are these eggs? [PICS]


New Member
Aug 11, 2004
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Adelaide, AU
Hi guys,

This is my first post on here. I've learnt a lot of things from you guys! Anyway, I have a relatively small humble little tropical tank (35cm x 60cm x 30cm) with various live plants, rocks, etc. Current inhabitants are:

- 2x angels (2+yrs)
- 2x bristlenose catfish (~1yr)
- 5x tetras (neons and cardinals) (~2yrs)
- various little snails...

Previous occupants included a bright red beta that I had for almost 3 years and he died suddenly early this year, a bucketload of guppies that I caught my beta eating, more tetras, and two pearl gouramis that tormented my poor beta (RIP).

Anyway, temperature is set to a moderate 26C/78.8F and out of nowhere today, I noticed what appears to be eggs growing on the leaf of one of my plants. The angels were picking at them and to tell you the truth, I don't know when they arrived as I haven't kept an eye on them in the last few days except for feeding.

- Are they eggs?
- Who would they most likely belong to? My two bristlenose were bought at the same time but one has rapidly grown faster than the other with obvious large bristles (some extended bristles too) - obviously the male. The other hasn't grown quite as fast and the bristles are tiny - maybe a female? Could it belong to her?

Not knowing what to do, my girlfriend told me to cut off the leaf, put it into a separate joghurt container and pegged it inside the tank in the water (using the same water from the tank too)...


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Sorry about the quality of the pics. My camera skills suck to say the least and I found it hard to focus inside the tank. The 'eggs' are just tiny little clearish spheres.


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Hehehe thats what I was thinking... :p

I figured they definitely don't belong to my bristlenose as they need a cave/hidden away and the male nurtures them (and he's hidden away somewhere instead lol). Should I be putting the leaf back into the tank again?
Yep those are angel eggs. They always spwn on broadleaf plants or slate, or even glass if they can't get it. My old pair of angels did that several times. Leave the eggs in the tank, the angels must fan them with their fins so that they can hatch later. Or at least place them where there is a good flow of water. When the babies hatch remove them or they will be eaten.
Oh yeah and when your angels get bigger your neons and cardinals will be LUNCH. Just a warning.
Ahh great, thanks for the advise, David. :thumbs:

Until they hatch, do I need to worry about anything else apart from the fanning/water flow? Eg. temperature or the other tank inhabitants?
Oh wow!

I've put the leaf back into the tank (replanted it, ugh) and now the angel is hovering nearby fanning the leaf!!! :hyper: :wub:

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