New Member
I pretty much stole a 1 year ond custom drilled 92 gallon bow front marine reef tank, but I had to move it, the guy even threw in a Reverse Osmosis thing as well one of those expensive ones the six stage. The tank is beautiful one of the most beautiful I have ever seen funny thing is there has been a clown grouper in the tank for a year with the shrimp and crabs and he has not hurt a one of them he just isnt interested. I know clown groupers are not reef safe but that struck me as odd, check out this clam that came with the tank its nice. This thing has over 5k Invested in it and he sold it to me for 600 bucks. I had the manager of a pet store go check it out and all seemed well he tested it for just about everything and it checked out, then I had someone else check it as well and it was all good, I just thought anything this good was too good to be true but I guess not in this case, it cost me more to move it than it did to buy it.LOL but I traded the broker my camera for the move and i was upgrading my camera at the time anyway and it worked out. So, Yippie for me.....about time I found some luck with my back ove the last two years its been a night mare. Thats why I got into fish tanks. Here is the clam