What is This?


Fish Gatherer
Dec 11, 2003
Reaction score
New Hampshire, USA
:unsure: Does anyone know what this is? It's the white spot that I circled. Five of my platies have it, but I don't know what to treat for. :sad:


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It's flat, white and about the same size. It's not spreading (like fungus does) but it's on 5 of my platies.

Another . . . :unsure:


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Alright, without seeing that last pic I'll give you my best guess. I've never had personal experience with this, but going but what I know and have read, I'd say fish pox is a possibility. It is a caused by a viral infection and shows up with these growths. According to my book, "fish pox often appears, develops to a certain extent, and then subsides and disappears, sometimes to reappear at a later date. It is not very infectious and other fish in the same tank may remain unaffected. It rarely causes any fish losses." There isn't a good treatment for it, though raising the water temp quite a bit can eliminate it for a short time. Overall, as the book again says, "it is unsightly rather then dangerous". So you're lucky if that's the case!!

I'm assuming they're acting fine besides this?
:( Sorry about the picture. It should be loaded now.

:) Thanks juliethegr8t! The platies with the white spot occasionally rub themselves against objects, but they're eating and swmming normally. One of them is a little lethargic and lays on the bottom. I moved most of the sick fish into my hospital tank.
It isnt that noticable which is good right? but yea....... i think you should move em to a hospital tank in case
hi Sasha,
due to the fact that you say that they occasionally rub on other objects i don't know why this is caused but i would treat it with quick cure (i don't know if you can find it out of the states). as to the white spots julie's advice sounds good. and chear up, it is treatable :fun: .

:hyper: I have Quick Cure!! I moved 8 fish into my hospital tank (4 platies, 1 Dalmatian molly, 2 Marble mollies and 1 female guppy) and began treating with some Parasite Clear because some the mollies are looking a bit thin. :sad: After I move my ottos out of my other 1 gallon tank, I'll move the platies in there and treat them with Quick Cure. :thumbs:

:-( This week has been horrible! I lost my little black molly (he was my favorite) and now I have all these sick fish!
that makes two horrible weeks. i lost three of my panda corys to fungus and i got in a bike accident and i have 3 stiches and a badly spraned (sp?) jaw. :/

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