New pond pics


Apr 15, 2004
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Essex, Kirby
Well being a nice sunny day and the koi being aorund i took a few pics not great but you can see the goromo really well.

I'm starting to think that "matsuba" i bought a few months back may be a ghosty after all :( :/ he's darkened alot in colour since i bought him.

couldn't get a decent one of the shiro utsuri though. as i had to put the crushed flakes down for the rudd and then couldn't really see much!!


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and last one for now, i'll try and get some more pics of them this afternoon, when my batteries are fully charged!!


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thats ponds about a 6ft circle and only 1ft deept making it around 200 gallons.

the koi are about 5-6" at the moment and we have a big 10" one which is the one in my sig. I know it's too small for them really but i'm bugging my parents for a 2000gallon :D

I envy you for the size tanks you have :blink: oh and below that pond there's a 3-400gallon with 30 goldifsh in a few tench and 2 grass carp.
I'm trying to get one paul, but we had a visit from a heron and they won't come up to the top :(

I even just threw some maggots in :sick: didn't use my hands though :p

I will get a pic another picture though of the big koi :thumbs:
Looks great paul those fish have grown well. :thumbs:
Yer very pleased with the growth, it's mainly vissible in the shiro utsuri though so I'll have to go hunting again!! and the sorogoi is looking great.

to be honest I dont stop them the plants just sem to do really well as below the surface the stems are bare!!
well crap weather tpday so no new pics...

I did sort out my stone loach yestersay though, netted all fish put the gravel in, suspended the pump on some stripes of slabe that appeared in the garden and put them back in. all the tench in that pond are so much bigger than the ones in the koi pond :blink: 1 weighs 1lb

urm dinners served!! just chopped 2 canes of left over fishing bait for the fishies, of course not to be fed all at once


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paul_v_biker said:
Yer very pleased with the growth, it's mainly vissible in the shiro utsuri though so I'll have to go hunting again!! and the sorogoi is looking great.

to be honest I dont stop them the plants just sem to do really well as below the surface the stems are bare!!
The other month i put about 6 bunches in and they were gone within a week :grr:

I have 5 ghost carp and a few Koi, i am going to get more oxygenating plants in the week. Do you think that if i were to put them in some sort of netting the plants would still grow without the Fish demolishing it all?
I only have 4 comets in the top pond and 32 goldifsh in the bottom pond. Once i get my bigger pond I won't have anything to worry about the 2 existing ponds will be goldfish and no goldfish in my big pond..maybe the comets, there cool!!

I think the goromo adds te most colour, my mum was surprised I went for it when there was a red cow print one in there!.

I wouldn't put neting in as they could get caught on it, we have some saved in a bucket which grows nicely.
always the way!!!, we had a bit of a mishap with the pond netting cover last year, it had rained alot so the nettingwas dangling in the pond and a tench had got it's head caught in a small hole, luckily we fond it and cut it free and lives on today.

I'mnot too ure how the oxy weed is doing n the bucket but it's still alive, I leave the plants for mum to bother about, If I had my way there woodn't be any plants!!

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